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Fanasy Super Smash Bros. Game In The Future

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3D Dillon

Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2014
I'm back!
For those disappointed by the last Smash presentation, here, I'll cheer you up by making this list of Fantasy Smash. It's a list containing some details of what I've pretended to be in a future Smash game.

OK, first off, here's what I'm pretending:

(I've put all that in spoilers so that it's better hidden. It's better for all that to be left a secret, so remember to post your comments in spoilers. Let's begin now.)

After some controversy, Smash Bros. pioneer Masahiro Sakurai is replaced by another man in the director's chair. Make way for a man named Dirk Han.

Dirk Han is a huge fan of Nintendo and Super Smash Bros. and studied to be a great successor to Sakurai should he leave. Dirk is more social with the western world, and speaks both English and Japanese. The first Smash game Dirk has directed is surprisingly an excellent one being faithful to the other games as well as adding new modes and has made every effort to everything in this game.

I'm gonna bring up a different thing once in a day. First up is the default roster:

There are 16 spaces missing. 16 of them are unlockable. Tune in tomorrow and I'll reveal the unlockable fighters.
That's all for now.

Update: By the way, you can post your own Fantasy Smash idea here.
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3D Dillon

Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2014
And now for my fantasy final roster:
Open the Unlockable FIghters folder to see who are unlockable and open the My Final Fantasy Roster to see what final roster I thought up.

Bowser Jr. 50 Clear Classic Mode at Normal or higher.
Robin 100 Win Smash War.
9-Volt 150 Hit 2,500 ft. or over in Home Run Contest.
Mewtwo 200 Encounter Mew.
Wolf 250 Clear 100 Multi-Man Smash at under 3 minutes.
Duck Hunt 300 Clear Break The Targets at all 5 difficulties.
Fiora 350 Create and use every form of a Mii fighter in a match.
Ryu 400 KO at least one fighter in Cruel Smash.
Rosalina & Luma 450 Grab at least 50 trophies in one Trophy Snatch run.
Skull Kid 500 Use at least 30 different Final Smashes.
Palutena 550 Collect 250 different trophies.
Ridley 600 KO every stage boss.
Gengar 700 Complete the entire run through Tower Of Smash.
Dixie Kong 800 Play Vs. Mode for a total of 10 hours.
Chibi-Robo 900 Collect 500 custom equipments.
Banjo & Kazooie 1000 Clear 10 Multi-Man Smash with every other character.
Character Roster.png

3D Dillon

Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2014
All-Star Mode is default like in Sm4sh while True All-Star Mode is available after unlocking every fighter. This time, you fight the universes in chronological order like in Brawl, but you'll have to fight 7 opponents (9 if you've unlocked everybody) in each of 8 rounds, and you'll fight at least 2 universes in one round. The third part characters are all in a special round at the end. You'll have three heart containers, but no Max Tomatoes or Fairy Bottles. The difficulty is similar to Sm4sh and it has no continues. However, you can use customized characters for this All-Star mode.

Mr. Game & Watch
Dr. Mario
Bowser Jr.+
Rosalina & Luma+
Captain Toad

Donkey Kong
Diddy Kong
King K. Rool
Dixie Kong+
Little Mac
Duck Hunt+
Ice Climbers

Skull Kid+
Toon Link
Zero Suit Samus

Captain Falcon

King Dedede
Meta Knight
Bandana Dee


Rhythm Heaven
Wii Fit Trainer

Mega Man
Banjo & Kazooie+
Professor Layton
Shovel Knight

This mode can go from 1980 to 2015 or reverse. However, the last round will always be the Special "Third-Party" round. There's a different reward for you. If you choose forward, you'll receive the final smash trophy with the character you play as. But... if you choose reversed, you'll win a trophy featuring the first appearance (sprite or model) of the character in their debut game.
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3D Dillon

Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2014
We can't have Smash without stages. This is my fantasy stage roster.

Notice how the stage have a certain fighter mentioned next to them. That's because, for example, Super Mario is Mario's "Direct Home Stage". Direct Home Stage is a stage that belongs to a universe but belongs directly to one specific fighter. This is like Melee's All-Star mode with every fighter having a specific stage for themselves. However, this would be the case for Classic Mode. If, for instance, you fight Toon Link alone in Classic Mode, you'll always fight in Pirate Ship.

Flat Zone X (Mr. Game & Watch)
Super Mario Maker (Mario)
Luigi's Mansion (Luigi)
Mario Party (Peach)
Bowser's Castle (Bowser)
Dr. Mario (Dr. Mario)
Mario Circuit U (Bowser Jr.)+
Mario Galaxy (Rosalina & Luma)+
Plucky Pass (Captain Toad)

75m (Donkey Kong)
Jungle Hijinx (Diddy Kong)
Mine Cart Madness (King K. Rool)
Bramble Scramble (Dixie Kong)+
Boxing Ring (Little Mac)
Duck Hunt (Duck Hunt)+
Clu Clu Land (Bubbles)
Summit (Ice Climbers)
Gyromite Lab (R.O.B.)

Hyrule Field (Link)
Skyloft (Zelda)
Gerudo Valley (Sheik)
Bridge Of Eldin (Ganondorf)
Great Bay (Skull Kid)+
Pirate Ship (Toon Link)
Frigate Orpheon (Samus)
Norfair (Ridley)+
Brinstar Depths (Zero Suit Samus)

Underworld (Pit)
Palutena's Temple (Palutena)+
Magicant (Ness)
New Pork City (Lucas)
Castle Siege (Marth)
Laguz Nations (Ike)
Coliseum (Robin)+
Yoshi's Woolly World (Yoshi)
Port Aero Dive (Captain Falcon)

Dream Land 3DS (Kirby)
The Great Cave Offensive (King Dedede)
Halberd (Meta Knight)
Seventopia (Bandana Dee)
WarioWare, Inc. (Wario)
Gamer (9-Volt)+
Corneria (Fox)
Orbital Gate Assault (Falco)
Titania (Wolf)+

Pokemon Stadium X (Pikachu)
Unova Pokemon League (Jigglypuff)
PokeFloats (Mewtwo)+
Prism Tower (Charizard)
Ecruteak City (Gengar)+
Pokemon Contest (Sceptile)
Spear Pillar (Lucario)
Kalos Pokemon League (Greninja)
Crystal Lake (Kensuke)

Town And City (Villager)
Venus Lighthouse (Isaac)
Distant Planet (Olimar)
Sandersons' Basement (Chibi-Robo)+
Rhythm Heaven Fever (Rhythm Heaven)
Wii Fit Studio (Wii Fit Trainer)
Gaur Plains (Shulk)
Eryth Sea (Fiora)+
Inkopolis (Inkling)

Balloon Fight
Wrecking Crew
PictoChat 2
Tomodatchi Life
Nintendo Land
Big Battlefield
Final Destination

Pac-Maze (Pac-Man)
Street Fighter V (Ryu)+
Wily's Castle (Mega Man)
Windy Hill Zone (Sonic)
Glade Of Dreams (Rayman)
Spiral Mountain (Banjo & Kazooie)+
Scuttle Town (Shantae)
London (Professor Layton)
Plains (Shovel Knight)

+=Has to be unlocked to play. All unlockable stages are direct home stages to all unlockable characters. The only way to unlock the unlockable stages here is to unlock the characters.

Tomorrow I'll explain about the new stages.

3D Dillon

Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2014
Here are the details for the new stages:
As you fight, you ride a car that drives around a trail towards Princess Peach's castle. When the car
isn't moving, a block appears above it. Hitting it causes a random number to appear. That number
represents how many spaces you move. There are three different types of spaces in this stage. The blue
space will heal the damage percentage by 3, the red one damages the percentage by 3, and there's the
green one with the question mark called the Event Space. Depending on where you are, if you land on
that space, a special event occurs whether good or bad. Once the car reaches Peach's Castle, it warps
right back to the start to begin the trail all over again. Make note that the blue and red spaces will
not affect the fighters if they're in stamina mode.

There are four different rooms: the fiery lair with the lava, spinning fire bars, and lava bubbles,
the room with a ground full of spikes and two snake blocks, the dark room with just blocks that you
can destroy but you will only see where the fighters are, and the rampart where big meteors will fall
from the sky. You cannot be KO'd in the bottom of the screen as the entire stage has no pits on that
side, so only the left, right, or upper sides can you KO an opponent. Wherever you start is random
and Magikoopa changes the location by magic just like Mushroom Kingdom U.

