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Dolphin Netplay Troubles [Fixed]


Smash Rookie
Aug 5, 2014
I'm using Anther's 3.5 netplay setup instructions.
I've downloaded everything, put my Brawl Iso in the iso builder folder like it says. I've even run regular Brawl on Dolphin (no I didn't create a new save file) and it works fine. When I run Build_Iso 3.5.bat, however, I only return:
"Checking for ProjectM resources...
Cannot find the "projectm/pf" folder containing projectm files, exiting...
Please make sure that you have projectm/pf in the same directory as this builder pack.
Press any key to continue..."
Which then closes the command prompt. Do I need to have all the Project M files in the Iso builder folder as well?

EDIT: Fixed! I needed to re-extract the folder after the SSBB Iso had been copied into it.
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