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[First look into model importing] Smashcraft - A World of Warcraft import


Smash Rookie
Nov 8, 2011
Hello, first time actually posting something, but I'm VERY new to the importing of models so I'm posting my work along the way and asking all the help I can at the same time. I plan on doing a pretty good amount of PSAs and model imports for both characters and custom stages, but I'm going to take it slow and import a few models first for practice on characters.

So, the most obvious these days with the WoW universe is the Litch King.

[collapse=The LK rendered and not rendered]

Then I know you have to get the bones, and at first I was going to use Ike, but decided ganon would do better, as I plan to make some good PSAs anyway when I learn them. I figured out that WoW models are pretty tiny compared to the size of a brawl one lol.

[collapse=Size Comparison]

But so what I do is group the LKs parts together and scale them all at once to the proper size of the skeleton. And this is the part I'm stuck at. I position the bones properly against him, but I know they need to go back to the way they were with the LK model as well. Is there a tutorial on how do to this?

[collapse=Halp I'm a noob!]

Things I'll be looking to do in the future just if you're curious:
-Custom stages using exported WoW models, and making stages that represent raids/zones from WoW.
-Full PSAs for several characters with abilities mimicking WoW's.
-Will have a good list of characters, and after figuring out this bone rigging I'll do a little more presentation.

Any help works :) I'm excited to try this, I'm just very lost!


Smash Ace
Dec 26, 2010
Mushroom Kingdom :D
i have played wow before SSBB hacking so know alot of WoW
even completed Lich King on HC mode 25mans (before cata) on my mage

so like me to help with this PSA :D(not animations just coding Psa)
also know how to convert from WoW models to 3ds max :D


Smash Rookie
Nov 8, 2011
Well, I will continue when a tutorial comes out on how to import this stuff and edit it properly in 3DS, it's not really easy to continue by myself with no knowledge on what do to after bone importing :(
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