my friend has teh worst internetz in teh w0rld, worse than dialup, which is what i have. he has a download and upload limit every month; the more he downloads/uploads, the slower his internet gets, and if he exceeds his limit, they shut off his internet for a month, but he still has to pay ($50 a month). it's satellite, so when the weather is crappy, it doesn't always work. anywho, i've been playing a cube, which is a crappy fps, like old doom or quake, a lot lately (hard with only 21.6kbps), and i wanted him to get on with me, but he claims last time he played, it downloaded a ton of temporary internet files to his computer, and those count as downloading. i didn't think a game could do that, but can it? cause i really need someone to get on, since there's a maximum of ten people throughout the day.