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Fruit's Ganondorf Upgrade

Fruit of the Doom

Smash Rookie
Sep 9, 2011
Hey everyone, this is my first post here and my first customized content!

I felt bad for how poor old Ganondorf was treated in Brawl, so I gave him a few buffs to make him more fun and effective to play as, along with a couple minor graphical tweaks.

Fruit's Ganondorf Upgrade
Last updated 12 September, 2011

Here is a list of the changes I made:

I upped his weight to make him 10% heavier than Bowser (if he is going to be slower than Bowser, he should be heavier, IMO).

The sweetspot of his jab is now unshieldable (only the tip), but the non-electrical sourspot does even less knockback and is more punishable. Additionally, the SDI for both electrical portions of the jab is now 0 and the hitlag for the tip is 1.3.

His dash attack now has transcendent priority, and he has super armor while the hitboxes are active.

His down-tilt should now trip the opponent if it fails to send them flying, but this will won't happen often due to its naturally high knockback. The chance of it happening was originally 0.35%, which was pointless.

His Up-Tilt is completely different. I thought the leg split thing just looked ridiculous, so I changed it to something more befitting the King of Evil: Dark Inferno. It has the same animation as his Up Taunt, but he lets out a large explosion of dark energy at the end instead of a harmless rainbow shockwave. He has heavy armor during the start up phase (can still be flinched by moderately strong attacks), but is invulnerable during the explosion. The explosion does 15 damage with moderate base knockback but low knockback growth, has transcendent priority, and is unblockable. It may sound overpowered, but he is quite vulnerable during the startup (smash or grab him) and it is easy to simply evade.

His side smash is now electric, has 10 extra shield damage, and the different angles have noticeably different trajectories now. Normal sends them at a Sakurai angle, up sends them at a +45° angle, and down sends them at a -45° angle.

His throws have all been buffed slightly, and his up-throw is electrical. His pummel now does 4 damage (2 was way to low for such a slow pummel, especially for the character with the lowest horizontal grab range).

Warlock Punch now has super armor during start-up, and is unblockable. All versions do 36 damage now and have the same knockback and trajectory. I increased the base knockback, but lowered the knockback growth to compensate. I also increased the size of the hitboxes and the animation by x1.5.

Flame Choke has super armor while the hitboxes are active, but he is still vulnerable during the startup and end lag. The ground version now does 12 damage and the air version does 16. Additionally, he no longer goes into the helpless fall state if he goes over the edge during a failed lunge that starts on the ground. However, he does still become helpless after a failed mid-air lunge.

Dark Dive has super armor while the grab boxes are active, but not during the swing at the end. The damage of the swing is now 10, and does electric damage. A successful grab does 20 total damage now (3 per shock and 8 from the explosion). Also, he sends them in the opposite direction as himself afterward (about -45°), making it very dangerous to foes near or over edges, although the knockback is still fairly low. Finally, I changed the element of the explosion to flame.

Wizard's foot is much more useful and less punishable now. He is invulnerable while the hitboxes are active during both versions, both versions do 15 damage now, and both have transcendent priority. The ground version sends enemies flying at a Sakurai angle, while the air version sends them in the same direction as Ganondorf is kicking (about -60°). This makes the air version lethal to opponents near or over the ledge, but Ganondorf will almost certainly fall to his doom if he misses. Finally, the AoE of the shockwave when he hits the ground is a bit larger.

Aesthetically speaking, I improved his normal model's textures a bit. His normal model always seemed like the Contrast/Brightness were a tad off to me, so I tweaked them. I also increased the resolution of his cape, and made it black on both sides for his normal model and for Santadorf. Lastly, I changed Santadorf's eyes to deep blue rather than light amber.

Finally, some pictures!



New Up-Tilt: Dark Inferno

Many thanks to Phantom Wing's Project Smash Attacks, Kryal's Brawl Box, and everyone who contributed to the Brawl Documentation Project!

And of course, thank you Nintendo for making Brawl!
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