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Dragonic reverse things


Smash Apprentice
Feb 4, 2008
North Hagerstown Maryland
I use the wii-mote + nunchuk combo, and recently i have been serching for a control scheme for yoshi that both allows me to do the Dragonic reverse, and play as i usually do

well while experimenting with diferent schemes i found one that worked
i also found something that i have not yet seen anywhere
i was able to do the DR well more than just once
im thinking that if i can configure just the right scheme, one might be able to move about using the DR just as the wavedash was used in melee

if this is nothing new then im sorry for wasting your time but please reply and let me know if this is new :)

im also willing to show people what i mean online :)


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
I use the wii-mote + nunchuk combo, and recently i have been serching for a control scheme for yoshi that both allows me to do the Dragonic reverse, and play as i usually do

well while experimenting with diferent schemes i found one that worked
i also found something that i have not yet seen anywhere
i was able to do the DR well more than just once
im thinking that if i can configure just the right scheme, one might be able to move about using the DR just as the wavedash was used in melee

if this is nothing new then im sorry for wasting your time but please reply and let me know if this is new :)

im also willing to show people what i mean online :)
DT. Been discovered for a while now. And also, use the DR thread.
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