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ev training help?


Deleted member

can someone tell me the best poke to ev train with in speed. and also why is my everstone not working when i try to breed a feeba f with a ditto. feebas has the everstone and calm naturem but it breeds totally diff ones even after 23 feebas'


Smash Journeyman
May 25, 2007
Fresno, CA
Well actually, were you referrin to the third generation or the fourth generation. Because D/P is the newest one, I'm assuming that but there are chances.

In the third generation the male with the everstone gave out the nature other than in Ruby, Saphire, Fire Red, and Leaf Green. In Diamond and Pearl, the female passes down the nature.

Whichever game you were talking about, uhm......
RS: Route east of Mauville, (Zigzags, Linoones, Wingulls, Electrikes, Magnetrics all for speed)
DP: Treasure Garden (tons of staravia which is 2 in speed)

Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
I think the Everstone passes down the nature 50% of the time...

But yeah, Treasure Garden for 2 evs, and if you ever need one, go find a Starly.


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
I'd recommend heading to the survival area and fighting in the grass to the northeast. It has Fearows and Raticates that both give speed, and one of the two will appear about 95% of the time during the day (there are a few machokes here in there.) They are high level (~50), so you may want to start off in coronet or the oreburgh gate (or whatever it's called >.<) where there are low level zubats.
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