They just announced that King Dedede was in the game and that he will be a heavyweight along with Bowser and DK. That makes 3 heavyweights in this game. Bowser, DK, and Ganondorf were the 3 heavyweights in Melee. Since the 3rd heavyweight in Brawl has been announced, this might mean Ganondorf's not in the game because that might be the only heavyweights they have. I don't like this cause he was one of my favorites. Any thoughts?
Wow, this is just like an LSAT question I've been studying for law school. In fact, I could imagine this in the LSAT test books from Kaplan or Princeton review, etc. It is very similar to an assupmtion question. I'll play along...
Let's recap, you believe Ganondorf will not appear in Brawl because the game's former, Melee only had three heavy-weight characters, Bowser, Ganondorf and Donkey Kong. There fore, if Bowser, DK and King Dedede are the 3 classified then Ganondorf cannot appear in the new game, Brawl.
What is the assumption? You assume that 3 is the maximum number of heavy-weight type characters that can be in a SSB game.
However, there is no such rule or stipulation that I have ever seen written, typed, spoken, or brailed (joke) that has said such a thing. I don't think you much to worry about. Consider the facts:
1.) The Legend of Zelda video game series has an enormus fan base. While Link was the lone representitve in SSB 64, he was not alone in Melee and along with Link, Princess Zelda, Sheik, Young Link and Ganondorf all made appearances. Now in Brawl we already have Link and Zelda as confirmed characters. Chances are that atleast 2 more Zelda characters are possible.
2.) Ganondorf has a very large fan base. Fans of both the SSB series and Zelda series will be in outrage if he is not included. Hell, I'll be in outrage.
3.) Ganondorf is a villain. Villains have been showing up more and more in the SSB series. In Melee, Bowser, Ganondorf, and technically MewTwo all made appearances. Now in Brawl, Bowser returns along with villains/rivals/antagonists, MetaKnight, Wario and King Dedede. This further enhances Ganondorf's likeliness because that he is a villain and an extremely popular one.