You fight behind a giant medicine bottle in a check patterned background. One at a time, a pill will
pop out of the bottle and land onto the battlefield. Their colors represent their powers. Red will
burn, yellow will electrify, and blue will freeze. If the pills haven't been popping out for 30
seconds, the Virus trio will appear. Like the pills, the viruses have their own powers. Weird (Yellow)
creates a spark, Chill (Blue) blows an icy wind, and Fever (Red) breathes fire. They can attack in
unison by flying from one side to the next or by flying upwards and firing a combination of 3 lasers
downwards. Each virus has its own health gauge which is one third the gauge that Metal Face has. So
for example, if only Weird gets hit and KO'd, Fever and Chill will both have full health. Once all
three viruses are defeated or they escape, the stage goes back to its regular routine, pills popping
out of the bottle and landing onto the battlefield.

This block represents the mini-universes from Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker. As you fight here, the
camera can move gently forth and back in four different directions: up, down, left, and right. There
are also pluck patches that you can pull to reveal an item just like the grass item from Smash 4. It
it takes three pulls to reveal a big item like a barrel or a party ball. You can also go through a
tunnel at the bottom of the block. If one fighter is in the tunnel, the ground reveals its interior.
When there are zero fighters there, the interior is invisible.

Here you fight on a platform on wheels that replace the mine carts from the Donkey Kong Country. As
the platforms occasionally move up and down on small inclines, a sign on the right will warn of a
hazard upcoming. If there'll be an upcoming Krash, the fighters will just be in the air to avoid
getting hurt. If there'll be a pit, the fighters must jump out towards another platform. If there'll
be a dynamite, the fighters must head down below where another platform is before the explosion.

This stage is filled with thorny brambles. Only the wooden platforms, vines, and barrels can be
touched because the thorns hurt if you touch them. On occasion, a group of Squawks or Zingers will fly
by in the background. The screen scrolls like 3D Land from Smash 4.

If you hold R as you select Boxing Ring on the Stage Select screen and you're fighting as Little Mac
against only one other fighter, Doc Louis will give a random advice about the opponent. Each fighter
get three different advices about them from Doc.

In this stage, the camera is fixed, and there are three platforms that areshaped like the black area
for the first two levels of Clu Clu Land with the middle one wider. Behind the platforms are poles
that Bubbles grabs onto. There are also Ingots hidden in the background. Wherever the fighter uses
their attack, if an Ingot is there, it is uncovered. Uncovering all the Ingots will have the stage
go to the next puzzle. There are 12 different Ingot shapes that can be unveiled in this stage.

The water can now freeze the fighters.

At long last, R.O.B. who has been playable since Brawl gets a stage of his own for the first time.
Professors Hector and Vector's laboratory is full of dynamites and gates. For the dynamites, you can
make disappear by touching them b don't attack them whether intentional or not, or they'll explode
hurting you. The red and blue gates are also objects you need to keep in mind. In the background, a
giant R.O.B. moves slowly moving the gyros to depress the pedestal changing the gates' elevation
points. Be careful and try to avoid being on top or below the gates while R.O.B. move the gyros or
else you'll get crushed resulting in an instant KO!

Straight from the new Zelda game for the Wii U, it's its version of Hyrule Field. The layout is quite
enormous! There's a mountain, some trees, and of course hazards that you recognize from Zelda 2016.
Like Bowser's Castle and Wii Fit Studio, there are no pits.

If Skull Kid is in the battlefield, the Moon and the Giants won't appear as Skull Kid summons the
Moon for his final smash.

This is similar to Icicle Mountain from Melee and Rumble Falls from Brawl. Like Rumble Falls, the
screen only goes up, so you'll have to keep climbing to stay alive. Unlike the other two stages, this
one will let you go from one side of the stage to the next as long as you're not launched. Watch out
for the icy ground and beware of the lava pits.

Palutena's Guidance is no longer in this stage. Doc Louis' advice replaces this codec.

This is quite similar to Castle Siege, as the stage always changes its layout in one same order. The
only difference: instead of going through a castle, you go through different nations. The order goes
like this: Gallia, Goldoa, Phoenicis, and Hatari.

Everything that appear in this stage are in clay form. Elline can appear to draw rainbow lines. You
can go through the lines going upward but no downward unless the analog stick is titled down.

Here you fight on a big Landmaster avoiding some hazards that appear dead ahead. To keep the tradition
going, Fox, Falco, and Wolf will perform a smash taunt secret. Their codecs are featured differently
depending on what Star Fox character you're using.

Nothing that new except it's a combination of Pokemon Stadium from Melee and Pokemon Stadium 2.

A platform flies with Ho-Oh and then dives towards a building of its choice, then you fight inside
that building until 1 minute later when they are warped back to the flying platform. They can go in
the basement of the Burned Tower where you can crush broken rocks while certain Pokemon like Koffing,
Rattata, and Magmar are seen in the background. There's also the Kimono Girls' theater where you can
see the girls and their Eevelution Pokemon dancing onstage. Another building you can go into is the
Ecruteak Gym. Here, Gastly, Haunter, and Misdreavus fly around, and the floor is invisible unless
it is shining, so you'll have to be carefull where you land. Finally, the platform can take you to the
top of Bell Tower where Ho-Oh appears to use Sacred Fire on a random part of the roof you're on.

You fight in front of an audience of people and Pokemon as well as some judges. The judges will bring
out their thoughts on the power of the fighters' special attacks by showing a certain number of
hearts on the monitor. If a repeated special move is used though, the judges get disappointed, and
the excitement meter lowers. The excitement meter increases based on how well the fighters are doing.
When it gets full, whoever causes it to be full will be invincible for a short period of time.

In the Dragonmark chamber, Rayquaza is updated to have a boss role like in Subspace Emissary. It uses
some, but not all, of its attacks from Brawl like Dragon Pulse and Thunder. It can no longer use Dig
or a diagonal Dragon Pulse. When its health meter is halway empty, it mega evolves! Its attacks are
more powerful and it can now use Hyper Beam and Dragon Ascent.

A platform similar to the one in Wuhu Island flies all over Crystal Lake above the snowboarders. It
can eventually land and stop at a certain part of the stage before flying off again. Like Summit, the
water in the lake will freeze anyone if they touch it.

You fight on the top of the Venus Lighthouse while on occasion jumping on pillars. These pillars can
crumble if they're damaged enough. They can come back after a while though. If a fighter stands in
front of the big statue in the center, it will upgrade their grabbing attack for a short period of
time. During that period, the grab has a longer range; a giant hand will grab the opponent instead of
the fighter physically.

During the day, nothing really happens stagewise as you fight in the basement. However, at night, all
the toys are alive and charge up Giga-Robo's battery. Like Bowser's Castle, Hyrule Field, and Wii Fit
Studio, there are no pits. Somewhere in the basement is Giga-Robo's missing leg. If one can find it,
and the battery is full, Giga-Robo will come to life and attack the leg-finder's opponent(s). After a
while, Giga-Robo will malfunction rather humorously causing its power in its battery to go down while
at the same time popping its leg out, thus causing this routine to repeat itself.

You fight on a giant Wii remote behind a monitor. This stage can vary depending on the music you play,
and the music stops if you pause on that stage. The monitor shows a series of Rhythm Heaven Fever
games like Screwbot Factory, Ring Side, and Karate Man. The A button is pressed by itself at the right
rhythm of the situation in the monitor. Sometimes the A+B combination is used. The buttons will cause
the fighters to slip if they're on A.

Metal Face has new specific dialogue for Fiora if she's fighting in Gaur Plains.

This stage has everything you'd expect from Eryth Sea like floating islands and water. Although this
stage doesn't have pits, you can still get KO'd at the bottom by drowning.

Above Inkopolis are some platforms and obstacles to fight on. There are sponges and balloon fish too.
If a sponge is hit by a fighter, it grows and changes color. It'll shrink and go back to its regular
color if hit by an opponent. The color depends on where the fighters' icon is. For example, if Player
1 hits the sponge, it'll turn red. Also note that if Final Boss (Squid Sisters) or Splatfest Plaza is
played, the Squid Sisters will be seen performing and dancing. During their performance, anytime the
match is paused, the music is paused.

The fighters ride a slow moving train around Nintendo Land while facing different attractions and the
Nintendo Land tower. If you hold down the R button as you select this stage on the select screen,
Monita will give the fighters a guided tour about the background.

The shape of these three stages remain the same yet they appear different from the previous versions.

When a fighter grabs a power pellet, the ghosts will no longer necessarily be blue. Instead they'll
turn into a color depending of where the fighter's icon is. For example, if Player 1 grabs a power
pellet, the ghosts will be red. Still, for example, Player 1 can't grab a power pellet if it is not
red or plain.

