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Fun Smash Video Ideas (Need Help and tips)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 14, 2014
Hey guys, I was thinking of maybe answering topics in the unhappy thread if people would like or something ya know? I think I can give out some good advice and some real answers to some of the issues there, or so my friends say. This would be over Smash 4 videos probably.

I have a few other video ideas to do while playing smash 4 and maybe I'll implement PM and Melee at some point however it's much easier to record smash 4 at the moment, so what are fun ideas of content you might find enjoyable? I have a few ideas but I really want to know what are things you would watch if you're interested in watching smash videos?

I used to make YouTube videos about 6-8 years ago and recently I decided to start again, not for the views or the fame or money, mostly because I had a lot of honest god fun with myself and friends and it served as a nice reminder of the fun times I have sometimes while playing the little fun thing we all do here, video games.
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