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Encore Mode - Mighty The Armadillo!


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" An armadillo with remarkable defensive power! His hard shell protects him from attacks, and by curling up into a ball he can use it to smash through enemies. "
— Description, Sonic Mania Plus manual
While most people feel that Shadow will be Sonic's echo fighter, I feel Mighty is a character who could get in smash easier since his design is kind of a parallel to Sonic. As you can see, he kind of looks like an alternate version of the blue blur, which makes sense; only minor changes were made to differentiate Mighty since his designer wanted him to be easily similar enough to Sonic when he was initially created to keep character differences to a minimum (Besides the fact that he's an Armadillo). His sprites in Knuckles' Chaotix are even just edited Sonic sprites, though he does have unique abilities. It's still not exactly clear why Mighty hadn't appeared for a long time, though it seems Knuckles was his "replacement".
Mighty the Armadillo is a Sonic character that Sega left in the past (that is, until Sonic Mania Plus was a thing; thanks Whitehead!) possibly due to the fact that his main ability seems to clash with Knuckles: Super-Strength. He was only in 2 games prior to Sonic Mania, one being a Japan-exclusive arcade game and the other being a e 32X Sonic game with Mighty as one the main protagonists, along with Knuckles, Vector, Espio and Charmy. Mighty is often described as a peaceful and calm, only fighting if it's an absolute necessity. He also cares about his friends (Mainly Ray the Flying Squirrel) and wouldn't risk their lives, as shown in Sonic Mania Adventures. He gave up a Chaos Emerald to save Ray from Metal Sonic. Mighty could be a character who represents the Classic Sonic Era more than Sonic does, as Sonic kind of represents only himself for his series.
* In Chaotix, Mighty is the fastest character, showing clearly that he was originally Sonic but was sprite swapped. His
special ability was wall kicking, a variant of wall jumping.
* In Sonic Mania Plus, Mighty is shown to be incredibly powerful, being the 2nd strongest character in-game
in terms of raw power (right under Knuckles). His ability in this game is the Hammer Drop, a heavy slam downwards that
seems to be inspired by one of Sonic's Custom neutral B's from Smash 4
~ Mighty still uses a similar design to Sonic, so reusing Sonic's model and editing it a bit wouldn't be too hard

~ Moves can be taken directly from Sonic's custom moves from Sm4sh, such as the Stomp neutral B (Mighty's Hammer Drop works pretty much like Stomp)
35fee8c7febbbddeb37e4354ec9d66780cbea631v2_hq (2).jpg
~ Mighty wasn't relevant around when Smash Ultimate's roster was finalized, only reappearing in Mania Plus right now (A 23 year absence!). Though, popularity is more of a deciding factor than relevance, as shown with sm4sh's roster.
~ Shadow is much more popular AND his assist trophy seems to no longer exist in Ultimate. He may have not been shown off just yet, but who knows?
Shadow and Sonic.jpg

