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EddE's laserlock tips (used M2K's guide)


Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2007
Caracas, Venezuela
all credits of the guide go to M2K since hes the one who started finding out on how to laserlock effectively and his guide is what made me want to find out methods to pull this more effectively in fights.... the "guide" contains an intro to laserlocking, M2K's methods, a random method i kin dof stumbled upon and the easiest and most effective way to laser lock ive found so far

if youre gonna flame/post negatively, im asking you nicely to go away


well, this info is from M2K; credits for this goes to him:
to laser lock do any of the following
-strong dair (aorund 35-40%) and start shooting... 100% laser lock only on fast fallers
-climb up attack (press a/b at the edge when your opponents around about any percent) and start shooting on all chars
-ftilt (80-90%) and start shooting on all chars
-nair's 2nd hit (45%ish) and start shooting on all chars

thats the basics... with that advice i pulled few laser locks, but, that advice contains the fundamental knowledge and lets you experience the mechanics of how to get a laser lock: hit them with a move that sends them kind of downwards, with enough flinch that makes them bounce off the ground and start shooting...

first of all, if you go and approach to an opponent with nair and repeat it, theres something obvious going on and your opponent will most likely avoid it, also, when you spam ftilt, it gets even more obvious... the dair laser lock is just hard to pull, ive only done it twice on a fox and a d3 and well, the climb up laser lock is way too punishable, the new tendency is to stand on the edge shielding if sombbody is hanging so... if the attack you, you shiedgrab, if they jump you upsmash/chase, if the roll you fsmash backwards or dashgrab, if the edgehop attack you shieldgrab... this system is hard to beat, which means, a laser lock is actually hard to pull and requires some thinking

now, lets talk about some stuff ive found out
short hopped fast falled weak bair is laserloackable, im not so sure in %s, havent properly tested it, this move does a semi downwards knockback with enough
flinch and bounce for laser lock

AND NOW.... the juicy part ^^
you know, falco has one of the best chaingrabs in game, its only weakness is that it stops working at around 45%, but thats not a problem since when they reach 45% that last throw has a knockback that can easily set an almost guaranteed of any of these moves: hyphen smash, dair, dair-usmash, utilt, dtilt, bair-usmash, fsmash, dair-utilt, fair, based on intros and me butterin up this final sentence, the easiest way to set a laser lock is: chain grab until around 40% (4-5 throws usually), start a dash to reach for them, short hop, and nair aiming to land all the hits or atuair, dair-dtilt, etc... AND NAIR... thats perfect, a nair at around 45% is a very easy laser lock setup, dont forget to spam be to laserlock XD

after reading the guide, i suggest you to go on training mode and start practicing all ive talked about here for at least 10 minutes, after that, try pulling it on a fight vs a friend of yours, and dont get predictable

comment if this guide helped you ^^
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