Smash Apprentice
First off, THIS IS NOT A TIER DISCUSSION THREAD. Arguments about whether tiers exist or who is in what tier are -NOT- welcome in this thread, that said, onwards and upwards.
Now, I don't have Brawl, but I've been keeping a close eye on all the competitive videos I've seen mentioned, and it -seems- that the tier based system, at least at the current level of play, is much more flat than the Melee tier set. As an example to what I mean, roughly 25% of the characters in melee were high or above tier, however, in Brawl, it seems like the balance is much more fluid. The result being it seems like most characters are 'roughly' 1:1 with any other character, and something like ~50% being high tier or above, and the others not much behind.
Obviously as we get farther along and perfect techniques and skills more the Brawl tiers will stretch out some, but at least for the moment, it seems that Brawls tiers are much closer together/flatter than Melee's; with many more possible play-styles due to higher character variation at middle tier and above.
If anyone who has brawl would like to chip in here and toss in their 2cents that would be awesome.
Now, as a bit of interest in the topic, even if you don't have brawl, I'd like people to estimate how characters will fall into each tier, for the sake of simplicity and pushing across the idea of tiers being closer, I'll use a numeric system for tiers rather than the 'top/high/mid' system
My guess:
Tier +2: ~5 Characters
Tier +1: ~12 Characters
Tier 0: ~10 Characters
Tier -1: ~5 Characters
Tier -2: ~3 Characters
Now, I don't have Brawl, but I've been keeping a close eye on all the competitive videos I've seen mentioned, and it -seems- that the tier based system, at least at the current level of play, is much more flat than the Melee tier set. As an example to what I mean, roughly 25% of the characters in melee were high or above tier, however, in Brawl, it seems like the balance is much more fluid. The result being it seems like most characters are 'roughly' 1:1 with any other character, and something like ~50% being high tier or above, and the others not much behind.
Obviously as we get farther along and perfect techniques and skills more the Brawl tiers will stretch out some, but at least for the moment, it seems that Brawls tiers are much closer together/flatter than Melee's; with many more possible play-styles due to higher character variation at middle tier and above.
If anyone who has brawl would like to chip in here and toss in their 2cents that would be awesome.
Now, as a bit of interest in the topic, even if you don't have brawl, I'd like people to estimate how characters will fall into each tier, for the sake of simplicity and pushing across the idea of tiers being closer, I'll use a numeric system for tiers rather than the 'top/high/mid' system
My guess:
Tier +2: ~5 Characters
Tier +1: ~12 Characters
Tier 0: ~10 Characters
Tier -1: ~5 Characters
Tier -2: ~3 Characters