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Fun casual moments with friends


Semi-Casual Modest Scrub
May 15, 2016
I couldn't find a thread about this, so here we go.

Smash Bros was made to be a casual party game to play with friends. It's succeeded in that regard, but it's also succeeded as a competitive game, making for a versatile game to play. If you want to play with Smash Balls on The Great Cave Offensive with everybody playing Jigglypuff with customs, you can do that. If you want to play on Final Destination without items, customs, or Bayonetta, you can do that too. I personally enjoy both sides of the coin. I'll play on Omega form stages with my brother and online, but with my friends, I'll turn on Smash Balls, come up with a stage list we can all agree on (which is rather large, actually), and we'll come up with fun gimmicks along the way. For this thread, I wanted to discuss some of the fun things people do when playing casually with friends and such. So here we go.

When I play with my friends, we almost always turn Smash Balls on until we decide to do 1v1's. Sometimes we'll pick random characters, because we think it is a good indicator of who is actually good at Smash Bros, since you will most likely get a character you are unfamiliar with and you'll just have to make it work. These two things lead into my first moment. We all picked random, and one of us got Falco. When he got the Smash Ball and activated the Landmaster, he drove it right off the stage... Twice. Generally, this guy doesn't have very good luck with the random button. The last time we all picked random, he got Captain Falcon, couldn't figure out how to use him, got salty, and quit.

Now let's talk about Mr. Game and Watch. One of my friends and I like to play Mr. Game and Watch for fun. We played a match on Flat Zone X, and we were the last two left, with one stock each. So we decided to do an RNG battle, where we could only use Judge for the rest of the match. I won.

I'm sure there are a ton of these out there, so come share them!


Smash Apprentice
Sep 3, 2014
Upstate NY
I too am a fan of going random. I don't love playing the same character over and over. Since I'm honestly not a huge fan of Sm4sh I rarely play it so I'm pretty much unfamiliar with a lot of characters moves, timing, reach, duration, priority etc. So I play a semi-serious trolling match a lot. I still have decent fundamentals. So I'll fish for meteor smashes a lot like Mario's Fair and suicidies like bowser or ganon's side B are always good for a laugh. Playing Yoshi and Neutral B egg laying a friend to their death is amazing fun. Also just using low tiers in general or mirror matching that friend that plays the same character 10 matches in a row. It's pretty gratifying to beat someone with the character they keep using over and over again in a ditto.
But just KOing people in random or very skillful hard to land ways is fun like fishing for the Falcon Punch or ness/lucas up B'ing yourself into someone is always fun. Going deep and suiciding unnecessarily for style points is also fun. It's also a good way to keep the game casual and minimize any frustration the game would otherwise cause.
Also do random teams like doctor mario and i'll go jigglypuff with the nurse hat and say things like "the doctor says you need to get some REST" then try to rest them.


Semi-Casual Modest Scrub
May 15, 2016
Just played with my friends again this afternoon after school. It's a general consensus that out of the four of us, I'm the best at 1v1s. But when all four of us are battling at once, I'm not quite as good. But when we are all playing a doubles match, I picked Ness in a 3-stock match, and I managed to reach 200% before getting killed on my second stock. I also got insanely high with Toon Link, leading one of them to say, "Matt with a lightweight is like a heavyweight on steroids." I don't know if they're doing something wrong or if I'm doing something right, but that was just insane.
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