Self loathing ICs Player
Fifth monthly Smash tournament in Gaylord Michigan, featuring Super Smash Bros Melee, Project M and Smash 4.
$5 Venue Fee
Venue Fee will be waived if a full set up is brought and needed
Melee Singles ($10 per entrant)
Melee Doubles ($10 per team)
Smash 4 Singles ($10 per entrant)
Smash 4 Doubles ($10 per team)
Project M Singles ($10 per entrant)
10:00 a.m. Venue and registration opens.
11:00 a.m. Registration for Melee and Smash 4 doubles closes.
11:15 a.m. Melee and Smash 4 doubles start.
1:00 p.m. Registration for Project M closes.
1:15 p.m Project M singles starts
3:00 p.m. Melee singles regstration ends
3:15 p.m Melee singles starts.
5:00 p.m. Smash 4 registration ends.
5:15 p.m. Smash 4 starts.
9:00 p.m Estimated end time, out to Buffalo Wild Wings.
Bring your own controller
Be smart, TO and Venue owners have the right to warn, DQ and eject you from the venue.
If you are 15 minutes late to a match, you will be DQ'd.
TO's word is law
Melee Ruleset:
* 4 stock, 8:00 minute timer.
* Items OFF.
* Pause OFF.
* Ties after the time limit are determined by stocks, then by percentage.
* Master Hand is banned.
* Stalling with Jigglypuff’s Rising Pound or Peach’s Wall Bomber etc is banned.
* Glitches such as Ice Climbers’s Freeze Glitch and Mewtwo’s Soul Stunner are banned.
* The Good Dave’s Stupid Rule: You cannot counterpick any stage you have won on in a set unless agreed upon by the opponent.
Stage Strike from Neutrals for the first match of the set in “121″ fashion:
1. First player strikes one stage.
2. Second player strikes two stages.
3. First player strikes one stage.
Neutral (Singles)
Final Destination
Yoshi’s Story
Dream Land
Fountain of Dreams
Counterpick (Singles)
Pokemon Stadium
After each match:
1. Winner announces stage ban (except in best-of-5 sets)
2. Loser chooses counterpick stage
3. Winner chooses their character
4. Loser chooses their character
Smash 4 Ruleset:
Game version: US Nintendo WiiU
4 stock, 8:00 minute timer
Items OFF and set to NONE
Auto L-Cancel OFF
Buffer OFF
Friendly Fire ON
Pause is set to hold.
Pause may only be used while one player is on the recovery halo.
Pausing in any other case results in the pauser losing a stock.
If the opponent loses a stock as a result of the pause, the pauser loses two stocks.
If the opponent loses the game as a result of the pause, the pauser instead loses the game.
Stage List:
Starters: Wario Land, Smashville, Battlefield, Pokemon Stadium 2, and Delfino’s Secret
Counterpicks: Fountain of Dreams, Final Destination, and Dreamland
1 Ban is allotted to the winner of a game. The winner may not counterpick this stage later in the set.
Dave’s Stupid Rule is in effect: you may not return to a stage you previously won on in the same set.
Match procedure is as follows:
1. Port priority is decided, loser strikes first in 1-2-1 style.
2. After game 1, the winner selects character
3. The loser selects character. The loser may also counterpick ports.
4. The winner bans one stage.
5. The stage is selected by the loser.
6. Sets outside of finals (WF, LF, GF) are best of 3, finals are best of 5 (at the TO’s discretion).
In the result of a time out, the match is decided by stock count, then by percentage.
If percentages are tied, a 3 minute, 1 stock tie-breaker is played on the same stage.
If sudden death is reach in another way, a 3 minute, 1 stock tie-breaker is played on the same stage.
If a suicide move (Ganoncide or Swallowcide) is performed and sudden death is reached, the initiator of
the move is the winner
In the event that the game crashes or the TV/Wii loses power in the middle of a match, that match will be restarted from the beginning with the same characters and stage.
If a glitch is used to initiate this intentionally, the initiator of the glitch will lose the set and may be DQ’d at the discretion of the TO.
Any rule may be overrided by the Gentleman’s clause, I.e. If both players consent to the override (within TO's discretion).
