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Don't mind me, just being mostly useless.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
Link to original post: [drupal=4981]Don't mind me, just being mostly useless.[/drupal]

So I learned a thing today. Apparently my blog gets shoved out in the forums for a bit whenever I post.

That's interesting. Shame this blog isn't.

Anyway, been a largely off week, as the other blog will attest. I won't doubly recount it here; there's a link at the end of the post if you really would like to know.

Now to the data. There's only been two relevant snippets since the 23rd, so I've cut the endless repetition of "No progress" out of the set. I don't anticipate complaints, but I would recommend any people who have them employ their no doubt perfectly functional imagination.

01/27/12 Played with Matthew and James. Noticeably rusty.

01/30/12 Practiced perfect shielding in a stage built for the purpose. Practiced against level 9 CPUs to shake the rust off. Used lots of nair. Wasn't too serious - definitely not as much as I should have been. Some interesting bits nonetheless. At one point traded stocks with an offstage Diddy by kamikaze dair-ing into his rockets. Unfortunately for him (or it, as the case may be), that was his last stock. Not so much mine.

Y'know, the more I try to find ways to train solo, the more I realize I really need to get wifi operational again. Unfortunately I realized today I apparently don't have a spare ethernet cable anymore besides the one going into the router, which will make it difficult to sort ports and the like. We'll see though.

The other blog is at http://deadmangetslegit.blogspot.com/
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