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Game don't start and error while opening


Smash Rookie
Apr 2, 2015
Well i will try to be the most direct as i can.

My game don't start when i go to the map creation menu (i've Ocarina activated, i've deleted all the maps it just doesn't start) it also show's an error when i'm opening the game and i think that may be the problem
I've downloaded the gameconfig.txt and i already placed it on the main page of the SD card.

I've downloaded everything from the Website (i've already tried with the Hackless and the Homebrew but the homebrew one just didn't did nothing). My wii is PAL but i've downloaded the NTSC version of the game and i've loaded it with USB Loader GX, the normal game (Brawl) works as it should. I've Homebrew channel installed in my wii and my Wii version is 4.3EU. I have a 8GB SD card (i couldn't found a 2GB one) and i have all the cIOS to make USB Loader GX run as it should.

The steps i made were the following:
1st) Downloaded and installed the Homebrew and the USB Loader GX
2nd) Downloaded the game and deleted the stages
3rd) Downloaded to the pc the HacklessWII(Wifi-Safe) [also tried the others]
4th) Placed the HacklessWII(Wifi-Safe) content on the SD card and put it on the Wii
5th) Started the game with the error
6th) Opened the Stage Editor and nothing happened

Wish someone can help me and a big thanks to everyone that tries


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Do you have the gameconfig.txt file in the SD card root?
also going to the stage editor is unnecessary, as it should boot to Project M straight away.
for USB loaders, you want the Homebrew full version (or wifi-safe only if you want to play online).
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Smash Rookie
Apr 2, 2015
If with SD card root you mean the main page of the SD card (F:/ for example) yes i do. Also i've downloaded the Homebrew Wifi-safe the other time and i didn't knew what to do so i started the game and nothing and i started aplication in the homebrew channel and when i pressed plat it just restarted my WII


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
No, ignore the PM launcher app, that's useless when loading via USB loader. Download the homebrew full set again, and this time, load Brawl from within USB Loader GX.


Smash Rookie
Apr 2, 2015
I've changed the Hackless version for the homebrew version and it still without working and showing the same error when launching the game :\
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Smash Rookie
Apr 2, 2015
YES Thank You a lot, my version was older, i had already tried to use the newer version of USB Loader GX but it said i nedded a IOS on the readme so i tried to install but it didn't installed so i've watched a video and i've discovered that my wii already had the IOS so it just nedded to get the new version of the USB Loader GX

Now its working yeeey ill get addicted now, thank you
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