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GameBridge Issues


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
Alright guys, here's what's going on. My GameBridge arrived in the mail today, finally. I'm all psyched to get some recorded Brawl action for once, so I hastily plug in my GB to my laptop. I run the autorun on the disc, and it gives me an error saying "Copy of GameBridge files failed." I think "that's odd.." and I run it again, magically it works fine. The drivers get copied and it goes to install the InterVideo software, and then that proceeds to crash because it can't find the GameBridge. Well, obviously this annoys me, but then I remember that it doesn't install properly on Vista, so I run everything in XP compatibility and it installs fine.

The problem ends up being this: I plug the Wii into the GameBridge and run InterVideo, and after I turn the Wii on I get no picture. After a minute or so I hear the sound of the Wii menu coming up. When I moved the Wiimote I could hear the clicking of it running over the various channels. Sound was working somewhat, getting absolutely no video whatsoever. So at this point I decide to try reinstalling everything, thinking that perhaps my hasty installation botched something with the drivers. I uninstall InterVideo and remove the GameBridge drivers off of my system.

I plug the GameBridge into a different USB port and go ahead and begin to install the drivers in the correct manner. Error, apparently Windows has found drivers for my GameBridge... but it can't find them and cannot complete installing the drivers. So now I'm stuck with a GameBridge that I can't install.

What the **** just happened?

UPDATE: So, I magically got the drivers and software reinstalled. After about a half hour of racking my brains I realized that the Wii was set to output at 480p because of the component cables we have running into our HDTV. Mods can lock this.
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