PM a moderator if you want to add information about websites, general discussions or power rankings. Thanks in advance.
This thread will give you a quick overview of where to look if you want to find smashers or tournaments in your region. If there's a website or forum devoted to Smash Bros. in your country, this topic will link to it. Also, there are links to general discussions and power rankings.
The Netherlands
The United Kingdom
Note: There are also pretty big communities in Ireland, Norway and Spain, but there are no real threads or websites I can link you to. If you're looking for players in those countries, try finding an individual tournament thread or player by using the search functions.
This thread will give you a quick overview of where to look if you want to find smashers or tournaments in your region. If there's a website or forum devoted to Smash Bros. in your country, this topic will link to it. Also, there are links to general discussions and power rankings.
- Official Website: Non-existent, Flemish players are adviced to use SmashNL.
- General Discussion: The Belgian Thread
- Power Rankings: Non-existent
- Official Website: Non-existent
- General Discussion: The Finish Thread
- Power Ranking: Finnish Power Rankings as of June 2007
- Official Website: CubeForum
- General Discussion: Non-existent
- Power Ranking: Non-existent
- Official Website: German Smash Portal
- General Discussion: The German Thread
- Power Ranking: Germany/Austria/Switzerland Melee Power Rankings (August 08)
- Official Website: Super Smash Bros. Italia
- General Discussion: Non-existent
- Power Ranking: Non-existent
The Netherlands
- Official Website: SmashNL
- General Discussion: The Dutch Thread
- Power Ranking: Power Rankings as of May 6th, 2007
- Official Website: Both and are used I think.
- General Discussion: The Swedish Thread
- Power Ranking: Non-existent
The United Kingdom
- Official Website: Non-existent
- General Discussion: The British Thread
- General Discussion: The London Thread
- General Discussion: The Scottish Thread
- Power Ranking: Power Ranking: The UK Power Rankings
Note: There are also pretty big communities in Ireland, Norway and Spain, but there are no real threads or websites I can link you to. If you're looking for players in those countries, try finding an individual tournament thread or player by using the search functions.