Smash Ace
So I don't know if this is anything amazing, but I just noticed it today when I signed on AIM.
This article is basically just recycled DOJO information with some new descript:
- Meowth
- Deoxys
- Munchlax
- Bonsly
- Groudon
- Piplup
- Lugia
- Suicune
- Entei
- Ho-Oh
- Staryu
- Togepi
- Snorlax
- Celebi
- Wobbuffet
- Mew
- Goldeen
- (That one grass pokemon that shoots leaves at you. It was in Melee. Bayleaf? Idk.)
I realize that every pokemon on that list is already either in the DOJO or confirmed via other means, but it's interesting to see that this game is all over the internet.
This article is basically just recycled DOJO information with some new descript:
- Meowth
- Deoxys
- Munchlax
- Bonsly
- Groudon
- Piplup
- Lugia
- Suicune
- Entei
- Ho-Oh
- Staryu
- Togepi
- Snorlax
- Celebi
- Wobbuffet
- Mew
- Goldeen
- (That one grass pokemon that shoots leaves at you. It was in Melee. Bayleaf? Idk.)
I realize that every pokemon on that list is already either in the DOJO or confirmed via other means, but it's interesting to see that this game is all over the internet.