This is stupid.
Both are just as valuable or invaluable.
Neither past-time - Football or Star Trek - are better / worse than the other.
I don't watch Star Trek nor do I watch Football. I think both are rather stupid.
I think I'd probably rather hear about a Star Trek episode than Joe Noneck hitting a touchdown in some game that happened that you watched on a big screen while eating pork rinds.
But that's just me.
No its not stupid,
Try going anywhere in America and talking football with some men either your age or older. Most people will have an opinion about a team or a player.
Do the same thing with star trek, and the conversation will not be nearly as long.
Just because YOU would rather hear something doesn't mean the entire society would.
Football is seen as more popular in mainstream culture, Star Trek has its own sub-culture popularity.
To ignore this is to be stupid.
On a side note, it is often important to view the stereotypes. Nerds are often categorized as skinny, scrawny, socially awkward types. Football fans are more often more physically assertive.
That is part of the reason why I believe that nerds are categorized so negatively in person, where as football fans overral who are more assertive maybe called just "obsessed"