i'm too lazy to bother and after posting all of that crap i'm far too sick of forums again.. time and time again i'm reminded of why i hate forums. nobody seems to give any real input, nor do they even try to logically debunk any claims made. they just ***** back, tell you to shut up, to **** off, to put up with the problem, to deal with it or just post random pointless crap or opinions about an opinion that they disagree with that isn't even relevant to anything within the subject line.
do something worthy of your time at a place called "a discussion board" go out and find the bits and pieces of quotes scattered about the history of brawl.
the one on no clones, many characters not returning, and trying to get characters that weren't from japan only, but more worldly known characters.
i know they exist. don't be stupid. just be my ***** and go fetch them. thanks
do something worthy of your time at a place called "a discussion board" go out and find the bits and pieces of quotes scattered about the history of brawl.
the one on no clones, many characters not returning, and trying to get characters that weren't from japan only, but more worldly known characters.
i know they exist. don't be stupid. just be my ***** and go fetch them. thanks