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Dolphin refuses to allow me to connect to people/host.


Smash Rookie
Mar 24, 2015
Look, I want to start by making something very clear, I CAN connect to a single other person; one of my friends. I connect to him fine, but I can't connect to anyone else or host, Dolphin just gets hung up and drops my connection as I try to connect.

This is incredibly annoying and I can't find any fixes for it. Whenever I or someone else asks what to do, people just seem to ask "Are you on a university connection?" then when the person with the problem says they aren't, everyone just shrugs and pretty much says "dunno what the problem is then LOL".

My friend I'm able to connect to lives in another country (I'm from the USA, he's from Sweden), I'm on my own internet connection from my own home, I can't connect to my other friends despite us all having the exact same version of dolphin/setup/etc (they can also connect to each other and the Swedish friend just fine, I'm the only one who has this problem)

This wouldn't be such a distress if I couldn't connect to anyone at all; I'd at least have some idea of where to start, then. But why the hell can I connect to one person but no one else?

Mario, wherever you are, heeaaaaaaaaaaalp


Smash Rookie
Mar 24, 2015
Update: Just got a new router; didn't do a thing, so I know it's not a router problem. I also tried hooking it right into my modem. It's also for sure not a firewall issue.
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