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Final Round 12 focus group discussion


Smash Journeyman
Sep 29, 2007
Atlanta, Ga.
Since Final Round has grown into a nation tournament I have to start thinking on how can I make FR bigger and better. I think we have out grown the hotel we have been in for the past 3 years. I'm looking to goto downtown ATL at the major convention center for the SE called Ga. World Congress center. With this upgrade in venue I will have to raise the door fee to $30 most likely.

I'm going to really get on the grind when I search for sponsership this year! I'm going to turn FR into a business. That means I have to start paying taxes when I get my business lic. I think that was the main problem with me not getting sponsership this year. FR being a legit business will attract some sponsers IMO. Why would a big company give money away to some random guy? But if it's an up and coming business/con it maybe easier to throw money our way if we show them we are growing across the nation with people attending FR. Also being at the GWCC will make FR look official imo.

I had people from the tekken community and smash community ask me to raise the tournament fee's to $20! Now my main concern is pricing people out of attending FR in the future. I don't want to do that. With that said I want people to play in as many games as they can afford at FR. That's why I have $5-$10 tournaments now. $10 for the major games and $5 for the older games or not as popular games! If we did 20 I think we can work a way to get the top 5 cashed out! What do you guy's think of that? The rooms i'm looking at I may have to raise the door entry fee to $30-$35.

I would like some feedback everyone that has attended fr before. Your opinion is golden to me. I will have the venue secured in prolly a month maybe 2 at the longest, so I need this feedback before I continue with getting the GWCC as frxii venue.

FINAL ROUND has turn into a national major, but it will always be a southern tradition and all of you guy's opinions are golden to me. That's why I always put my suggestion threads in the atl south. FR is a great event because you guy's support it every year. So let's get the hype started 12 months before FRXI!


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
call me a cheap butt or whatever, but the door fee is killing me

i know in other fighting games, money is worth a lot less, but georgia smashers don't like the big $$ for w/e reason
i'm nto sure how much of GA smashers you would get with that kinda $ investment required

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
i'll support it.

its tru tho, most GA smashers would be intimidated by the door fee but with an event as big as FR it shouldn't be that big of a deal. FR will attract smashers from all over the US anyways :)


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
If you want big big national tournaments:

bigger venue, more staff, more expensive door fee: great!!

If you were banking on the local atl scene...

a little steep, but I think in the long run this idea will be better, bigger venue fee and tournament fees will give more incentive for travellers, but then you gotta shift focus. Your topic on here for FRXI was "The Southern Tradition Continues"

Call everyone out next time, for all the tournaments, get some interest going in japan if you can. At least for games like SF and GG, if you got a bigger venue and a bigger pot, it could possibly attract an exponentially larger amount of players.

You could even keep the southern focus intact and just try to hype up the south as the region to beat for anyone and get people to want to prove a point (only to be crushed by the south anyway ;))

For me personally: I could pay 50 for venue and 50 for each tournament and I'd still enter heh.


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA
If you want help with local promotion, or general setup, or pretty much anything at all, myself and I'm sure many other GA smashers will be willing to help.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
well i'm on top of the ball
i'm going to get good at more fighting games so that i'm not paying $30 just for smash
then it will balance out better
but if it's just for one tournament, $30 door and $20 entry is going to turn me away soz team


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2007
i think if the door fee were $30 you would get a lot more people to bring setups (i.e. ME), but $20 for tournament entry is acceptable.

IMO $20 for door fee is already pretty steep, but it was worth my $ in the end. But $30....that's pushing it. That's $50 out of the pocket of a guy who's already like $10k in debt to a school that doesn't even give out free A's in return. As confident as I am that I could win everything, it's intimidating and you guys might actually lose out on a lot of local competitors who can't drop $50 to play as Pikachu.

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
i would fully support the increase in price. there are many other tournies that happen that have those prices and higher. i would like to see what competition the increased prices attract, as well.
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