The appearance of this stage is based on Rayman Origins. Sometimes after 1 and a half minutes of
fighting, Carnivora will crawl into the stage as a boss. She'll crawl across platforms. Any fighter
that touch her will get hurt. She can use her tongue like a frog or slam her head if she's upside-down
above another platform. Her only weak point is the pink bug-eyed spot. Once the pink spot has taken
enough damage, she'll transform into her true form then leaves.

The layout has Spiral Mountain in the center with the pond at the bottom center, the small bridge on
the left, and the veggie garden on the right. On a rare occasion, Grunty will pop out her lair with
her broomstick to cast some spells on the fighters. She'll of course talk in rhyhme as you avoid her
wicked spells. For instance, she may say "Some other witch was in Smash 4, but I'm the witch you
should adore!"

This stage scrolls like 3D Land and Bramble Scramble and is based on the Scuttle Town stage from
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. The jars unveil items if you break them, wooden boards that fall shortly
after one lands on them, and large cannonball containers that can destroy a building in the background
or land on the battlefield causing serious damage to a fighter if they land straight at them. By the
way, no tinkerbats will pop out of those containers.

The fighters ride a two decker bus. Emmy may appear driving with Luke and Layton (if he's not in the
battlefield) Layton's car as a platform. If an red exclamation point appears, the fighters will be
warped to a puzzle with three different answers. There's a 1 minute time limit and fighters select an
answer by taunting. Up taunt equals A, Side equals B, and Down equals C. If the fighter is correct,
they remain unharmed, but if they choose the wrong answer or run out of time, they'll receive 10%
damage. They can launched and KO'd if their damage percentage is higher enough. Also note that the
CPU's chance of getting it right depends on how high their level is. For example, if a CPU's level is
9, there's a 90% chance that they get it right. The quiz ends when time is over or when everybody
sets up their final answer.

This stage is in 8-bit graphics. At the center is a hole filled with diggable blocks. Anytime, one of
these blocks get hit by an attack, it disappears. It reappears after 20 seconds but will immediately
be destroyed again if a fighter interferes with its area. Be careful not to dig too deep because it'll
uncover a pit.

3D Dillon

Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2014
Do you know what? I've decided to have all my fantasy stuff I've done so far, since pretty much all of it is ready.
Here are some details about the new fighters in my fantasy Smash. Many of them are actually someone else's ideas. I have to give credit to all who came up with the moves listed here. Don't worry, if you see your move for a certain character, I have to give you credit for bringing it. No copyright infringement intended.

This is not the same toad for Peach's counter. This particular Toad is a treasure hunter. Despite his
main role in Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, he actually made his debut in Super Mario Galaxy. He's
the leader of a group called the Toad Brigade. What is unique to this fighter is that he can collect
diamonds to power up his backpack he can whack opponents with. The more diamonds in his backpack, the
stronger and harder the backpack will hit. However, that also makes Toad heavier, moving 10% slower,
jumping shorter and falling faster for each diamond. He can only hold 3 diamonds altogether. You can
also play as Toadette as an alt for Captain Toad.

Standard: Mine
Uses a small pickax. If he's on the ground, this move won't cause any damage but will let Toad
dig for 5 seconds. Afterwards, he'll grab a diamond and put it in his backpack. If he flinches during
the mining part, he won't get the diamond. If he has 3 diamonds in his backpack while trying to use
this move, he'll look at packback and look doubtful as if 4 diamonds is too much. If Toad is in the
air, he can use the pickax as an attack that can meteor smash an opponent.

Side: Throw Away
Tosses a diamond away from him with decent knockback if it hits an opponent. Toad becomes lighter,
going faster, jumping higher, and falling more slowly by 10%. If he has no diamonds in his backpack,
he'll shrug his shoulders and shakes his head.

Up: Wind Platform
Rides a wind platform up then drops down. It's great vertically but bad horizontally. It can also
deal little damage to the opponents.

Down: Brick Wall
Protects his front side with a small brick wall. It can be broken if it receives enough damage. If it
breaks, Toad can't use this move again until after 10 seconds.

Final Smash: Big Turnip
Grabs a giant turnip from the ground and throws it forwards. Whatever it hits will receive great
damage and knockback. Be careful not to use Standard-B in midair after breaking the Smash Ball or
else Toad will just be pulling air and will be in his helpless state with his final smash cancelled.

This cruel king finally makes his return after being absent in both Donkey Kong Country Returns and
Tropical Freeze. First appearing in Donkey Kong Country, he was the final boss in all three games
in the original trilogy. Now he's back and ready for revenge on the Kongs. He can also wear his
pirate outfit as Kaptain K. Rool during this game.

Standard: Blunderbuss
Pulls out his blunderbuss and fires one cannonball out. It causes great knockback and damage but after
firing, K. Rool can't fire another one until after 10 seconds. He (and only he) can grab it and throw
it a short distance. It deals the same ammount of damage but it'll break after being thrown.

Side: Crown Toss
Tosses his crown a good distance forth and back. The crown deals a tiny ammount of damage but
may bring opponents closer to him so he can bring a follow up attack. It still leaves K. Rool open for
attack though. If he loses the crown after tossing it, he won't be able to toss it again until 10
seconds later.

Up: Heli-Pack
Soars upward with his heli-pack. He can only travel straight upwards with this but it deals a small
ammount of damage to anyone that touches the blade.

Down: Shockwave Slam
Jumps up and then slams down sending out a small shockwave dealing decent damage but no knockback for
anyone that touches it. They can still flinch from the shockwave though. Also note that this move
gets stronger the higher K. Rool is in the air.

Final Smash: Canonball Storm
Pulls out his blunderbuss to fire a massive explosion from the gun barrel causing a shower of
cannonballs to come crash down towards the stage. The cannonballs hurt a lot and have excellent
knockback if they hit an opponent.

The only DK rep here to not debut until Donkey Kong Country 2, Dixie Kong is Diddy's girlfriend and
her ponytail hair isn't for show. She can use it to glide and attack. She plays out similarly to
Diddy Kong in this game, but unlike Diddy, Dixie mostly uses her hair for attacks and grabs. She also
has three midair jumps.

Standard: Bubble Gum Popgun
Shoots out a bubble gum with her popgun. The longer Standard-B is held, the longer she'll charge and
the larger the bubble gun will be. If you charge for too long, the bubble will just pop leaving Dixie
vunerable to attacks for a brief moment. Unlike Diddy, Dixie's ammo is shot in a straight line, goes
slightly faster and hurts more, charging too long for Dixie will cause any damage or knockback.

Side: Chimp Flip
Does a backwards flip leaping forward. If she hits an opponent that's not dodging, she'll latch onto
their head. Unlike Diddy's Monkey Flip, Dixie meteor smashes the victim but she can't kick during this
move. She'll also be in her helpless state if she misses.

Up: Helicopter Hair
Launches herself up with her hair like a helicopter. The longer Up-B is held, the more she'll twist
herself (until she reaches her maximum point) and the higher and stronger her launch will be. This
move can also deal a combo of damage to anyone that touches Dixie at that point and then a fair
knockback at the end.

Down: Banana Peel Shuriken
Tosses a banana peel forward. Like Diddy's Banana Peel, Dixie can only use one banana at a time, but
unlike Diddy, Dixie throws it forward instead of backward, and the banana peel flies faster for longer
horizontal range, but Dixie's startup is slower that Diddy's.

Final Smash: Animal Stampede
Whistles to summon a stampede of animal buddies. They all run at Dixie's horizontal line at the moment
from the left side of the screen to the right. Anytime an opponent touches any part of the stampede,
they'll receive great damage and knockback.

The heroine of one of the NES' earliest titles, Clu Clu Land, Bubbles is another addition to the group
of "retro" characters like Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B., and Duck Hunt. She's actually one of the oldest
female characters in the Nintendo universe, dating before Peach, Zelda, and Samus.

Standard: Sonic Boom
Shoots out a sonic boom at the direction you want it to go. To, for example, shoot downward, you'll
have to press B slightly before you press down. Anyway, the sonic boom only flinches the target if it
hits unless it bounces off a wall, ceiling, or floor. A deflected sonic boom causes a knockback.

Side: Typhoon Kick
Spins around three times with her pole. Each kick does rather little damage and so-so knockback, but
can still go spinning if Side-B is tapped repeatedly. This goes until she stops or gets hit hard
enough for her to flinch.

Up: Flinger
Swings from her pole and lets go to leap up like a gymnast while doing flips. When she's flipping like
this, she's in her helpless state. Her pole won't come back to her until she hits the ground.

