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GA help me.(or any one else with 12 mins on their hands)

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Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2006
newnan georgia
hey guys.i really really want to get a match that i played up and running online. i don't have the equipment to do it myself (i don't even have internet, i have to go to a like "club house" thing in my apartment complex) what im asking for is if any one could help me put the match online. i have it recorded on my wii, i could just send it to you through wii, and you could record with your equipment and put it online for me. it would be very very very much appreciated. and its worth it its a really good match. i have 38 saved videos of my toon link on my wii (straight brutal pwnzen). kizzu or what ever his name his doesn't have anything on me.

well any way, if any one could please help me it would be appreciated. you could PM me your wii code and brawl code and ill PM you back, or just put it on this thread if you dont mind.

later guys


Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
try asking sleepyk. he's good with that stuff or send em to me an I'll see what I can do

I'll contact u on aim about it.
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