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Few Zamus Questions


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA

1: Which one kills better, the second kick of fair or bair???

2: Also, what's the best thing to do out of double dsmash? I've been using upB and leading it into a plethora of moves

3: What part of upB spikes???



Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
- second kick of fair kills earlier by like 2% damage-wise, i find bair more reliable tbh
- against opponents that aren't good at teching, up-B is prolly best, against better opponents it depends on what you want to do. a single d-smash>bair is good at killing, double d-smash>f-smash will kill at higher percents. A lot of the time I do a double d-smash>grab>d-throw and follow up from there
- the very tip


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
OK, yeah, i find bair to be easier to use. So if they start DIing out of the upB, i could dtilt to uair or upB i guess. Yeah, true, singledsmash to bair is tight for killing. thanks for the help


Mar 16, 2007
- second kick of fair kills earlier by like 2% damage-wise, i find bair more reliable tbh
You sure? I've got 127% from middle of FD on Mario without DI for bair, and 132% for fair's second hit in the same position.

Ultimately, though, either is a good KO move off the edge. Just depends on your timing. I find fair to be better for punishing airdodges.

- the very tip[/QUOTE]

Just to be clear, this is true at any point of the animation. For this reason, it's really easy to spike with this move while falling, because you'll generally fall just enough in your animation to put them in the sweetspot every time. The last hitbox is all spike, though, I believe.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 4, 2008
Toledo, OH
1. I find bair to be better because usually you only hit the first kick in the fair.

2. I tend to Double Dsmash into dash attack into usmash.

3. I'm pretty sure at the glowing tip at the top of the laser whip will spike then downward. Its much easier to spike an opponent with it when they are above you and have about 60% damage.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
You sure? I've got 127% from middle of FD on Mario without DI for bair, and 132% for fair's second hit in the same position.

Ultimately, though, either is a good KO move off the edge. Just depends on your timing. I find fair to be better for punishing airdodges.

- the very tip

Just to be clear, this is true at any point of the animation. For this reason, it's really easy to spike with this move while falling, because you'll generally fall just enough in your animation to put them in the sweetspot every time. The last hitbox is all spike, though, I believe.
The second hit of the fair seems to have 2 or 3 different knockbacks depending on where you hit. One of them is just a bit weaker than the strongest point, maybe you hit with that. Did you try it 5-6 times at 131%? It's also possible bair is the same way and I hit with a weaker version

My setup was to knock Luigi off the edge, and then he jumped back on in the same spot each time. (between 2 of the diamonds) I got bair to kill at 98% and fair at 95% (no DI)

Yeah I guess I should have mentioned that no matter when you hit them with the tip you seem to trap them and eventually spike


Mar 16, 2007
The second hit of the fair seems to have 2 or 3 different knockbacks depending on where you hit. One of them is just a bit weaker than the strongest point, maybe you hit with that. Did you try it 5-6 times at 131%? It's also possible bair is the same way and I hit with a weaker version
First of all, my method is slightly more precise, as I'm fairly sure you're not accounting for the fact that knockback is calculated after damage from the move has been added. This can alter the percentages used in the calculations.

My method is KO Mario once and set the CPU to Control, to ensure that the hit is not DI'd, and momentum is not altered by midairs. Then he respawns in the very center of FD every time. I set the base percentage, then knock him off, and take note of the percent as he flies away. at the first percent he dies off the side, I write that percentage down.

By this method, Mario dies at 132% at the toe of fair's second hit, and 131% at the thigh. So yes, there are apparently two hitboxes, but bair still KOs much earlier.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
First of all, my method is slightly more precise, as I'm fairly sure you're not accounting for the fact that knockback is calculated after damage from the move has been added. This can alter the percentages used in the calculations.

My method is KO Mario once and set the CPU to Control, to ensure that the hit is not DI'd, and momentum is not altered by midairs. Then he respawns in the very center of FD every time. I set the base percentage, then knock him off, and take note of the percent as he flies away. at the first percent he dies off the side, I write that percentage down.

By this method, Mario dies at 132% at the toe of fair's second hit, and 131% at the thigh. So yes, there are apparently two hitboxes, but bair still KOs much earlier.
I took the percentage before damage being dealt, because I find that more useful, even though your method is more correct. Its fairly easy to add on the damage that the attacks do after the fact. It should amount to the same thing

Did you hit with the first hit of the fair before you hit with the second?

In any case your results still contradict mine, I'll do another test from the center of FD with a controlled opponent and see what happens.
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