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Game Idea: The BryaTeam


Sep 17, 2011
A Faraway Place
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So, I've had this under wrapping paper for awhile now, and I finally got myself into writing the introduction of a video game I wish to make real in the future. It's called The BryaTeam, and it's not your average title.
So, this is the gist of the game. First, you're a new member in a Child Mercenary team, called the BryaTeam, lead by a young, 15 year old boy named Bryan Retetre (Ree-Tee-Trei), and his friends, Zam the Droinja, and Jen the Cleric (Biographies of these kids have been done, but won't be posted yet). In the beginning, you design who you look like, skin color, cloths, etc., and once done, you make a Member's card, with your name, place of birth, and special powers. Depending on your place of birth, you have different selections of special powers. The selection of birth places are shown. There are 7 regions, and you choose one of them. It also affects the story. So, your member's card is really important. Anyways, you're a new member on the BryaTeam, and on the BryaTeam, you have many different jobs you can do, involving arrests (Drug deals, criminal captures, and runners), Rival Challenges (Explaination coming soon!), Social Break (Only when you complete 5 different jobs, involving everything except this one), Wi-Fi Challenge (Face others online), and Story Mode (Goes through story mode once clicked. It will only go to the selection screen when you save/exit the Story mode once you enter it). The game has 3 different gametypes.

One is the Adventure questing, in side scrolling action-packed quests. Only Story mode and Arrests has this gameplay.
Another is RPG, like Final Fantasy Tactics, which is toggleable to Story Mode, Arrests, and Wi-Fi Challenge.
And the final one is SIMs, which is only Social Break.

The Selections:

Social Break: You go into a 3rd/1st person mode, and live life to the fullest, being able to go watch movies, play minigames with Bryan, Zam, and Jen (There are others, but I won't introduce them, yet.), or even play at the park, throwing the football around. You can meet people online, and communicate with a headset/texting device. You can even play minigames, football, or anything else with a friend!

Story Mode:
You'll go into the story of yourself, from the tip of the noob spear, to the end of a victorious reign. Join Bryan and crew as you complete missions, earn money to get better stuff for yourself, and defend the world from Lord Gyro, god of speed, intelect, and electricity. The story has easy, normal, hard, and Blister Speed Difficulties. Blister Speed difficulty is an unlockable, in which you join Gyro's army instead. Blister Speed has Easy/Normal/Hard as well. Beating the story mode will unlock Rival Challenges and Boss Island, which you face your old boss foes in a time match.

Cop Arrests:
This is kinda cool. In a 16 bit graphic quest, you play as your character (16 bit-afied), and you go into a side scroller, fighting Criminals, exposing drug deals, and so on. The game can only be played once unlocked, and won't be unlocked until you beat a certain boss on Story Mode, called Siktin (Sick-tin), who is a 16-bit boss, who's also the final boss on Cop Arrests.

Wi-Fi Challenge:
Fight players in an RPG, or a fighting game. The fighting game is similar to Smash Bro's fighting style, except it's stanima, and there are only two special moves, along with, so to say, (A) moves and dodging. But you also have a special power, called Battle Cry. Once the bar in the right hand corner is filled, press the (Z) button, and your power will double. It'll take 10 seconds for the bar to unload, and once it does, you'll lose the power up.

Rival Challenges:

Will this actually happen?
I got the power to do it, just not the age. Once I get my certificates, in which I'm alrdy in classes for, I'll hopefully be working on this.

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