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Gale Boomerang at final destination.


Smash Apprentice
May 6, 2008
Well, I'm quite new to the boards, although I've been reading posts from here for a while. First of all, I'd like to say hello to everybody from the Link board. I've mained Link since the N64 smash bros, he's a nice, unique character to play. Now I'm playing him a bit less because snake is in and I am a die hard metal gear fan(nothing against LoZ). Anyway, sorry about this paragraph, just felt like introducing myself.

Ok, has anyone ran into this yet? I was doing some edgehops on FD and doing some aerials while DL'ing to the stage(was at training mode).Then, for some reason, I decided to throw a gale boomerang, just to see if it was pratical to use it to clear the path while i got back on the stage. The first time i tried, I missed the timing and it missed the ledge and disappeared. Then, I did it again, this time at the peak of the edgehop, and let link fall and grab the ledge. I was expecting the boomerang to cover like, a bit less then half of the stage. But when it reached the point where it should come back, the boomerang went back a little, and then continued moving foward, covering the whole stage and disappearing at the other side of the screen. I noticed that it acted like the way it would as it comes back(no damage or knockback, only pushes people). I don't know why it happened, and i could only do this at FD(the only other stage I tried was battlefield though). I'm sorry if anybody already said something about this, I didn't find any topics. It is rather situational, but I know that some skilled players will find a good use for this. And if there is not, it is still an interesting piece of trivia.

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
When it keeps moving forward, does it use it's gale magic or does it act normally?
Kizzu has a video with something like this, but with T.Link and it's probably not stage dependent because he does it on Battlefield.
From what I get between your post and this video, edgehopping a boomerang gives it that effect.
Anyone wanna test it out? I don't have a Wii.


Smash Apprentice
May 6, 2008
I will. And it use's the gale magic. I will test with t.link too. Back in a second.


Tested it. I wasnt able to do this with toon link, i think he may have a different timing or something. I was able to perform this on Battlefield, yoshi's island and smashville, but only on the right side of the level.Strange... It looks like the timing one the left side needs to be more accurate or something. I also noticed that on the left side, sometimes the range of the boomerang increases a tiny bit. And when i did it at the left side of FD, the other character in training mode was another Link. He was facing away, in the direction of the other ledge. I threw the boomerang and it hit his back, and there was the *Clang!* sound of when you guard a projectile with the hylian shield. The boomerang was in the spot he was for a moment,the sound going like you're hitting the shield a lot of times , pushed him some good ground back and then returned. Very strange, indeed...


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2007
I founded this tech, it's called gale guarding and there are two ways to use it:
-offensively, (naming edgeguarding)
-defensively (to keep your opponent from edgeguarding you)

throw the Galerang backwards and hop over it to have it move across the screen, picking anything up as it goes (including opponents, the key time to use this is when they're trying to recover, this is a hard technique and difficult to master)

when you're trying to recover, aim the galerang at your opponent (namely behind them so it pulls them off).

That's basically it. I found this thing two days after the game came out, *****.

Ich Bin Awesome

Smash Journeyman
Apr 2, 2008
Los Angeles
I founded this tech, it's called gale guarding and there are two ways to use it:
-offensively, (naming edgeguarding)
-defensively (to keep your opponent from edgeguarding you)

throw the Galerang backwards and hop over it to have it move across the screen, picking anything up as it goes (including opponents, the key time to use this is when they're trying to recover, this is a hard technique and difficult to master)

when you're trying to recover, aim the galerang at your opponent (namely behind them so it pulls them off).

That's basically it. I found this thing two days after the game came out, *****.
I don't think that's what he's talking about. What he is saying is that he throws the boomerang and it keeps moving forward. He doesn't have to jump over anything. Check out the toon link vid to see exactly what he is talking about. This move could be very interesting.....


Smash Apprentice
May 6, 2008
Ich Bin Awesome posted like, 2 minutes before I did. But that's it, you don't have to jump or anything. I will try to post a video, but i dont think it will be necessary, as it's really easy to perform and try.

Here is the video. The quality is terrible, i dont have a camera or a capture board, so i recorded from my cell phone. but you cant still see the boomerang going and pushing meta knight if you make an effort :laugh:

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
lawl I was right! This could be really useful for Link if he's far away and they're slowly recovering.. lol


Smash Apprentice
May 6, 2008
I've done a little more testing and realised that the timing influences the direction of the gale boomerang at the end. if done perfectly, the boomerang will go straight till the ledge and only after it is almost past it will start going down steadly. If you don't throw at the peak of the edgehop, but still manage to throw it on the stage, it will go through the ledge and disappear at the bottom of the screen. This may be useful to take momentum away from characters that will recover from below or to drag high percentages lightweights to their doom and get one flashy KO. But again, I think that some players better then I am will find more uses to this.

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
Can you do it backwards? Like if you're on the left side of Battlefield, and someone else was recovering from the left, would you be able to edgehop a reversed gale boomerang? It would be more convenient and faster than if your were on the other side.
Also, does it have to be a smashed boomerang or can it be normally executed one?
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