Down: Physical Deflection
Pushes herself onto the floor then thrusts upward with good knockback but no horizontal movement.
She won't be in her helpless state but this move can only work if she's on the ground. If Down-B is
pressed while she's in mid-air she'll dive right down before she hits the floor. This can bring a
small knockback and a small ammount of damage.

Final Smash: Whirlpool
Spins with her pole and creates a large whirlpool. Anyone nearby will get caught in the vortex. Inside
the vortex is a black watery background with many Uniras and the victim(s). The swarm of Uniras deal
damage repeatedly before a boss Unira pushes them into a rubber trap. The rubber trap launches the
victim(s) out of the vortex with excellent knockback. The boss Unira appears in the Vs. and Famicom
Disk System versions of the game by the way.

After being an assist trophy in Smash 4, Skull Kid from Majora's Mask can now show his real powers to
the Smash world. Possessed by the evil magic of Majora, Skull Kid is considered to be one of the
darkest villains in the Zelda universe. If Link couldn't stop him after 72 hours, the creepy-faced
moon would destroy all of Termina! Skull Kid can also don one of the 20 masks for his up taunt. While
most masks just make a sound, four harder to don ones have a different effect. The Blast Mask blows up
hurting anyone near it plus Skull Kid, the Bunny Hood is used like the item, the Stone Mask turns him
invisible, and the Giant's Mask has the same effect as the Super Mushroom. In addition to Skull Kid,
Tael and Tatl join him by his side for many A-button attacks and taunts.

Standard: Zora Fins
Unleashes the Zora fins like Zora Link would and then the fins come back to him. This move has a
similar effect from Link's and Toon Link's boomerangs and King K. Rool's crown toss, but unlike K.
Rool and like Link and Toon Link, Skull Kid can still be able to use the fins immediately after they
fly off and miss him.

Side: Goron Roll
Turns into a Goron ball and rolls forwards at good speed. If Skull Kid hits an opponent, it'll deal
great knockback and decent damage, but Skull Kid will receive recoil damage to himself.

Up: Deku Glide
Launches up with petals falling and then uses helicopter flowers to glide in the air. Only the
launching will deal damage to an opponent. If the B button is pressed during the gliding or if Skull
goes too much distance horizontally, he'll be in his helpless state and fall faster.

Down: Elegy Of Emptiness
Plays the melody for the Elegy Of Emptiness and then a statue of himself magically appears. Skull Kid
plays the song on his pipe for 6 seconds and while he does, he is very open to attacks, and any moves
that'll at least flinch him will interrupt this move. The statue has no use on the ground, but deals
incredible damage and knockback while it falls in the air.

Final Smash: Apocalypse
Screams upward and summons a smaller but still very large variant of the Moon which comes crashing
down the stage. Anyone caught in the fiery power of the moon will receive an insane ammount of
repeated damage up to a whopping 300% damage! Finally, the Moon explodes causing knockback even more
powerful than Marth's Critical Hit! If anyone already has 100% damage, they would be instantly KO'd
by touching the Moon! This is hard to avoid and nigh impossible to survive after getting hit by the
Moon, thus making this considered to be the most powerful and dangerous Final Smash of all!


He was a boss in Brawl and Smash 4 due to his debatable size. However now it seems like Smash has
given up since Dirk has taken over as the director and resized Ridley to be a playable fighter! After
all, did you know that there are actually different clones of himself. This may be how he comes back
after being destroyed by Samus. He has 3 midair jumps as well as a Meta Ridley alt.

Standard: Fireball Shot
Breathes out smalls fireballs straight forward with short horizontal range. The longer the move is
held, the smaller the fireballs will be smaller and weaker and the range becomes shorter.

Side: Wind Power
Flaps his wings violently to create wind. The wind doesn't not deal damage but can blow opponents
away from Ridley in a short range. The wings can however deal damage and has okay knockback too. Also
note that Ridley can charge this move if you hold down Side-B. The longer he charges, the more
powerful the wind and wings will be.

Up: Aerial Wings
Flaps his wings to fly up high in the air. The number of heights of climb in this is limited and this
move can't deal any damage or knockback. However, Ridley won't be in his helpless state after using
up all the move's power before being grounded or flinching again just like R.O.B.'s Robo-Burner.

Down: Somersault Slash
Does a back flip while slashing with his claws with decent damage and knockback. He'll move back as
he does this move.

Final Smash: Skyward Blast
Dives forward with great speed. Anyone he hits will be sent up into a sky. There, all the fighter(s)
he hits are stuck in one airborne place. Ridley then unleashes a giant fire blast from his mouth
which forces the victim(s) down to the stage ground closest to the center. Once the victim(s) get
grounded, they launch upward. The blast can also hit those who weren't caught by Ridley's dive with
great damage and knockback. If Ridley misses, he'll just somersault back to the point where his final
smash was executed.

Waddle Dees are enemies in Adventure Mode but this playable one wears a bandana and holds a spear.
Debuting in Kirby Super Star, Bandana Waddle Dee only made a brief cameo there before making a much
bigger role in Super Star Ultra as King Dedede's loyal adviser. Recently he has appeared in Kirby And
The Rainbow Curse as a playable character which makes sense seeing how Seventopia is directly his home
stage in this game.

Standard: Spear Throw
Spins his spear. Press B again to throw his spear. Letting him charge will have him throw from one to
two and when he's fully charged, he'll throw three spears. Small damage for one spear. A total of 24%
for all 3 spears together.

Side: Nruff Rider
Summons a Nruff and tackles opponents with okay knockback. Like Wario's Motocycle, Waddle Dee can
jump off. However he can't turn around. Once the Nruff has taken enough damage, it'll faint, and he'll
have to wait 10 seconds to summon another Nruff.

Up: Spearcopter
Spins his spear quickly over his head. He flies straight up a small way then hovers for a short time.
As he hovers, he can move left or right. This move can trap opponents to deal a combo of small damage.

Down: Waddle Bounce
Does the classic Waddle Dee hop. His foot moves like a kick and can do damage to anyone it kicks. It
can be cancelled into another move after it hits.

Final Smash: Waddle Dee Tank

Summons the Waddle Dee Tank with another Waddle Dee firing scope shots at the nearest opponents. These
shots are powerful and deal great damage and knockback. The tank can also move around on the platform
it lands on causing smaller but still decent damage and knockack. Because the Tank attacks by itself,
Waddle Dee can attack normally during his Final Smash.

Super Smash Bros. is known for its Nintendo all-stars. WarioWare's 9-Volt is a huge fan of Nintendo
itself. His microgames consist of Nintendo classics from the past and his Game & Wario game "Gamer"
is the classic tradition formula of WarioWare, the microgames. His regular specials are based on
WarioWare. His 1st alternate special moves are based on old Nintendo classics that he's looked at. The
2nd alternate special moves are based off of older characters' special moves. He, Palutena, Inkling,
and Rayman are the only two non-Mii's to have all the custom specials by default. Whenever he KO's
someone, he'll say one of his sucess quotes. If he's KO'd himself, he'll say one of his failure
quotes. 9-Volt grabs fighters with an old device called the Ultra Hand by the way.

Standard: Pest Control
Uses the Wii remote to use an aiming cursor in a short range. To move the cursor, use the analog
stick. To fire, press B again. Same damage and knocback as Palutena's Autoreticle.

Standard 2: Fly Swatter
The aiming cursor is replaced by a fly. It moves on its own. Pressing B will let a swatter swat the
fly. The move will deal higher damage than Pest Control but can only hit if the fly is swatted while
it's overlapping the opponent.

Standard 3: Zapper
This is just like Samus' Charge Shot except with 9-Volt firing with a Zapper.

Side: City Surfer
Rides his skateboard forward with okay damage and knockback. While 9-Volt skateboards, not only can he
duck while holding down, but there are three ways to jump. Hold up and press B to let him jump high
diagonally. Hold down and press B to let him jump low with his skateboard. Don't use the analog stick
and press B to let him do a short jump off the speeding skateboard.

Side 2: Baseball
Briefly tosses a baseball in the air in front of him. After a slow startup, 9-Volt swings the ball.
Its range is long and can deal small damage and flinch the opponent. The swing of the bat is stronger
and has knockback.

Side 3: Excitebike
This is just like Wario's Bike except with 9-Volt riding an Excitebike.

Up: Gold Digger
Launches up with a giant glove to put both of its fingers in the nose that appears right above him.
The nose won't hurt at all but the glove would for decent damage. Afterward, he jumps off diagonally
left or right depending on where you want him to face.