~ Tails is another character who's highly requested in Smash probably ever since the Melee rumor. Still very much a popular choice.
tails miis.jpg
-My Move-set-
I based my own move-set off of Sonic's from Smash 4 and Brawl, as I imagine Mighty playing like a Luigified Sonic, akin to Roy in Sm4sh.
Jab: Based off Sonic's. Each hit does .5% more damage, same KB. Third hit is another punch instead of the kick.
F-tilt: Same as Sonic's but looser in animation. First hit does 1% more damage, making it harder to combo into second hit unless you're very close
second hit also does 1% more damage but serves as a decent kill option (well more than Sonic's). First hitbox also no longer can send opponents behind
U-tilt: Identical to Sonic's in terms of frame data with the exception of animation, bigger hitboxes and KB. Animation is more of a double uppercut,
similar to Mario's then transitions into something like Ryu's held u-tilt. Same damage data as Sonic's.
D-tilt: Same as Sonic's. Does 1.5% percent less than Sonic's but sends upwards and no longer trips.
Dash Attack: Since Sonic's Dash is only the Kick now, I think it'd be cool to give Mighty the Spin part. Less end lag,
3 hits, first 2 hits do 1%, 3rd will be slightly unique; it does 4% if hit with the early hitbox but only 2.5%
if hit with late hitbox. Hitbox will always be late if the other hits don't connect.
F-Smash: Same Frame Data as Sonic's, making it super risky. Animation is like Falcon's Jab Finisher, a underhand punch.
14% like Sonic's. Like Sonic, Falco, and Mario's F-Smash it'd have pretty bad base KB, meaning using it at low percentages won't cause tumble. Basically a kill move only.
U-Smash: Essentially copied from Sonic, but sends at an arc like Luigi or Doc's when compared to Mario's.
D-Smash: Sonic's Brawl D-Smash, using same data from that game with the exception of lag; a few more frames of endlag.
N-air: Same as Sonic's, but Knocks opponents away instead of upwards.
F-air: A sort of amalgamation of Fox's F-smash and Fair from Smash 64; the spinning drop-kick move thingy. Similar in animation to both, but hits once.
High lag if not shorthopped. Has sourspot hitbox. 7% Sweetspot, 4% Sour
B-air: An elbow drop. Becomes a Sex Kick. Beginning of attack is when it's strongest but the Sweetspot lasts very few frames, kind of like Kirby. Sex Kick part of attack is weak.
U-air: Twirling Uppercut, like a Shoryuken. Hitbox is only on attacking hand, so super short range. 6% if early hitbox, 4.5% if late hitbox.
D-air: Mighty curls into a ball and does a stall then fall. Works similar to Toon Link; goes through opponents, can spike
or do a weaker hit that sends away depending on how close the opponent is to Mighty when the move is executed.
%8 if spike, 6% if send away. Can be cancelled like Sonic's when the hitbox ends.
Grab: Basically the same as Sonic's.
Pummel: Headbutt like the Mario Bros. 2%
F-throw: Direct reference to Knuckles Chaotix. Lifts the Opponent onto one shoulder, then flings them. 7%
B-throw: DDT's the opponent. 5.5% from initial slam, 1% from launch.
U-throw: Like Sonic's, Mighty throws his opponent above him. Since Mighty doesn't have quills, he instead swings his head
back. 6%
D-throw: Similar to Sonic's but Mighty performs the Hammer Drop on the opponent instead of a Spin Dash. 6%
Floor Attacks: Both Low Punches. 4% for front, 5% for back
Tripped Attack: Swipe Kicks both sides. 4% for either.
Ledge Attack: Arm Sweep. 6%
Neutral B: Hammer Drop. Very easy copy paste from Sonic's Stomp Custom Move, though if the move hits solid ground, Mighty will do a small bounce that does minimal damage. 8%
Side B: Hammer Dash. Also copied from Sonic's Custom Side B, Hammer Spin Dash. Difference is that is cannot be charged,
though it can be held. Main use is the fact that it buries grounded opponents. Can be cancelled with a jump. Uses similar
damage data to the custom move.
Up: Hammer Spring. Mighty produces a yellow spring and goes about half the height of Sonic's Double Spring, then
immediately Hammer Drops the spring, bouncing him super high. Puts in special fall. Spring only has hitbox after being
Hammered, as does Mighty. Spring does 4.5% and works like Sonic's Spring. Mighty's body does 6%.
Down B: Hammer Slam. This move is a reference to Espio's passive running ability in Chaotix. Mighty curls into a ball
which can be charged like an actual spin dash, then uncurls and charges at the opponent headfirst. Gains superarmor if
charged at least once. Can power through projectiles that do less than 20%.
4% if uncharged, 9.5% if fully charged.
Final Smash: Super Mighty Rush. Like in Sonic Mania, Mighty uses the chao emeralds to transform into Super Mighty.
Works like Great Aether or Omega Blitz. The inital transform has a hitbox, which triggers the attack. As Super Mighty, he
throws a flurry of punches which causes the opponent to reel. He then jumps above them and preforms a stronger Hammer Drop
Smashes all who were caught or nearby away with a earthquake.
T. Hitbox- 15% Rush-1% per punch S.H.D.-15% if hit by Mighty, 10% if hit by quake.
Up-taunt: Twirls a ring on a finger. Reference to his Chaotix idle animation.

Side-taunt: Reference to Knuckles. Punches his fists together twice, then turns towards the screen with a smirk as he
twirls a fist twice.
Down-taunt: His idle animation of Sonic Mania Plus but put together as one; Mighty shrugs his shoulders and sighs.
Since most third party reps do this, I'm making my alt decisions on the fact that
Mighty would still be black and red, but change hues and shoe color. Sonic does have one alt that make him almost a different color, but the silver color still uses blue to make it that way.
Alt 1: Inspired on Classic Vector. Shell becomes a crocodile shade (not a joke, the actual
shade is called crocodile), skin becomes lighter (about grey), shoes are blue.

Alt 2: Inspired by Classic Charmy; shell gets "bee" design but stays red almost red-orange,
shoe colors are inverted.

Alt 3: Inspired by Classic Espio; shell is lavender, shoe main color is green, stripe is

Alt 4: Based on Ray's Mania Plus Appearance; shoes actually look identical to ray's with
two stripes and the blue color. Mighty's face fur is more brown, like Ray's. Shell wouldn't
become bright yellow but more of a dull shade of mustard.

Alt 5: Inspired by Heavy and Bomb, the dud playables in Chaotix. Mighty's shell becomes
silver, gloves are metallic orange, Mighty's black fur becomes red-orange like Bomb.
Shoes become Onix, but keep white stripe.

Alt 6: Inspired by Sonic's North American Boxart design. Shell becomes darker blue.

