Smash Lord
Basically, a new item that will send out mega evolved pokemon to kick some serious ass.
The list and what move they will use (Including Primal Reversion)
Venusaur: Frenzy Plant
Blastoise: Hydro Cannon
Alakazam: Kinesis
Gengar: Night Shade
Kangaskhan: Dizzy Punch
Pinsir: Guillotine
Gyrados: Hyper Beam
Aerodactyl: Giga Impact
Ampharos: Dragon Pulse
Scizor: Metal Claw
Herocross: Megahorn
Houndoom: Inferno
Tyranitar: Stone Edge
Blaziken: Blaze Kick
Gardevoir: Moonblast
Mawile: Crunch
Aggron: Heavy Slam
Medicham: Hi Jump Kick
Manectric: Wild Charge
Banette: Phantom Force
Absol: Night Slash
Garchomp: Dragon Rush
Abomasnow: Sheer Cold
Beedrill: Fell Stinger
Pidgeot: Hurricane
Slowbro: Zen Headbutt
Steelix: Iron Tail
Sceptile: Leaf Blade
Swampert: Muddy Water
Sableye: Power Gem
Sharpedo: Aqua Jet
Camerupt: Eruption
Altaria: Sky Attack
Glalie: Frost Breath
Salamence: Dragon Breath
Metagross: Meteor Mash
Latias: Mist ball
Latios: Luster Purge
Kyogre: Origin Pulse
Groudon: Precipice Blades
Rayquaza: Dragon Ascent
Lopunny: Jump Kick
Gallade: Close Combat
Audino: Last Resort
Diancie: Diamond Storm
Thats all so far.
The list and what move they will use (Including Primal Reversion)
Venusaur: Frenzy Plant
Blastoise: Hydro Cannon
Alakazam: Kinesis
Gengar: Night Shade
Kangaskhan: Dizzy Punch
Pinsir: Guillotine
Gyrados: Hyper Beam
Aerodactyl: Giga Impact
Ampharos: Dragon Pulse
Scizor: Metal Claw
Herocross: Megahorn
Houndoom: Inferno
Tyranitar: Stone Edge
Blaziken: Blaze Kick
Gardevoir: Moonblast
Mawile: Crunch
Aggron: Heavy Slam
Medicham: Hi Jump Kick
Manectric: Wild Charge
Banette: Phantom Force
Absol: Night Slash
Garchomp: Dragon Rush
Abomasnow: Sheer Cold
Beedrill: Fell Stinger
Pidgeot: Hurricane
Slowbro: Zen Headbutt
Steelix: Iron Tail
Sceptile: Leaf Blade
Swampert: Muddy Water
Sableye: Power Gem
Sharpedo: Aqua Jet
Camerupt: Eruption
Altaria: Sky Attack
Glalie: Frost Breath
Salamence: Dragon Breath
Metagross: Meteor Mash
Latias: Mist ball
Latios: Luster Purge
Kyogre: Origin Pulse
Groudon: Precipice Blades
Rayquaza: Dragon Ascent
Lopunny: Jump Kick
Gallade: Close Combat
Audino: Last Resort
Diancie: Diamond Storm
Thats all so far.