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GameStop Tournament


Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
so that guy lee won the gamestop tournament and DT was second. they both used ike and got 1st and 2nd. idk about you guys but i dont think that was a very fair tournament because ike sucks and theres no way an ike could win a big tournament like that. DT goes to my school and ive played him. he beat me the first time i played him but i beat him every time after that. i only got 2 vids of us playing because the kid who records and uploads them to youtube only put up these 2 vids. man i wish i entered that tournament.

my only time losing - http://youtube.com/watch?v=TpgAhccSZ0Q&feature=user
one of many of my wins - http://youtube.com/watch?v=MxQlyC5hMys


Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
dont know why i posted that here, shouldve known a bunch of noobs would try and criticize me.

MKs jab sucks, isnt worth it. tornado eats ike. i lost the first one because i was trying to figure out how he played. i beat him consistently after that. id like to see videos of your MKs because after a 10 page research paper and tutoring a sped in calculus for seven hours, i could use a good laugh.

Master Peach

Smash Ace
May 25, 2006
Washington D.C
Dude you suck... so Hard. All I saw you do was spam a bunch of ****. Your like my brothers friend. Thinks he's good cause he can spam ****.

The only reason you won is because the Ike player wasn't good and wasn't playing smart. Learn how to play. -_-


Smash Cadet
Apr 14, 2008
should he spam fairs instead? what works for him works for him. Neutral B or not.


Smash Rookie
Mar 17, 2008
Berkeley, CA
Considering the fact that you were trying to brag, you kinda deserve any flaming you gets. Really, its hard to be impressive with metaknight because he's fairly easy to use (personal experience), but a couple of aerials would have been a nice change of pace, instead of hoping he never figured out how to DI down out of a tornado.

The most important thing here to notice is that you lost the first match, meaning he adapts to new people better than you do, so if you had entered the tournament, the only real benefit would have been that you might have been humbled slightly.


Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
haha you guys dont know how to play smash against good and competitive people do you? level 9 cpus and some scrubs you play on wifi dont count. you guys stick to whatever crap you do, ill be playing against chillin and some real smashers.


Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
a good player uses what works and changes up there moves when they stop working. theres no need to fix what isnt broken, and when im getting nice on someone with my tornado im not stopping until they figure a way around it. ive got a lot of tricks with MK, the first one i usually do is the tornado, its a problem to most people and most people cant get around it. ill change when my opponents smart enough to stop me.

unfortunately my wifi doesnt work.

you may not think ike sucks right now because most people dont realize how bad he actually is. most people think ikes good because of his power and his jab comes out incredibly fast with good damage and knockback. he can KO with every move and his upB gives him superarmor. his forwardB can be charged quickly and get good distance and his sword range is outstanding. hes got a counter which stops everything and his neutralB has great power, KO, and range and can be charged to do even more. his nair and fair have good range, good cover and good knockback. however, every move is predictable, avoidable, and stoppable. with MK atleast you can get in and attack before most of his attack, gimp him off the stage and edgehog him when he recovers. you can easily shield grab him out of his upB or during his jab. unless youre ******** he should almost never get his counter on you. give it a little while until you really start looking at this game and its characters abilities. ike is going to be mid/lower-mid tier.

Ares And Enyo

Smash Apprentice
Nov 14, 2007
If the tornado is "a problem for most people" ... then you only play with noobs. Congratulations on finding the B button.

Good players work on developing a style not spamming attacks or what you might consider techniques until they find the one their opponent has difficulty with. Good players form a robust style that encases some mind games ... not a mind game in those videos at all ... not one ... not even an accidental one .... zero. How old are you?

Ike isn't that bad just the ike you are playing with was.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2007
New York
Right. Ike sucks, because somebody who spams MK's tornado CERTAINLY could analyze the potential of a character.

Ike is the most powerful character against noobs, but no matter the circumstances, noob or pro, MK is ALWAYS the easiest character to select and actually do something with.

Wait, whats that? Every one of Ike's moves is predictable?...THAT MEANS...*GASP!* IT ACTUALLY TAKES SKILL TO LAND HIS MOVES!



Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2008
Benton Harbor, MI
a good player uses what works and changes up there moves when they stop working. theres no need to fix what isnt broken, and when im getting nice on someone with my tornado im not stopping until they figure a way around it. ive got a lot of tricks with MK, the first one i usually do is the tornado, its a problem to most people and most people cant get around it. ill change when my opponents smart enough to stop me.
Actually, a good player will change up their attacks to keep their opponent guessing what they'll do next. Because if they were against another good player, their attack pattern would be easily found out, and easily punished. They're called "mind games" dude, learn them.

