Smash Cadet
So I've been reading through clubba's thread about ELO ranking system. I thought that it was pretty cool but being new to the competitive scene I figured it wouldn't really apply to me. I started keeping track of my wins and losses in an excel spreadsheet and I kept tweaking it and adding new features to it until I arrived at a nearly completed project. Basically all you do is enter your character, opponents character, how many stocks remain for each opponent after the match (The losing person obviously has 0 stocks remaining), and your opponents level (I've just been guessing what level my opponent has been) and click a button at which point that data is added to your match history. Your experience for each match is based on how many stocks you won or lost by, whether you won or lost, the difference in level of you and your competitor. Your experience is totaled and a level is given to you based on your experience. I can explain it more thoroughly if i get some people on board. I'm not trying to take away from the ELO ranking system. This will not rank you on a list with other people like clubba's. What this will do is give you an experience level for your social matches online or on console. I guess the best way to describe it is like the halo ranking system but it goes a little more in depth than just winning or losing and there is no cap on the level you can achieve. I've streamlined it down with macos and whatnot so all you do is type in your match info a click a button, if you make a mistake there's a delete last match button too. The info that is then given back is your Level, your total experience points, wins, losses, and win percentage but i would like to go as in depth as your character vs character statistics and improvement over time but only if people are interested.Each person would have their own spreadsheet too so they could look back at their match history and such. The cons are after each match you have to add your data to the sheet, it works on the honor system and you have to ask for your opponents level (which could be put in parentheses after your name on kaillera if people started using it). Let me know what you think or if you have any questions. I know I didn't go into much detail here but I figured if nobody likes the idea then I didn't waste a bunch of time with an incredibly long post.
I can email you the spreadsheet if you want, I don't know how else to get it out to people as of now...
You just type your data into the orange row and hit add
I can email you the spreadsheet if you want, I don't know how else to get it out to people as of now...
You just type your data into the orange row and hit add