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Fan Requested Custom Stages

Chris Sifniotis

Smash Journeyman
Aug 19, 2013
Sydney, Australia

I've been working on a program for some time now on the Miiverse to introduce some more creativity into the Smash community by creating custom stages on the stage builder for the fans and sending them out. I'd like to extend the same hand of inspiration to the SmashBoards community; if you have a part of a level or stage from any game - at all - you'd like to see done on Brawl's custom stage builder, send me a reply, I'll have a look at the level and do my best to recreate it and its hazards into a custom stage that I will then send out to you.

Granted, the abilities of the stage builder are very limiting, but since my ownership of Brawl I made more than 25 custom stages built from various games before losing them all when the Wii no longer worked properly, and in that time I've learned a few tricks along the way. To access all the parts of the stage builder I had to build 15 new stages, so I used this as a motivation to build entirely new stages that I also want to share with the community. The 15 stages are divided into three five-part stories based on the three themes available, they are; King of the Mountain, Fortress Defense and Spaceship Invasion.

When I get pictures from the Wii U onto the computer I'll post it and provide a brief description of each stage;

King of the Mountain
1 - Foot of the Peak
2 - Tilted Battlefield
For the record, this is exactly what it sounds like. Imagine the Battlefield stage...
...tilted 22.5 degrees clockwise. The result is this stage, a basic reconstruction of the iconic stage tilted to an angle of three blocks forward, one block down ratio and the platforms are still parallel to the stage floor. The resulting effect means that should one play with items on, crates on wheels and barrels turn into stage hazards simply due to the angle. Items by themselves are also difficult to catch for the same reason, items that are spawned in the sky and fall to the ground will continue to fall down along the stage until either caught or fallen off. Projectiles are also adversely affected by the angle, projectile attacks are best waged on the left side of the stage where the higher ground proves valuable, only the rare few player controlled projectiles can be skillfully used on the low ground.

3 - Secret of the Peak
4 - Curved Battlefield
This is also exactly what it sounds like. Imagine the Battlefield stage, again...
...this time where the two ends of the stage floor are curved inward towards the bottom edge. The result is this stage, another recreation of the stage with a horizontal mid section, and the left and right sides angled 45 degrees down towards the floor, the platforms are again parallel to the stage floor. The resulting effect is similar to the Tilted Battlefield, but instead neither left nor right side has the tactical advantage and the gradients on both sides are doubled. The obvious high ground can only be found in the middle of the stage, however the configuration of the left and right platforms mean that these can be used to inflict serious damage to anyone camping on the mid section at a relatively safe distance and in an area that requires a good deal of effort to reach.

5 - the Icy Summit

Fortress Defense
1 - Gate Defense
2 - the Great Hall
3 - the Grand Staircase
4 - Regicide!
5 - Turret Garrison

Spaceship Invasion
1 - Flight Deck
2 - Cargo Hold Siege
3 - Engine Drive Room
4 - Lift to the Top
5 - Fight on the Bridge

Again, if you have any stages you'd like to see produced through the stage builder, send a reply. If you like access to any of these stages and future stages, start up a conversation with me (that just sounds so weird, I want to say PM.:upsidedown:) and I'll get back to you.
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