$5 Venue Fee
Venue Fee will be waived if a full set up is brought and needed
Melee Singles ($10 per entrant)
Melee Doubles ($10 per team)
Smash 4 Singles ($10 per entrant)
Smash 4 Doubles ($10 per team)
Project M Singles ($10 per entrant)
10:00 a.m. Venue and registration opens.
11:00 a.m. Registration for Melee and Smash 4 doubles closes.
11:15 a.m. Melee and Smash 4 doubles start.
1:00 p.m. Registration for Project M closes.
1:15 p.m Project M singles starts
3:00 p.m. Melee singles regstration ends
3:15 p.m Melee singles starts.
5:00 p.m. Smash 4 registration ends.
5:15 p.m. Smash 4 starts.
9:00 p.m Estimated end time, out to Buffalo Wild Wings.
Bring your own controller
Be smart, TO and Venue owners have the right to warn, DQ and eject you from the venue.
If you are 15 minutes late to a match, you will be DQ'd.
TO's word is law
Melee Ruleset:
* 4 stock, 8:00 minute timer.
* Items OFF.
* Pause OFF.
* Ties after the time limit are determined by stocks, then by percentage.
* Master Hand is banned.
* Stalling with Jigglypuff’s Rising Pound or Peach’s Wall Bomber etc is banned.
* Glitches such as Ice Climbers’s Freeze Glitch and Mewtwo’s Soul Stunner are banned.
* The Good Dave’s Stupid Rule: You cannot counterpick any stage you have won on in a set unless agreed upon by the opponent.
Stage Strike from Neutrals for the first match of the set in “121″ fashion:
1. First player strikes one stage.
2. Second player strikes two stages.
3. First player strikes one stage.
Neutral (Singles)
Final Destination
Yoshi’s Story
Dream Land
Fountain of Dreams
Counterpick (Singles)
Pokemon Stadium
After each match:
1. Winner announces stage ban (except in best-of-5 sets)
2. Loser chooses counterpick stage
3. Winner chooses their character
4. Loser chooses their character
Smash 4 Ruleset:
Game version: US Nintendo WiiU
- Singles 2 Stock, 6 Minutes
- Customs are Banned
- Starter stages: Battlefield, Final Destination, Smashville, Town & City, Lylay Cruise
- Counter-pick stages: Dream Land, Duck Hunt (2 Stage Strikes)
- Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character.
- The Good Dave's Stupid Rule: You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed.
4 stock, 8:00 minute timer
Items OFF and set to NONE
Auto L-Cancel OFF
Buffer OFF
Friendly Fire ON
Pause is set to hold.
Pause may only be used while one player is on the recovery halo.
Pausing in any other case results in the pauser losing a stock.
If the opponent loses a stock as a result of the pause, the pauser loses two stocks.
If the opponent loses the game as a result of the pause, the pauser instead loses the game.
Stage List:
Starters: Wario Land, Smashville, Battlefield, Pokemon Stadium 2, and Delfino’s Secret
Counterpicks: Fountain of Dreams, Final Destination, and Dreamland
1 Ban is allotted to the winner of a game. The winner may not counterpick this stage later in the set.
Dave’s Stupid Rule is in effect: you may not return to a stage you previously won on in the same set.
Match procedure is as follows:
1. Port priority is decided, loser strikes first in 1-2-1 style.
2. After game 1, the winner selects character
3. The loser selects character. The loser may also counterpick ports.
4. The winner bans one stage.
5. The stage is selected by the loser.
6. Sets outside of finals (WF, LF, GF) are best of 3, finals are best of 5 (at the TO’s discretion).
In the result of a time out, the match is decided by stock count, then by percentage.
If percentages are tied, a 3 minute, 1 stock tie-breaker is played on the same stage.
If sudden death is reach in another way, a 3 minute, 1 stock tie-breaker is played on the same stage.
If a suicide move (Ganoncide or Swallowcide) is performed and sudden death is reached, the initiator of
the move is the winner
In the event that the game crashes or the TV/Wii loses power in the middle of a match, that match will be restarted from the beginning with the same characters and stage.
If a glitch is used to initiate this intentionally, the initiator of the glitch will lose the set and may be DQ’d at the discretion of the TO.
Any rule may be overrided by the Gentleman’s clause, I.e. If both players consent to the override (within TO's discretion).