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Eruption edge-guard


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2006
As im sure anyone thats played Ike for awhile knows, Neutral-B's hitbox is just as far up as it is low, such as if you have an opponent below a platform, on say Battlefield and you do eruption ontop of them, they will be hit through the platform. With that hitbox in mind i started doing tests seeing if the hitbox extended down enough to hit enemys while trying to return to the stage. Ike is possibly one of the only characters that can edge guard without hanging on the ledge.

This ONLY works with opponents coming back to the stage from straight below the ledge, directly verticle to the ledge.

Characters that this works practically on are the following and most are during their Up-B due to the predictablilty of when they will propel upward : Fox, Falco, Wolf (difficult), Capt Falcon, Ganondorf, Bowser, DK, Kirby, Ness, Lucas.

The rest of the cast either have recoveries that are possible to hit with eruption when returning to the stage from straight below the stage, but the problem lies in the great speed of their Up-b's such as G&W. Their is a lag time when you release B to perform the attack, which makes this difficult. I will also mention even though it is practical, this is extremely difficult, because of the range of the sweetspot on the ledge the timing is extremely strict. I myself can land it 1/10 tries if im lucky. Without any sort of debug menu or form of seeing the hitbox in frames along with the sweet spot frames of the ledge, i really cant say how useful this is, the timing might be to tight to be useful.

I find myself doing it easier on these stages: Poke Stadium ONE and Battlefield

When landed eruption as an edge guard on stages like Poke Stadium 1 due to the way your opponent will probably be DI-ing ( towards the stage ) it will result in a wall bounce which can grant you a pretty easy kill sometimes, in the advanced swing of things though people will learn to tech the hit and advance accordingly.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Meh, it works sometimes but most smart opponents will see it coming and make an effort to return from a higher point (i.e. Fox will sideb from high above it). I find it's better to jump off the edge after them and nair or fair to keep them away.


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL

whats up big PIMP, you're a real life ganondorf... you know that?

well, ****... i've been researching the same thing, and hell yes its extermely useful, but only on the characters you mentioned, the end lag of the animation is far to great, and alot of characters can gay you.

EX - fox jumpover u to shine
marth and his gayness
upsmash/fsmash from alot of characters.


Smash Rookie
Apr 10, 2008
Arlington, VA
Even though this isn't very helpful I was using wolf one time vs a CPU Ike and Up-B'd under the edge, where I wasn't going to make it back and Ike's eruption went through the whole stage and killed me. Maybe if a balloon type character was under there you could get a kill that way? Also I like to just use his d-tilt for edge guarding when they're coming back from under or down and away, very easy to hit instant kill.
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