Up 2: Paratroppa
Jumps up on and stomps on a Paratroopa which turns wingless and falls. 9-Volt doesn't cause any damage
or knockback during the jump and the horizontal recovery is poor. The Koopa hurts though and can turn
into a shell after another hit and can be thrown. However the damage and knockback for this shell is
1/4 weaker than the item counterpart.

Up 3: Fire
This is just like Mr. Game & Watch's Fire except with... 8-bit 9-Volt!

Down: Sweeping Victory
9-Volt whiffs his pen on his DS, causing a line to whiff out briefly. Anyone who touches the line
while grounded will slip like a banana peel. The startup is unfortunately kind of laggy.

Down 2: Stack-Up
Places one block next to him. They'll have to jump over to go past the block. 9-Volt can have a total
of 5 blocks being placed. Once all 5 are, he'll have to wait until 1 disappears before placing another
block. He can put all 5 in a stack creating a taller barrier though.

Down 3: Hogan's Alley
This is just like Duck Hunt's Wild Gunman, except with characters from Hogan's Alley.

Final Smash: Retro Remix
18-Volt joins 9-Volt in a remix party. 9-Volt is the DJ while 18 Jams on the boombox. Anyone that
touches a shockwave will be stunned and the last shockwave causes great damage and knockback. The song
they play is random. It can be from Mario, Punch Out!!, Zelda, Metroid, and Kid Icarus. During the
remix, 9-Volt can scratch the record by press B.

The third generation is representated. As the grass-type starter from Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire,
Sceptile is the final evolved form of Treecko. Now we have a grass-type along side the fire-type
Charizard and the water-type Greninja.

Standard: Energy Ball
A ball of green light grows in Sceptile's mouth. It can charge like Samus' Charge Shot, but it can't
be stored for later. The non-charged ball only deals small damage and flinching. The fully-charged
ball causes knockback and better damage as well as a flower put on the opponent(s)' head.

Side: Leaf Blade
Slices with its leaves. It causes so-so damage and knockback except when it's up close for a critical
hit. That causes twice as much damage and knockback.

Up: Leaf Storm
Rides a tornado of leaves. It can suck opponents nearby in for a little ammount of damage. It's much
better vertically than it is horizontally.

Down: Grass Knot
A grass slithers forward from Sceptile as Down-B is held. Once B is let go, the grass becomes bigger
and tries to grab an opponent. If it catches one, whatever damage and knockback it deals depends on
how heavy the victim is. For example, the damage dealt on Kirby is weaker than on Bowser. If the grass
hits the edge of a platform, it'll grow automatically.

Final Smash: Frenzy Plant
Mega-evolves then covers the stage with swishing swinging prickly brambles that cause great damage and
knockback if any of them is touched. After the Final Smash is over, Sceptile goes to its dizzy state
as a reference to the fact that it must recharge after using Frenzy Plant.

This Pokemon is a highly requested fighter in Pokken Tournament, so why can't it be in Smash as well?
The haunted ghost Pokemon Gengar is the final form of Gastly and is gym leader Morty's main Pokemon
which is why its direct home stage is Ecruteak City.

Standard: Hex
Creates a purple flame in front of it. It deals small damage and knockback but if an opponent has a
status problem like flowered, dizzy, sleep, and tiny, the damage and knockback doubles if it hits.

Side: Lick
Use its tongue to attempt to lick an opponent. Like Zero Suit Samus' Paralyzer, it stuns the victim(s)
for a very brief moment with damage.

Up: Levitate
Levitates with ghostly aura anywhere in the air by moving the analog stick for 3 seconds. Like Pit's
Wings of Icarus from Brawl, if it gets hit during the levitation, it'll automatically go to its
helpless state before getting hit again or grounded.

Down: Night Shade
Unleashes a ray from its hands. If it's clsoe enough and it's facing right at a grounded opponent, it
will deal a set ammount of damage depending on how high its damage percentage is.
0-99% = 10% damage
100-199% = 20% damage
200-299 = 30% damage
And so on. The number in the hundred's place in Gengar's damage percentage multiplied by 10 equals
the damage the opponent(s) would receive. In Stamina Mode, this move's damage will always be 10%.

Final Smash: Shadow Drop
Mega-evolves and slams a giant shadow ball in front of it. If it catches an opponent, it'll do the
similar animation from Pokken Tournament, the dark ball swallows the victim(s) which then falls into
Mega Gengar's mouth, then it closes it and appears as a sphere before the camera zooms in on it. After
that, there is a blackish purple explosing dealing excellent knockback and damage to the victim(s).
Shadow Drop is Gengar's "Burst" attack from Pokken Tournament.

Kensuke Kimachi from 1080o Snowboarding is another ice themed fighter since the Ice Climbers. Since
Smash is known to go against the laws of physics, Kensuke walks and runs by snowboarding.

Standard: Snowy Wind
Spins around with snow. It can't reflect anything but it can go on repeatedly as long as B is pressed
repeatedly. It also has a small chance of freezing an opponent for a really short time.

Side: Frontflip
Jumps forward if grounded and does a frontflip. Snow makes a 360 circle during this dealing so-so
damage and a tiny knockback.

Up: 1080
Does a 1080 which launches him upward. It deals the same damage and knockback as Link's Spin Attack,
but this move cannot be grounded and charged.

Down: Tailgrab
Does a tailgrab which propels him down like Bowser's Bowser Bomb only diagonally and weaker, and snow
splashes out at the end impact.

Final Smash: Avalanche Surfing
Jump up offscreen then from the upper left corner comes Kensuke surfing on a giant avalanche. The
avalanche freezes and greatly launches those it touch. After the Final Smash is done, Kensuke drops
down from the upper side of the screen.

Once an assist trophy in Brawl without ever making an appearance in Smash 4, Isaac comes to Earth as
a playable character! As the star of Golden Sun, Isaac is a Venus Adept enabling him to use
earth-based forces with what's called Psynergy.

Standard: Boulder
Generates a boulder from a bunch of small rocks above his head. He then hurls it forward bringing good
knocback and damage. This move can be charged. The longer it's charged, the bigger and stronger the
boulder will be. However, it'll take longer for Isaac to move and hurl it.

Side: Move
Returning from Brawl, Isaac generates a giant energy hand that pushes opponents away. However, it has
been nerfed because if this has the same power as it did in Brawl, it may be considered the most
unfair advantage in all of this game. The range is much shorter, the startup is slower, Isaac is
vunerable to attacks, and the hand's force depends on how much damage anyone has received. However, it
still can move invincible fighters and it's still the same size as from Brawl.

Up: Retreat
Disappears in a plume of rainbow bubbles. This recovery move can move anywhere for a short period of
time even through solid. Be careful though; not only can this move not attack, but if its time is up
when Isaac is in solid ground, it'll be a OHKO for him!

Down: Punji Strike
Shoots bamboo sticks in front of him if he's on the ground. It causes decent damage and knockback and
traps any opponents within the bamboo. It can also be charged to determine how long the opponent stays
trapped. The charging can go on for 5 seconds and each second means one more second of time the victim
is trapped. If Isaac tries to use this move in the air, he'll shrug his shoulders and shake his head.

Final Smash: Odyssey
Has a massive aura of psynergy around himself. He then summons two giant swords made of his psnergy.
They pierce the least damaged opponent in an X form causing them to be stunned. If there is only one
opponent in a match, they'll always be the final smash's target not matter how little of damage they
have received. If there is a tie between two opponents, the final smash will pick a random target.
Anyway, after the two swords have striked, a bigger sword is summoned to go across the entire screen.
This sword's knockback and damage power is the same as Ganondorf's Final Smash's finishing blow. The
opponents that aren't stunned can get hit by it too, but they can avoid it by double-jumping.

Since Ridley has been resized for Smash, Chibi-Robo, thought by some to be too small, follows suit.
Because Chibi-Robo runs on batteries, he has his own time limit. Electric attacks can drain the
batteries faster. Once he runs out, it's an instant KO for him. The maximum he can go without charging
is 5 minutes. Also, he's the only character besides Yoshi that doesn't use the usual Shield Bubble.
Instead he uses a cup which turns darker the more damage it receives until it breaks.

Standard: Chibi-Blaster
Uses his Chibi-Blaster to fire projectiles forward. This is basically a weaker version of the Super
Scope. The more charged the shot is, the more the battery power is drained.

