Smash Lord
Anyone here remember that game "Elevator Action"? It was rather simple: you were a secret agent (or maybe it was cop, I can't remember) and you had to ride up and down the elevator and shoot the bad guys who were walking around. I only half-remember the game, but I seem to remember that the movements of the elevator were somewhat random, leading to a bit of strategy: should you ride the top of the elevator when it's possible you may be crushed into the roof? Is it safe to jump across the elevator shaft if a elevator may come down on top of you?
Does anyone else think this would make a good level with some changes to make it Smash-compatible (I.E. a top of the elevator shaft to knock people out, maybe the roof of the building for some fights... etc.)
Above: Image of Arcade version.
Does anyone else think this would make a good level with some changes to make it Smash-compatible (I.E. a top of the elevator shaft to knock people out, maybe the roof of the building for some fights... etc.)

Above: Image of Arcade version.