Smash Cadet
- Joined
- May 20, 2015
- Messages
- 34
- RyochiMayeabara
*Copy/paste from Newgrounds thread
"So this review goes away but reviews that are even ****tier and shorter don't even get touched (i can easily give examples)? Seriously? That really makes me question the logic of some people in this community. Sure his review is flawed, but he's at least trying to support his points which is what a comment section is for. Plus he already addressed that bronies being strange (you cannot tell me that a grown man liking a show intended for little girls isn't going to raise some eyebrows) isn't a bad thing."
His response:
"Other reviews have no bearing on whether or not this one is valid. If a cop pulls you over for going 75 in a 65 zone, you can't point to the maniac who just whizzed by at 100 and argue that you should get away with your crime too; you're still guilty of speeding regardless of what other people do."
My reaction:
That would be a credible example....except for the fact that you can actually do something about it and you are intentionally ignoring it. This is a website, not a street. If you can't enforce something on your own website (or choose to do it as you please which is what this site frequently does), then people are going to say something. If they can't, then the mods are doing a pretty ****ty job (which they are) and they really shouldn't be mods in the first place.
Exhibit A:
(Not that bad but seriously? That's the best you can do?)
Exhibit B:
Exhibit C:
(Link to review comment section) http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/review_comments.php?id=14181#listtop
*facepalm* Just another day on the horrible TVTropes. God I hate the review section. They aren't even arguing about the review, they're arguing about how somebody called Bronies "strange" (which he already clarified wasn't a bad thing). I swear Tropers find ways to flag reviews, delete them, or deem them uncredible over meaningless **** that has nothing to do with the review (but to be fair he could have added more points).
I know, I know. I'm probably just getting ticked off again but you'd be surprised how often this happens. This isn't even getting into how pretentious some people can be, the bull**** "happiness" policy (which is barely enforced and it restricts constructive criticism), or (in my case) how everything is passed off as a nitpick or YMMV (to defend their precious show. How dare you criticize it!)
You could say that there are bad apples in every community but this is a WEBSITE, there really should be more enforcement on constructive, unbiased criticism. But the mods either show up when they feel like it or just completely ignore it. Sometimes the person who is on the receiving end of the bull**** being spewed at them get banned instead. Plus they're pretty hypocritical too. One mod said that they aren't a "fanbase bashing site" and deleted my review for it.
But stuff like this stays. Only about one person says that its a flat out review of the fanbase but everyone else just doesn't even bat an eye.
And Tropers are going to complain about how they are the laughingstock of the internet. They're the laughingstock of the internet BECAUSE of stuff like this, a HORRIBLE community (You'd be surprised how many freaks this site harbors), and just bad management in general.
Now that I'm done with my rant.....no I'm not even done getting into just how bad this site is. But whatever I'll just leave it at that. Of course I'll defend my viewpoint.
So thoughts?
*Copy/Paste finished
Now its apparently my and the reviewer's fault that the review is apparently full of "uncivilized" people (despite the fact that I'm trying to address things logically and I'm pretty much pissed off cause this site is kinda trash) and they're tired of seeing the review constantly on top of the review section. He also tells me to go to the forums for further discussion (despite the fact that the exact same thing happens on the forums and the comment section for a review is MEANT for discussion and putting it on the forums is kind of defeating the point) on how to respect a ****ing opinion.
If you're going to do that then you might as well just use the forums for reviewing instead. Sigh, this is just bullcrap. I've seen Youtube reviews handled better than this.
"So this review goes away but reviews that are even ****tier and shorter don't even get touched (i can easily give examples)? Seriously? That really makes me question the logic of some people in this community. Sure his review is flawed, but he's at least trying to support his points which is what a comment section is for. Plus he already addressed that bronies being strange (you cannot tell me that a grown man liking a show intended for little girls isn't going to raise some eyebrows) isn't a bad thing."
His response:
"Other reviews have no bearing on whether or not this one is valid. If a cop pulls you over for going 75 in a 65 zone, you can't point to the maniac who just whizzed by at 100 and argue that you should get away with your crime too; you're still guilty of speeding regardless of what other people do."
My reaction:
That would be a credible example....except for the fact that you can actually do something about it and you are intentionally ignoring it. This is a website, not a street. If you can't enforce something on your own website (or choose to do it as you please which is what this site frequently does), then people are going to say something. If they can't, then the mods are doing a pretty ****ty job (which they are) and they really shouldn't be mods in the first place.
Exhibit A:
(Not that bad but seriously? That's the best you can do?)
Exhibit B:
Exhibit C:
(Link to review comment section) http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/review_comments.php?id=14181#listtop
*facepalm* Just another day on the horrible TVTropes. God I hate the review section. They aren't even arguing about the review, they're arguing about how somebody called Bronies "strange" (which he already clarified wasn't a bad thing). I swear Tropers find ways to flag reviews, delete them, or deem them uncredible over meaningless **** that has nothing to do with the review (but to be fair he could have added more points).
I know, I know. I'm probably just getting ticked off again but you'd be surprised how often this happens. This isn't even getting into how pretentious some people can be, the bull**** "happiness" policy (which is barely enforced and it restricts constructive criticism), or (in my case) how everything is passed off as a nitpick or YMMV (to defend their precious show. How dare you criticize it!)
You could say that there are bad apples in every community but this is a WEBSITE, there really should be more enforcement on constructive, unbiased criticism. But the mods either show up when they feel like it or just completely ignore it. Sometimes the person who is on the receiving end of the bull**** being spewed at them get banned instead. Plus they're pretty hypocritical too. One mod said that they aren't a "fanbase bashing site" and deleted my review for it.
But stuff like this stays. Only about one person says that its a flat out review of the fanbase but everyone else just doesn't even bat an eye.
And Tropers are going to complain about how they are the laughingstock of the internet. They're the laughingstock of the internet BECAUSE of stuff like this, a HORRIBLE community (You'd be surprised how many freaks this site harbors), and just bad management in general.
Now that I'm done with my rant.....no I'm not even done getting into just how bad this site is. But whatever I'll just leave it at that. Of course I'll defend my viewpoint.
So thoughts?
*Copy/Paste finished
Now its apparently my and the reviewer's fault that the review is apparently full of "uncivilized" people (despite the fact that I'm trying to address things logically and I'm pretty much pissed off cause this site is kinda trash) and they're tired of seeing the review constantly on top of the review section. He also tells me to go to the forums for further discussion (despite the fact that the exact same thing happens on the forums and the comment section for a review is MEANT for discussion and putting it on the forums is kind of defeating the point) on how to respect a ****ing opinion.
If you're going to do that then you might as well just use the forums for reviewing instead. Sigh, this is just bullcrap. I've seen Youtube reviews handled better than this.