Alt 7: A light pink, derived from Super Mighty/Knuckles Color Palette in Sonic Mania.
I know a Sonic character who's only become relevant again recently doesn't have that high of a chance but one can dream.
Also, DLC is a thing...so maybe he'll get in from that??
-Darktheumbreon (Me!)
By the Mania, For the Mania.


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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
"I reckon you better up mosey out of here, pardna'. This town ain't big enough for the two of us"
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Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2018
Yes. YES.

I've been waiting for years to see Mighty make a return to Sonic games and it feels so good to him in Mania Plus. Sure, he's a grain in the sand compared to the main cast's popularity, but he'd be the most fitting Echo for Sonic. Sure, you could squeeze Tails, Knuckles, or Shadow into those roles, but if you wanted the choice to stay true to their character, Mighty is your guy.

Armadillos rule, by the way, so let's have both Dillon and Mighty in Smash.


Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2018
Definitely Support as Mighty is one of my favorite Sonic characters and I could see this working as a great echo fighter for Sonic


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2012
This was such a well thought-out post. I'm a huge Sonic fan, and while I saw this post a few months back, I initially neglected to comment, as I thought it was way too far-fetched (as much as I'd love for it to happen).

But hey, we're all dreamers when it comes to Smash, and you make some good arguments, namely the hammer drop taken right from Sonic's custom in Smash for Wii U.

It's amazing that Mighty has seen such a resurgence--I never thought it would happen. And now Mighty and Ray are getting TOYS made out of them. Just outstanding.

Mighty would be a fantastic Echo--I wholeheartedly support, good sir.

In addition to the hammer drop, perhaps he could take less knockback if hit from behind. A bit slower, but hitting harder, of course, and less vertical recover (maybe a yellow spring).
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Smash Lord
Oct 30, 2018
I support. Although maybe give Mighty a wall cling to differentiate from Sonic? Also give him tough Guy.


Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2018
At this point I have absolutely no clue how sonic, as the longest running third party franchise in smash, has yet to receive a second fighter. At least sonic has the second best music in the game after dk though, so I can’t be too mad. But it’s still dumb that they couldn’t even figure out how to get an echo of sonic and somehow find a reason for three links and three samus’ to exist.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2012
At this point I have absolutely no clue how sonic, as the longest running third party franchise in smash, has yet to receive a second fighter. At least sonic has the second best music in the game after dk though, so I can’t be too mad. But it’s still dumb that they couldn’t even figure out how to get an echo of sonic and somehow find a reason for three links and three samus’ to exist.
It is surprising, especially given Richter and Ken's inclusion. On the other hand, can you imagine the wrath Sakurai and Nintendo would get if they put in another Sonic character, but then DIDN'T put them in the next game? Maybe they don't want to open Pandora's Box. ;)
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Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2018
honestly I think every sonic character has a chance, maybe even more so than Knuckles and Shadow, who are stuck in the assist trophy hell. It’s a shame they haven’t added one, because any character from sonic could be fairly unique, but there’s also a couple that could echo sonic (with a couple moves altered, of course). Another problem I have is the stages. Why is there not a chemical plant zone stage? It would be way better than windy hill, and convince me that the devs actually know what sonic is.
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Smash Lord
Oct 30, 2018
SSF2 has great stage choices. You got Green Hill, Casino Night, and Sky Sanctuary. and Crusade has Ice Cap.


Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2018
SSF2 has great stage choices. You got Green Hill, Casino Night, and Sky Sanctuary. and Crusade has Ice Cap.
Those two also have more sonic characters. SSF2 has Tails, and Crusade even has Knuckles and Shadow, and I doubt Sakurai (even being the god he is) could ever reach two sonic characters.
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Smash Rookie
Apr 10, 2019
Wow, you and i just had the same idea. I also want Mighty in smash, but along with Ray, but not as an echo fighter. They could be standalone characters.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 12, 2012
While I don't actually think Mighty will be in, it's always fun to pose hypotheticals and see patterns where really none exist. For instance:
  1. Sakurai like to subvert our expectations.
  2. Adhering to a recent Daisy Theory, maybe the next DLC is not fighter #5, but an Echo.
  3. In Sega Heroes, the Chaotix are being gradually added. First Vector, then Espio. Presumably Charmy will be next. While not part of the team per se, Mighty was in Knuckles Chaotix. It would be a good cross promotion to add Mighty around the same time to both games.
  4. Mighty has seen a resurgence with Sonic Mania, Sonic Mania Adventures, and now he even has toys!
  5. In a Sonic movie poster, Sonic is in the same pose as Mighty (as pictured in the original post).
  6. Geoff Knightly said that Sonic may make an appearance of some kind in the VGAs. While this could mean anything, it would be fitting that he gets an Echo.
Darn, I think I just talked myself into it. ;)
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