Side: Ground Work
Does one of three random things. 75% of the time, Chibi-Robo will use a tooth-brush to scrub the
ground with small damage and tiny knockback. 25% of the time, he'll spray the ground with a slippery
puddle that fighters can slip on. 25% of the time, he'll dig a hole and leave and pitfall. All three
startups are slow though, and if Chibi-Robo flinches before he finished, the move fails.

Up: Chibi-Copter
Elevates with his Chibi-Copter. It's poor vertically, but decent horizontally. The propeller, but not
Chibi-Robo himself, causes small damage and knockback for anyone it touches.

Down: Plug And Charge
His battery meter is a very important thing to remember when using this character. The meter, which
is seen above Chibi-Robo's emblem, slowly drains over time. The important thing to do is charge the
batteries and stay as far away from enemy hits as possible. It takes quite a brief moment to fully
charge the batteries. Chibi-Robo is open to attacks during this, but the energy will be stored in
himself whether he is hit or not.

Final Smash: Drake Redcrest Chibi-Robo!
Generates a negative-colored force field. Anyone trapped here is slowed down by 1/4 and Chibi-Robo's
attack power increases by 2x.

So many different characters from this series. In fact, this fighter is actually a collection of
fighters. The girl with the DS is the main part but sometimes Rhythm Heaven transforms into a totally
different character. For example, Karate Joe appears for the side smash, the Clap Trio appears for the
up smash, and the Glee Club Choir appears for the down smash. All 3 of Rhythm Heaven's smashes have 1
thing in common: they can use A three times. After the first 2 hits are done, the third one depends on
how in rhythm it is. If its off rhythm, the final hit will be weak with no knockback. However, if the
space between the 2nd and 3rd hits is about the same as between the 1st and 2nd hits, the attack is
much stronger and has good knockback. Actually, the majority of Rhythm Heaven's attack require good
rhythm. Bad rhythm means weak attacks. The Ring Side Wrestler does the taunts by the way.

Standard: Hole In One
The golfer and monkey from Hole In One pop up. The monkey tosses the golf ball over to the golfer.
In rhythm, press B to swing. If done correctly, the ball flies forward with decent damage and
knockback while the golf club does better damage than that.

Side: Figure Fighter
The figure fighter appears. After hearing a brief "1, 2!", press B in rhythm twice to let out 2 strong
jabs with better knockback on the last one.

Up: Launch Party
A rocket appears. There's a countdown from 3 to 0. Right on the 0, press B to launch the rocket. This
brings good knockback and damge plus excellent vertical recovery. Rhythm Heaven goes high up at the
top of the screen if it's high enough, so although this move is weak horizontally, there's plenty of
horizontaly air to reach during the fall.

Down: Tap Trial
Two monkeys appear alongside the Rhythm Girl. After the monkeys chirp, press B in rhythm for the girl
to tap along with them to deal damage and knockback to those on the ground anywhere near them. By the
way, Rhythm Heaven's alternate special move are stronger but either slower and more predictable or
harder to keep in rhythm or all of that.

Final Smash: Remix
Jumps up offscreen while the Remix logo appears, the music is changed to the Endless Remix theme from
Rhythm Heaven Fever, then you'll have to play the special moves in a short remix. The order is random
and the special moves can alternate regardless of whether the moves are default or not. Each correct
rhythm deals no knockback but a set number of damage to the opponents. If the remix is perfect, the
opponents receive the ammount of damage three times as much. This is one of the few final smashes that
cannot KO anyone itself alongside Peach's Peach Blossom.

The only new rep from an old series aside from the first 8 from the N64 version, Fiora comes to life
in this game! Like Little Mac and Chibi-Robo, Fiora has a meter above her emblem. This time, the meter
shows how much tension she has. The more successful hits she lands, the more tension she gets thus
making her knockback power stronger. If she misses or hits a shield, the meter decreases.

Standard: Drones
Can select one of 5 drones. Keep pressing B to find what drone you want. Don't press after a drone
shows up to select it. Once it's selected, you cannot use a different one until 30 seconds when the
drone time expires. Anyway the 5 drones are Shield, Laser Gun, Sword, and introducing Rocket.
Shield: Increases her defense every time B is pressed. She becomes slower and heavier every time she
powers up her defense.
Laser Gun: Shoots a laser blast every time B is pressed with good damage but low knockback.
Cannon: Fires a big burst of energy in a straight line. It deals great knockback but low damage.
Sword: Can slash with her sword up to 7 times in a row with a total of great damage but low knockback.
Rocket: This is Fiora's version of R.O.B.'s Robo-Burner.

Side: Spear Blade
Dashes forward with her swords. If she hits an opponent at the right spot, she'll slash them in an X
form with great knockback and damage. If she misses and she's in midair, she'll be helpless.

Up: Air Fang
Slashes in an upward jump and then dives downward. It's similar to Ike's Aether and Kirby's Air Cutter
but it has slightly better horizontal range than both of them. It deals okay damage and knockback.

Down: Cross Impact
It's similar to Captain Falcon's Falcon Kick, except it isn't made of fire. Another difference is that
if Fiora hits the ground after performing this move in midair, she'll do a backflip kick with better
damage and knockback than the other part of the attack.

Final Smash: Final Cross
Says "Final..." as she focuses red light around her chest. She then shouts "Cross!" while launching
the light in a spiral which deals medium damage but great launching power to those caught in it. Also
note that when Fiora breaks a Smash Ball, her tension meter is automatically at its maximum point.

Like Villager from Animal Crossing, this character from Splatoon varies from appearance to gender.
Inkling is a unique fighter because they can spray ink. The ink hurts the fighter but don't make them
splatted with ink. It can stain on the floor though. The ink can stay there for 10 seconds before
disappearing. Inkling can go faster on their own ink but slower on an enemy Inkling's ink. You can
play as both the male and female forms of this fighter. Like Palutena and 9-Volt, all of Inkling's
special moves are available from the start. They're also another fighter with a meter above their
emblem. It's a tank with how much ink it has. The more ink they use, the more empty the meter is. Once
Inkling doesn't have enough ink, they'll have to wait for the meter to refill itself. Also, whenever
they're KO'd, they turn into their ghostly form just like in the original game.

Standard: Splattershot
Rapidly fires ink forward. It can't flinch anyone but can deal small damage for each ink hit.

Standard 2: Roller
Swings their roller vertically down spraying ink forward. Its startup is slow but deals better damage
than Splattershot. The roller part of this move can deal knockback.

Standard 3: Inkbrush
Swings their inkbrush around spraying ink forward. Its power is weaker but faster than Roller.

Side: Splat Charger
This is similar to Zero Suit Samus' Paralyzer, except it's ink, and it can't paralyze anyone. Its
damage and knockback depends on how long the ink is charged.

Side 2: Classic Squiffer
It has faster charging time than Splat Charger, but has less range and weaker damage and knockback.

Side 3: Inkzooka
Pulls out their Inkzooka and fires a small tornado of ink. Its startup is slower than the other two,
but its damage and knockback is better. Anyone hit by the tornado will receive a tiny combo of damage
before getting knocked back by the last hit.

Up: Launch Pad
Turns into their squid form in a launch pad, then launches themself out to the direction the analog
stick is pointing during the startupt. It deals small damage and knockback during the launching.

Up 2: Ink Climber
Climbs up a magical ink wall in their Ink form. It causes better damage and knockback than Launch Pad
but is much worse at horizontal recovery.

Up 3: Inkstrike
Pulls out a missle. After a rather slow and vunerable startup, the missle fires upward. After another
set of seconds, a danger zone points to where the missle is crash down toward so that opponents can
know to get out of the way. The missle then hits ground causing a giant explosion of ink that causes
great damage and knockback to anyone the missle hit. The explosion causes smaller but still decent
damage if one touches it after the missle's hit. This Up B move is not for recovery.

Down: Squid Kid
Transforms into their squid form slither on the stage. They automatically go through thin platforms.
In their own ink, Inkling can go faster than their humanoid form's dashing speed. They can also fill
the ink tank up more quickly. They go to their humanoid form as soon as B is released. They will
automatically go back to their humanoid form if they're in an enemy Inkling's ink.

Down: Splat Bomb
Throws a splat bomb forward. After 1 second, it explodes dealing good damage and knockback while
spreading ink on the ground. It can deal smaller damage if the bomb hits anyone before it explodes.

Down: Suction Bomb
This bomb explodes as soon as it hits anything, but its damage and knockback are notably weaker.

Final Smash: Kraken
Transforms into its Kraken form. They're invincible and spreads ink wherever they swim. They can also
deal excellent damage and knockback to those they hit when they use a spinning jump.

