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Edgeguarded by a G&W


Smash Cadet
May 20, 2006
I don't play online and I don't read smashboards much, so I've never seen anything like this.I was playing against a G&W, and his edgeguard consisted of shorthop-dair continuously. I was over 100% damage so when I...
-Scar, the impact from the dair hits me due to the one second lag from his recovery.
-Try to jump backwards to upB or sideB the stage, same thing.
-Roll or attack, there's startup animation, he spotdodges and down smashes.

I was comboed continuously five or six times until I couldn't think of anything else and decided to SD.

Any ideas? This edgeguard seemed pretty nooby so I wouldn't be surprised if a counter exists.

Hawks go Caw

Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
New Orleans, LA
I'm not a Wolf player, so I'm not to sure what you mean by Scar, but since you could "roll or attack" I assume you were able to grab the ledge. I'm also guessing by "attack" you mean the ledge attack -- pressing an attack while hanging from the ledge. What you could do is once you grab the ledge, press back so that you let go, jump up and forward towards the stage and attack at the same time. You could try the F-air or maybe the reflector and see how that works. You should also be landing on the stage when you do this. If your friend's a good G&W, he'll probably start using the frying pan or something, in which case you could easily roll behind.


Smash Cadet
May 20, 2006
Mmm, the reflector seems like a good bet. The thing is, the impact of the key seems to do damage, so when I let go + jump back, I still get hit by the impact of the key.
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