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Frens? To anyone seeing this ...

Peach & Luma

Smash Rookie
Jun 24, 2015
Why not read about me?

The name's Luigi; nice to meet you. In short, Smash is a big part of my life. It is the reason I do not know of sleep, the reason why my parents tell me to rest my eyes lol, and the motivation to do my best in every situation - outside of Smash as well. I know you, reader, are not here to hear about my personal life; rather, my Smash one. Let's get started. :idea:

How long have you been playing Smash?

My first Smash game was Brawl, but I've only been a competitive player since October of 2014 oml. Quite young, one might say; however, this does not mean I'm inexperienced. I know more than your average casual player about Smash, so conversations with me will definitely not be flat. I wanted to make an appearance in the competitive scene much earlier than Sm4sh, but life than was different (busier, perhaps). :(

Who do you main? Why?

Ah, the big question is finally here. Well, the answer is ... :rosalina:. P-Please don't unfren me ;[ Rosalina & Luma are an amzing duo, like BFF's who always sit together at lunch lmao They've got each others backs; interrupting opponent's moves, calling back when in danger - so beautiful. Furthermore, RAR bairs extend Luma quite far, Lunar Landed aerials are very fun to execute (did you know you can always land a perfect lunar land after a SH dair oml), and customs only make these two better. Reader, I know you are thinking, "Pfft, this noob only uses her because she's top tier" Hey, hey, hey! That is

the only reason why I use her lmao. That's a ****ing bonus. She's suuuper sweet in this game (ahlie), and her unorthodox playstyle brings a touch of mystery to her gameplay. She is way more diverse than << jab, jab, jab, uair when opponent is in the air >> Although true, her uair is nasssty XD Airdodge that ****, I'll try to read you ;] Finally, her halo-esque moves all remind me of my family. None of them have passed away *knocks on wood* but the beauty of it just recalls how much I love them (my family, not :rosalina: lol).

Secondaries? Practising?

There has always been a soft spot in my heart for :4peach:, ever since Brawl. The fact she can float (a power retained from Super Mario Bros. 3) just outstanded me - so much that I want to get better and better with her every day. I'm learning new things about Peach in Sm4sh that are pretty cool: Jump Cancel Fast Falling, Turnip Combos, and Quick Float Release. Moreover, she is one of the most technical characters (in general), because of her funky playstyle revolved around the likes of floating. Although she does not have the tools she did in previous games: Float Cancelling, Glide Tossing, a 3 frame nair (oh my i miss this), don't even get me started on the Down Smash, :4peach: is able to make the most of her Sm4sh appearance with new delights like more range, killpower, and a Skittles uair. :colorful:

Why have you joined Smashboards? Tournaments?

I joined Smashboards because I want to get better at Smash. I want to find information about characters I love to use, and other ones to. I've been following this site for a while now, but only took the responsibility to make an account today. It's the most useful Smash site out there, truly, and is home to many knowledgeable players that I look up to. I have not entered any tournaments (yet), so I cannot prove my worthiness in battle, but I do intend on attending some in the future. I can't wait for what's in store for my Smash life.

In Conclusion

I hope you like what you've read, reader. I my writing is not the easiest to understand, but I tried my best. May the beauty of :4peach:&:rosalina: be with you always, or the handsomeness of :4myfriends:&:4littlemac: if you're a guy ... idk lul

:4zss:: Is that all?

Yes, that's all, Samus. So impatient these people asdfgh



Sith Archivist
Aug 4, 2009
The Farthest Shore
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