Smash Cadet
#1: edge drop -> immediatly back double jump -> at the right positioning side Special twords the stage and you should grab the edge AND have the punch hit box stay
#2: edge drop -> immediatly back double jump -> air dodge while positioning yourself directly under the edge -> up special -> grab edge
#3: grab the edge when someone is trying to recover -> when they grab the edge you will be bumped off -> Pess Side Special twice once to activate it, and the second time to punch as earliest as possible (cause Your trying to hit the other person. and if you're wondering "but what if I get hit w/ a back air?" Little mac has super armour in the duration of the attack. and if the attack misses, you'll still be on the stage.
#2: edge drop -> immediatly back double jump -> air dodge while positioning yourself directly under the edge -> up special -> grab edge
#3: grab the edge when someone is trying to recover -> when they grab the edge you will be bumped off -> Pess Side Special twice once to activate it, and the second time to punch as earliest as possible (cause Your trying to hit the other person. and if you're wondering "but what if I get hit w/ a back air?" Little mac has super armour in the duration of the attack. and if the attack misses, you'll still be on the stage.