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Egg toss help


I eat stickers all the time, dude!
Feb 18, 2008
Storrs, University of Connecticut, CT
Well after me and some friends were fooling around last week, we had a "user our least used character tournament" and mine was yoshi. When I picked him up for about 30 minutes I feel it love with him. I have been practicing him ever since and the progress has been great, but I can't seem to use his egg toss right as a projectile. I can hit people with it and control it pretty well, but when I try to use it quickly or out of a jab, I always seem to use egg roll, or I can't control it well. Can someone give me any advice on how to get better that this or any ways of making it easier for myself?


Smash Apprentice
Apr 1, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
yeah I cant completely control it yet but I am getting there :p

also good tipper, Ken in your sig. Youtube comments on Ken are so funny XD


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
aiming is diff from melee, goes lower...i've pretty much got it down except maybe for the 45 degree diagonal angle which feels a little odd, its kinda like how pits arrow is diff at this angle

and i'm still unsure exactly how Egg Toss Slide works

i like shooting eggs from the edge heh


Smash Rookie
Oct 19, 2008
An egg toss shiels is basically you dash, jump and then egg toss. If done fast enough it produces a sort of egg toss wave dash. I suggest binding either L or R to jump or just clawing the controller. It is pretty good for spacing and most opponents don't expect a low tossed egg when you are dashing backwords(you can change the direction of your egg toss while dashing the other way)


Smash Cadet
Jul 9, 2008
Unfortunately this is just one of those things that comes with practice.

Tru dat. Depending on how you play, you may use more or less of the egg toss. At first I used to accidentally egg roll, lots of suicides, instead of egg toss but you'll get it down the more you use Yoshi.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
Use it with tap jump off. It's Up B then aim.
Hold B to make it go farther. Common sense.

First, work on aiming. Just aim it in varied directions. Get a sense of the trajectories. When you're good, fine tune it by getting the mid angles (where it doesn't go too much in any direction.)

Then work on power. Just straight up. Work on how long you think you should hold the B button for. Always keep in mind that, if you throw it higher, it doesn't come down; it explodes high up in the air.

After, work on both at once. Work on a standing still character. Just keep egg tossing from different angles. Then try moving. It's all practice.

And no matter what anyone says, Egg Toss will always be my favorite projectile, and will always be one of the best in my eyes.

Paul Hoffman

Smash Rookie
Jul 19, 2008
First work on it in practice just learning how to slide it properly, get the timing down when coming out of attacks, learn the trajectories like Demenise said, etc. Also, learn how to do it from the ledge, this is a big perk for Yoshi players.

Fight a low level computer and focus on just your egg tossing, that'll whip it into shape. Then do the same against a human opponent to get a feel for where your range of opportunity on it is. Learn when you can't (and, to a lesser extent, won't) get punished for it. This is where the slided egg tosses really shine.

Otherwise, just practice, practice, practice. It's really just a muscle memory issue.
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