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Easiness and Screw-You-Overs


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
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There's a serpent wrapping around me.

Slowly. Oh yes, the monster is taking its time. It has no where to go. Nothing to do, aside from choking me. Sssslllloooowwwwllllyyyy. But it is.

And I hatched him.

I found the beast's egg on a deserted island, in early February. Was it late January? Hmm, it doesn't matter. I came to the island in search of... well, not happiness. Not exactly that. It was moreso easiness that I was searching for. Yes, that's it. Easiness. So I went to the deserted island in search of easiness.

Let me say that I've visited this island in search of that easiness many, many times. Dozens of times. And I always find it, too. Easiness eggs, I call them. You see, the fully-fledged easinesses rarely stay at their nests, so stealing an easiness egg is very... well, easy. You just stride right up to the nest (which is always located just above sea level-- they're bright orange, and very easy to see), and scoop up an easy egg. I've done it a few times when the mama easiness was there, too. Truely easy.

Of course, there is another kind of animal that inhabits this island, too. They look just like easinesses.

But they kill.

The screw-you-overs.

Screw-you-overs live in the same nests as easinesses, often side-by-side. Their eggs look exactly the same, and the adult ones look the same as well.

But, in spite of their appearance, screw-you-overs are NOT easiness. They are screw-you-overs.

As the name implies, they screw you over.

I happened to nab a screw-you-over egg that unlucky day in early February or late January. I didn't know until it was too late. I was planning on presenting the easiness as a substitute for a research paper I needed to do in order to keep my head above water. ...Well, not really a research paper. More like a multigenre that I need to do in order to pass Junion year. It worked several times before. With one hundered percent success rate. The easiness always hatched into an easiness, which turned into success.

Now I've got a fully-grown screw-you-over coiling around my scrawny neck.

And I'm screwed over.
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