Although Rayman appeareed in Smash as early as the Wii U version, he wouldn't be playable until now.
With no arms or legs, Rayman is without a doubt a rather strange fighter. Like four of the other
fighters, his special moves are available by default. His smash attacks grow bigger if they're
charged for long enough. His KO explosion is also unique. During that, Rayman blows up into a big ball
and then explodes.

Standard: Energy Shot
Can either fire a ball of energy rapidly or charge up for a more powerful shot. It can deflect twice
on walls before it explodes on the third impact.

Standard 2: Vortex
Fires a tornado instead of energy balls. This can only be charged, with less range and knockback.
However, it can trip up opponents.

Standard 3: Heavy Metal Fist
This isn't a projectile; Rayman either tosses out two of his fists quickly or charges slowly for a
much stronger punch with a single fist. It deals better knockback and damage than the other two but
has shorter range.

Side: Telescophic Fist
Tosses out a long changed command grab. On the ground, he'll grapple opponents back towards him
enabling him to use any of his throws or pummel. If he's in midair, he'll toss enemies downward like
a meteor smash. However, in midair, the fist has shorter range. The fist can be angled though.

Side 2: Lockjaw
Tosses out a lockjaw which will latch onto enemies and deal continuous electrical damage until the
opponent shakes it off. Note that no matter how much damage the opponent has, it doesn't get anymore
difficult to shake the lockjaw off. Press B again will let Rayman reel in the lockjaw. If he reels in
the lockjaw with the opponent, he'll give them a kick with good damage and knockback.

Side 3: Shock Rocket.
Fires a shock rocket which will always do the same ammount of damage and knockback regardless of the
stats. The rocket can't turn around. It can only be angled up or down, despite the fact that the
angles are sharp enough to change continuously. If a rocket doesn't hit anything after 3 seconds, it
will sputter out and fall down with a weaker explosion.

Up: Helicopter
Spins his trademark hair to gain upper momentum. He then glides down similar to Peach's parasol. This
hurts like Parasol too. You can fall faster by press down on the analog stick but he won't be in his
helpless state and can still fire energy balls or his fists even when he's gliding.

Up 2: Throttle Copter
Dons the helmet from Rayman 3 for a quick burst in the air. This gives him the highest vertical
distance and damage, but he can only hover for a short period of time. After that, he'll be in his
helpless state.

Up 3: Flying Ring
A purple lum appears and Rayman swings from it for horizontal distance. Rayman can hover with his hair
after that but won't receive any height. This move also does no damage or knockback.

Down: Plum Drop
Spawns a bouncy plum which then bounces around the stage pushing opponents in its way. Rayman can also
ride on it until it disappears. He can also use it for aid recovery by spawning it and then jumping
off of it. On the ground, he throws the plum forward while in midair, he just drops it below him. You
can only spawn one plum at a time.

Down 2: Spiked Fruit
Spawns a spiked fruits with similar properties to the plum. The spikes cause more damage but even
Rayman can't touch it as the spikes hurt him too! Also, the spiked fruit's time on the stage is
shorter than the plum and can disappear after enough hits.

Down 3: Explosive Keg
Spawns an explosive keg but will carry it instead of hurling it right away. You'll have to press B
again to hurl it. It explodes by contact but can hurt Rayman too... badly. The explosion is 1/8
as strong as the Bob-omb. When carrying it, Rayman won't flinch from weaker attacks, but the keg
will explode after taking enough damage. Fire attacks will cause it to blast off with Rayman on it if
he's holding it. He'll need to shake off like from the Beetle and Boss Galaga during the blast-off!

Final Smash: Moskito
Whistles and summons Bzzit the Moskito. For 15 seconds, Bzzit can fly around dealing damage and
knockback to anyone he touches. Press B to fire an energy shot. This causes smaller but still okay
damage. Press A to inhale. Like Kirby's inhale, Bzzit can only hold one oppoent in his mouth at a
time. Press B when someone's in his mouth to fire that fighter back in a limited range but with
great damage and knockback to another opponent.

Looks like Microsoft has given in and let Nintendo use one of its characters in Smash. Banjo & Kazooie
are traditionally the last fighter to unlock. They must have saved the biggest surpsise for last! Fans
everywhere are happy to know that is, in fact, possible!

Standard: Blue Eggs
Kazooie fires a blue egg forward. She can only fire three at a time like Mega Man's Mega Buster. This
move is 1.5x more powerful than the Mega Buster, but a little slower.

Side: Beak Barge
With a sort of laggy startup, Banjo thrusts Kazooie forward with her beak to cause good damage and
knockback. Holding B will cause the startup to be slightly longer but will let them to move in a
longer range and cause more damage and knockback. Just a tap on B will have a shorter startup but
a shorter range with a weaker attack.

Up: Flap Flip
Kazooie uses her to wings to help Banjo jump high while back-flipping. Its recovery is much better
horizontally than it is vertically. It can't attack but Banjo & Kazooie won't be helpless.

Down: Beak Buster
Banjo flips upside-down and Kazooie pounds the ground with her peak. Their damage and knockback sets
are between the Yoshi and Bowser Bombs.

Final Smash: Golden Breegull
This move is new to this game. Kazooie turns into a shining golden color and starts flying with Banjo.
You can move them around with the analog stick. Whatever they touch during the final smash will
receive great damage and knockback. You can also press B to perform Beak Bomb. Banjo Kazooie will
charge forward at whatever direction the analog stick is pointing. This move's damage and knockback
are twice as powerful as the other hit. When Banjo & Kazooie hits something with Beak Bomb, they get
deflected back a bit. Also, the Wonderwing theme plays during the final smash.

WayForward wanted her in Smash, and these guys should be thankful to Dirk for adding Shantae the Half
Genie Hero into the roster. This may be due to Dirk's socialibility with the western world being
stronger than Sakurai's.

Standard: Pike Ball
A steel ball flies in a circle around Shantae for 3 seconds and hit opponents for light damage and
even ligther knockback. This can be toggled off by pressing B again. It takes twice as long for the
energy to be recharged than used, meaning it'll take 6 seconds at longest to recharge.

Side: Fire Ball
Shoots a fire ball that goes full screen. Its startup and end are both quick, and the fire ball can
deals good damage and knockback. However, this move can only be used once every 12 seconds.

Up: Storm Puff
Rides a cloud that floats upward for 3 seconds. Once it reaches its apex, it shoots lightning downward
in three different directions for 6 seconds. Each lightning does good damage and knockback. Shantae
can do whatever she wants on the cloud. It can be used as a platform to help restores her jumps. Once
time is up, Shantae must wait 18 seconds to summon another cloud.

Down: Belly Dance
When on the ground, Shantae dances for a few seconds leaving her vunerable to attacks, then whatever
animal she transforms into depends on where the analog stick is pointing.
> Monkey: This form is light and fast and can jump high and has good aerial movement. She can also
cling to walls. She can use her claws to deal light damage and moderate knockback. Her special move
(by press B in any other than Down-B) is Monkey Bullet. It's like Fox's Fox Illusion. The difference
is that this move goes farther but slower and Shantae can be hit during that.
< Elephant: This form is very heavy and slow and has the worst jump in the whole game. She can ram
into other opponents for great damage and knockback. However, she'll be off the platform during the
ramming if she's close enough to the edge, and ramming in the air causes her to be helpless. Her
special move is stomping with her foot widly. It's like DK's Hand Slap except with wider range and
both its midair and ground forms deal the same good damage and knockback.
^ Harpy: This form is light with slow falling speed and very bad traction. She does have 5 midair
jumps. She can also use her talons to attack below her body with light damage and poor knockback. Her
special move is flying upward in a tornado spin. It's like Charizard's Fly but weaker and has less
range. It's better horizontally than Fly though.
v Spider: This form has the same stats as Shantae's normal form. She can spit purple poisonous shots
forward while standing, walking, and as a midair neutral. Her special move is shooting a web like a
whip. It can also grapple onto the edge of platforms. It's like Sheik's Chain but longer and can stun
opponents with a small equal set of damage.
You can stay in any of these forms for 45 seconds or press Down-B on the ground to change Shantae back
to her normal form. She can't use Belly Dance again until 45 more seconds.

Final Smash: Protectors Of Smash
Sky, Wrench, and Bolo appear on screen to follow Shantae where she goes. Bolo swings his morning star
around in circles with great range on both sides. Sky attacks those who are close enough to Shantae
knocking them forward. Wrench flies right above his three friends to catch opponents trying to jump
over Shantae.

How can Smash and puzzles mix together? Professor Hershel Layton may know. Several moves of his are
more mentally powered than physical. When Layton is battling in London, he won't be in his car like
otherwise, in case you didn't know.

