Smash Apprentice
We all know swords are cool, floating swords are cooler, but floating swords fighting each other, now that's a good deal. What can be better, you get to decide what the sword will do. You will represent a sword of your choice(any movie, anime, or game) and shall choose what(sword) & where your sword will fight. you get Four stats, Health, Length, Weight, and Quality. Quality tops Length / Weight tops Quality / Length tops Weight.There are four terains, Forest(for Quality/aganst Length), Island(for Length/aganst Weight), Mountains(for Weight/aganst Quality), and Arena(equal to all). Lvls. are obtaind from beating one sword at a higher lvl., two swords at your lvl. or four lower lvl. swords. People of the same lvl. must fight at the arena, lower lvl. get to choose the place. Everyone gets 7 points to start. Each point adds three points to each stat, the stats start at 5 each. First to lvl. 30 wins. There are 3 types of attacks, Hack, slash, and stab. Each sword also has a special attack(ex. Master Sword sp. is spin attack, which attacks 3 times)
Rules in short:
Pick one sword (state where its from)(can have more than one, but not at the same time)
Define special (use once per fight, 1 use added every 5 lvls.)(can have two, but must swap one for another)(limit 3)
Use the stat points (can save points for later use)(Q/L/W: 1 point = +3, H: 1 point = +5)
Fight other swords (turn-based)(can make treatys/teams to help win)
lvl. up (fight; 1 higher lvl or 2 same lvl or 1 same and 2 lower or 4 lower lvl)
Get to lvl. 30
My Sword(s):
Caliburn from Sonic and the Black Knight
Dante's sword from Devil May Cry
Caliburn (Soul Surge: get three hits in, but can't attack for one turn.)
Rebellion (Devil Trigger: Increases stats x3, pre-determined health, once gone, can't attack for one turn)
lvl: 1
Health: 20 +5
Quality: 5 +3 Slash: 6-9
Length: 5 +3 Stab: 6-9
Weight: 5 +3 Hack: 6-10
points left: 3
Defeated By
Have fun. Be creative.
Rules in short:
Pick one sword (state where its from)(can have more than one, but not at the same time)
Define special (use once per fight, 1 use added every 5 lvls.)(can have two, but must swap one for another)(limit 3)
Use the stat points (can save points for later use)(Q/L/W: 1 point = +3, H: 1 point = +5)
Fight other swords (turn-based)(can make treatys/teams to help win)
lvl. up (fight; 1 higher lvl or 2 same lvl or 1 same and 2 lower or 4 lower lvl)
Get to lvl. 30
My Sword(s):
Caliburn from Sonic and the Black Knight
Dante's sword from Devil May Cry
Caliburn (Soul Surge: get three hits in, but can't attack for one turn.)
Rebellion (Devil Trigger: Increases stats x3, pre-determined health, once gone, can't attack for one turn)
lvl: 1
Health: 20 +5
Quality: 5 +3 Slash: 6-9
Length: 5 +3 Stab: 6-9
Weight: 5 +3 Hack: 6-10
points left: 3
Defeated By
Have fun. Be creative.