Every time I see a debate that consists of casuals vs. competitive, where a noob is arguing that L canceling is not that important and that we (actual good players) should get over it, I want to vomit. There should not even be a debate here. Anybody that knows what they are talking about should not even waste there time arguing with people who spew forth nothing but complete and utter ***********. There arguments should not even be dignified with a response. Yes, I am hopeful that Brawl will ultimately have alternate competitive techniques that will give it the same competitive life that Melee has had. Hell I have been looking forward to this game as much as anybody. However, I am also a realist. While I am clinging on to whatever hope there is that Brawl will be a competitive fighter for years to come, it seems more and more likely that it will just be a fun game that is not taken seriously. Incidentally, I am sick of seeing only brawl videos of complete noobs uploading videos on youtube. Can some pro players PLEASE upload some vids as soon as possible so I can see the competitive potential of the game. My main is CF, and I have yet to see a video where a player has landed a knee, pretty pathetic indeed.