I searched this section for a thread with this game as the main discussion and it appears there isn't one so, why not start one?
Hello, I play DBZ BT3 myself and I'm pretty **** good at the game. Does anyone else play it? I wouldn't mind playing some of you on here that do have it... though the connection could be complete crap (thanks to Atari's netcode...) That aside, to make sure you know I'm good check out my DBZ BT3 videos here.
You may also use this thread a means of general discussion for this game. IF there is already a thread, I apologize as I couldn't find it when I searched for it specifically...
Discuss, discuss, discuss!
Hello, I play DBZ BT3 myself and I'm pretty **** good at the game. Does anyone else play it? I wouldn't mind playing some of you on here that do have it... though the connection could be complete crap (thanks to Atari's netcode...) That aside, to make sure you know I'm good check out my DBZ BT3 videos here.
You may also use this thread a means of general discussion for this game. IF there is already a thread, I apologize as I couldn't find it when I searched for it specifically...
Discuss, discuss, discuss!