Standard: Slot Machine Gun
Charges up his slot machine gun. It's a long startupt but when it's charged, he can fire coins in 5
seconds. This continuous ammount of damage can bring an opponent great knockback. The gun won't work
if the charging is interrupted. It can't be stored either nor can it fire before being fully charged.

Side: Photo Camera
Pulls out his camera then snaps a flash picture. It's similar to Mewtwo's Disable, except with more
range and can affect those even from very close behind or in the air. However, the stun time for the
victim(s) is rather short regardless of damage, and it doesn't deal any damage nor can it knock back
an already dizzy opponent.

Up: Glider
Rises up 45 degrees upward with his glider and glides. Gliding is what Meta Knight, Pit, and Charizard
used to do but can no longer. Anyway, Layton's glider hurts anyone that touches it. The launch brings
more damage as well as knockback. If you know about gliding, then you should know how this move works.

Down: Catapult
Brings up a caterpult. It then fires a rock to a certain direction with certain speed depending on how
long B is held. If it's charged for too long, Layton will fire the caterpult automaticall.

Final Smash: Puzzle Solved
Goes into his thinking poses with the camera zooming in on him once for each of the 3 poses while a
random puzzle appears in the foreground. He then goes to his "Correct!" pose while a giant word
"Correct!" flashes above him with flashing collumns that deal big damage and knockback to anyone that
is near Layton. During his thinking and correct poses, he'll say one of 5 quotes for each of these two
moments. For example, he may say "There we go." in his thinking poses and he may say "Another puzzle
solved." in his correct pose.

This character was once thought to appear in Smash 4 due to an Amiibo. Well, we had to wait a little
longer until Smash 5 comes out. That's when we, for sure, get to play as Shovel Knight. To complete
his tradition, all his sound effects, stages, and music are in 8-bit style.

Standard: Dig
Digs out a random jewel. The damage and knockback depend on the size of the jewel and the size of one
completely varies. The small ones are more likely to be dug out than the big ones.

Side: Chaos Sphere
Spawns a green ball that bounces on grounds and walls. Whatever fighter it goes through, it deals okay
damage and knockback.

Up: Fishing Rod
Tosses an anchor in a short range. If Shovel Knight is in the air, it can be used as a tether recovery
to latch on the edge of platforms. Anyway, the anchor deals nice damage and knockback especially
during its falling state. It can also be used to meteor smash those in the air. A unique thing about
this move is that when the anchor is completely off-screen, you'll be fishing for an item! After a
while, when an exclamation mark appears, press B again to pull the anchor toward you. You will receive
a random item if any items are on. If all items are off, you'll reel in a useless tire or boot.

Down: Chalice
Drinks from a chalice for 5 seconds. If the drinking is complete, he'll recover 25%. He can only do
this move twice in one stock. If his drinking is interrupted by an attack, he'll drop the chalice
which breaks on the floor.

Final Smash: Catch Her!
Shield Knight falls from the sky. Shovel Knight then jumps and grabs hold of her creating a flash of
light that'll cause excellent damage and knockback and it has great range too. Everything except the
final smash is completely paused during this scene.
Last edited:

3D Dillon

Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2014
Starting in Sm5sh, every fighter will have a different victory tune rather than having fighters from the same universe share the same victory tune.

Mr. Game & Watch: Mr Game & Watch's Melee Victory Theme
Mario: Super Mario Bros. Stage Clear Theme
Luigi: Excerpt Of Luigi's Mansion Theme
Peach: Excerpt Of Princess Peach's Rescue Theme
Bowser: Excerpt Of Super Mario 64 Bowser Stage Theme
Dr. Mario: Dr. Mario Stage Clear Theme
Bowser Jr.: Excerpt Of Super Mario World Boss Theme
Rosalina & Luma: Excerpt Of Super Mario Galaxy Theme
Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong Country Bonus Clear Theme
Diddy Kong: Donkey Kong Country Returns Stage Clear Theme
King K. Rool: Donkey Kong Country Bonus Fail Theme
Dixie Kong: Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze Stage Clear Theme
Little Mac: Punch Out!! Match Win Theme
Duck Hunt: Duck Hunt Game Start Theme
Bubbles: Clu Clu Land Game Start Theme
Ice Climbers: Ice Climbers Bonus Clear Theme
R.O.B.: Stack-Up Memory Theme
Link: Legend Of Zelda Dungeon Clear Theme
Zelda: Excerpt Of Princess Zelda's Rescue Theme
Sheik: Excerpt Of Sheik's Theme
Ganondorf: Excerpt Of Ganon's Theme
Skull Kid: Excerpt Of Majora's Theme
Toon Link: Excerpt Of The Great Sea Theme
Samus: Metroid Item Get Theme
Ridley: Excerpt Of Ridley's Theme
Zero Suit Samus: Metroid Game Start Theme
Pit: Kid Icarus Stage Clear Theme
Palutena: Excerpt Of Kid Icarus Uprising Menu Theme
Ness: Excerpt Of Earthbound Eight Melodies Theme
Lucas: Excerpt Of Mother 3 Theme
Marth: Excerpt Of Fire Emblem Theme
Ike: Excerpt Of Ike's Theme
Robin: Excerpt Of Fire Emblem Awakening Conquest Theme
Yoshi: Excerpt Of Yoshi's Story Theme
Captain Falcon: F-Zero X Race Finish Theme
Kirby: Kirby's Dreamland Stage Clear Theme
King Dedede: Excerpt Of King Dedede's Theme
Meta Knight: Excerpt Of Meta Knight's Revenge Theme
Bandana Dee: Excerpt Of Gourmet Race Theme
Wario: Wario's Brawl Victory Theme
9-Volt: WarioWare Smooth Moves Stage Clear Theme
Fox: Excerpt Of Star Fox Theme
Falco: Excerpt Of Star Fox 64 Title Theme
Wolf: Excerpt Of Star Wolf Theme
Pikachu: Excerpt Of Pokemon Theme
Jigglypuff: Excerpt Of Jigglypuff's Lullaby Theme
Mewtwo: Excerpt Of Pokefloats Theme
Charizard: Pokemon Caught Theme
Gengar: Excerpt Of Lavender Town Theme
Sceptile: Gym Badge Get Theme
Lucario: Mega Stone Get Theme
Greninja: Excerpt Of Kalos Trainer Battle Theme
Kensuke: Excerpt Of 1080o Snowboarding Title Theme
Villager: Excerpt Of Animal Crossing Title Theme
Isaac: Golden Sun Battle Win Theme
Olimar: Excerpt Of Pikmin Title Theme
Chibi-Robo: Excerpt Of Chibi-Robo! Title Theme
Rhythm Heaven: Excerpt Of Rhythm Heaven Remix 10 Theme
Wii Fit Trainer: Excerpt Of Wii Fit Save File Selected Theme
Shulk: Excerpt Of You Will Know Our Names Theme
Fiora: Excerpt Of Shulk And Fiora Theme
Inkling: Splatoon Solo Mode Stage Clear Theme
Pac-Man: Pac-Man Game Start Theme
Ryu: Street Fighter II Match Win Theme
Mega Man: Excerpt Of Mega Man II Title Theme
Sonic: Sonic The Hedgehog 3 Stage Clear Theme
Rayman: Rayman Stage Clear Theme
Banjo & Kazooie: Puzzle Piece Get Theme
Shantae: Shantae And The Pirate's Curse Stage Clear Theme
Professor Layton: Excerpt Of Professor Layton Title Theme
Shovel Knight: Excerpt Of Shovel Knight Theme
Mii: Excerpt Of Super Smash Bros. NX Theme

3D Dillon

Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2014
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Free For All
Team Battle
Grab The Coins
8-Player Smash
Special Smash

Classic Mode
All-Star Mode
Event Creator
Stage Creator
Tower Of Smash

Amiibo Training
Amiibo Battle
Amiibo RPG

Creat A Mii
Custom Fighter

Break The Targets
Home Run Contest
Multi-Man Smash

Sound Test

Trophy Gallery
Trophy Hoard
Trophy Store
Trophy Snatch

Play as a team of 8 and try to capture as many fortress as possible while collection power ups and
challenging the opponents' fighters to a duel of a random sort. You may also have to take on a special
challenge made by a NPC intruder. You capture a fortress by bringing one of your fighters into one for
one turn. The opponents can still challenge that fighter to a match. If a fighter loses, they launch
to another square and out of the fortress if they're in one. Whatever team has the most fortressed
captured by them wins.
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