Ares And Enyo

Smash Apprentice
Nov 14, 2007
Is that not what I said ... mind games? You basically restated my comments with different words:

You: "a good player will change up their attacks" ... hmm familiar ....
Me: "Good players work on developing a style NOT SPAMMING ATTACKS"

You: "their attack pattern would be easily found out, and easily punished. They're called 'mind games' " ... hmm familiar again...
Me: "Good players form a robust style that encases some mind games"

well at least I got through to you


Smash Journeyman
Apr 14, 2008
Benton Harbor, MI
Is that not what I said ... mind games? You basically restated my comments with different words:

You: "a good player will change up their attacks" ... hmm familiar ....
Me: "Good players work on developing a style NOT SPAMMING ATTACKS"

You: "their attack pattern would be easily found out, and easily punished. They're called 'mind games' " ... hmm familiar again...
Me: "Good players form a robust style that encases some mind games"

well at least I got through to you
I wasn't paying attention to your post. I'm not sure if you noticed or not, but I'm not the one you're debating against. We share similar opinions. If anything, you should be thanking me for it.


Smash Cadet
Sep 8, 2005
Not trying to be mean, but I wasn't particularly impressed by either player in these videos.

To the topic creator (and MetaKnight player) if you're trying to show off your skills and use the videos you posted as the basis for boasting, you might not want to post videos of you accidentally drill-rush suiciding off the edge of FD.

I'd probably have much more positive comments to make if the topic creator didn't first tear down his friend, then proceed to boast about his skills, and tell everyone to go play with level 9 cpus while he plays with chillin after writing a lengthy research paper and tutoring spec. ed. students in calculus.

Fragile ego much?



Smash Cadet
Mar 2, 2008
SoCal 951
lawl theres no such thing as a sucky char in brawl everyone is usable and good the ike u play just isisnt good try playing azens ike or some other guys nd ur mk isint that impressive -_- pretty newb


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
You guys should stop flaming the guy for using an effective technique. If the rest of his game sucked, I guess I would understand, but he seems to have a good grasp on all the aspects of what makes MK good... he just likes the tornado alot. I see alot of noobs spam tornado, but that doesnt mean he is one himself. Keep in mind I didnt watch the first video, only the second, but he looks pretty good to me.

Everyone is right though, including the TS (which was supposed to be the point of this thread)... that Ike sucks.


Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
wow this got dumb, the point i was making was that the gamestop tournaments didnt prove anything. just because you may have made it to the final 8 or whatever doesnt mean your good or one of the best in the country. a good player wouldve been able to get around my tornado. a good MK would know how to change up there game, but wouldnt need to if there opponent isnt that good. idk who heres played with the pros, but they wont change up their game unless they have to. if they keep on winning with the same stupid move theyll use it, because obviously their opponent isnt smart enough to get around it. in conclusion, my opponent (a kid who was second in the entire gamestop tournament) couldnt get around my tornado. i wouldve changed it up if i needed to, i didnt because he didnt get around it. point im making, the gamestop winners arent the best in the country or in the world, and the ike that got second couldnt figure out how to get around my MK. in a 2/3 match against him i would have won, because if he beat me the first round, and i beat him the next 2, i win. i wasnt claiming that i had a huge discovery with the tornado and that its a revolutionary technique, i beat him with it because it worked. if it didnt i wouldve done something else. noobs use the tornado, pros use the tornado. its not a noob move, its a good move and your a noob who thinks theyre good if you dont use it because you think its a noob move.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
Lake Geneva, WI
wow this got dumb, the point i was making was that the gamestop tournaments didnt prove anything. just because you may have made it to the final 8 or whatever doesnt mean your good or one of the best in the country. a good player wouldve been able to get around my tornado. a good MK would know how to change up there game, but wouldnt need to if there opponent isnt that good. idk who heres played with the pros, but they wont change up their game unless they have to. if they keep on winning with the same stupid move theyll use it, because obviously their opponent isnt smart enough to get around it. in conclusion, my opponent (a kid who was second in the entire gamestop tournament) couldnt get around my tornado. i wouldve changed it up if i needed to, i didnt because he didnt get around it. point im making, the gamestop winners arent the best in the country or in the world, and the ike that got second couldnt figure out how to get around my MK. in a 2/3 match against him i would have won, because if he beat me the first round, and i beat him the next 2, i win. i wasnt claiming that i had a huge discovery with the tornado and that its a revolutionary technique, i beat him with it because it worked. if it didnt i wouldve done something else. noobs use the tornado, pros use the tornado. its not a noob move, its a good move and your a noob who thinks theyre good if you dont use it because you think its a noob move.
Holy **** it's a tornado!
He seemed to get around it pretty well at the end... Then won...

sonic boy

Smash Apprentice
Apr 12, 2008
elizabeth,new jersey
hey! ollenberger121's sig says ''Every time MK uses his tornado a puppy dies'' OMG i hate u youve killled thousands of my fave animal spamming that move stop it this instinct *crys*....at least other meta knight players know not to spam that move....what did those puppys ever do to u!
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