Smash Ace

Date: Changed to a Circuit Event for November!!!
Time: Registration @ 11-12 am. Doubles at 12:30. Singles, when doubles is done...
Where: Pete's Place 1001 Mary Ingles Hwy Melbourne, KY 41059
Rules: As of now it is a standard double elimination tournament.
- Advanced Slob Picks
- 4 stock - 8:00 time limit
- Banned: Hyrule Temple, Yoshi's Island 64, Termina Bay, Fourside, Flat Zone, Yoshi's Island, Big Blue, Icicle Mountain, and Binstar depths
- 2v2 Banned: standard 1v1 ban, Fountain of Dreams, Mute City
- Dave's Stupid Rule(as I interpret it...)- You Cannot pick a level twice. But, if it was a random neutral stage it can be picked again...
- Best 2 out of 3, semi's best out of 5, finals best out of 7. Loser bracket finalist has to win twice
There may be a crew tournament if there is enough interest...
However there will be a Low Tier Tournament
Rules: Single/Double Elimination tournament depending on time...
- Stages are the same as regular singles tournament
- I know your gonna like this, or hate this. But.... LINK AND LUIGI ARE BANNED in order to guarantee the playing of different characters!!!
- Suck the Ganon Fist
I hope to hear alot of interest, because I'm not going to waste my time.
*Need setups REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, BAD!!! If this tournament blows because of a lack of setups, I will destroy everyone who didn't bring one with a kick to the face*
P.S...Also looking for CoK and Ship support!!!!!!!