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Do you think....


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
...that the moderators here are over-zealous and have way too much time on their hands? I moderate a dozen sites and stopped doing the control-freakish stuff that happens here when I was 16.... because it's unnecessary. i HOPE that's not the age-group of the people moderating this forum....

Anyway, I'd like to post at a place where it's not a big deal to double-post, go off-topic somewhat, or casually discuss some sex, violence, and drugs on occasion. People would only abuse these measures as much as they would in real-life discussion, which a forum is supposed to emulate. Not to mention smashboards can't get in trouble for it. who else agrees?

Oh and please don't ask me to cite specific examples mods, I think you'll know what I'm talking about whether your a moderator who does this or not.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
Those are the basic rules of this forum, dude. You don't like it, post elsewhere (look at allisbrawl). I admit it's babyish, but we have babies that post in this site. Besides - after the new rules and whatnot, alot of us have simply walked out. Social networking sites work just as well, and we can do all the dirty (as far as I know. I haven't been called on it yet).


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
How are the people that you encounter on this forum any different than those that you meet in real life? It's not the end of the world if one of the aforementioned things I discussed happens. I didn't mean 'dirty' things either. What I meant could even mean mods treating non-mods differently because they have power...which it happens here.

So... "you don't like it, post elsewhere' is the policy of smashboards for people with legitimate complaints such as my own?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
It seems so. You'll find out later; Either this topic stays up, or a mod closes it with some witty comment that we can't post replies to - ending the topic in their "favor".

But anyway. Conversation can go on without those subjects. I mean, it has been that way for most forums, and will probably stay that way.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
Yeah, well... if it gets closed then I wouldn't be bothered in the least, to be honest. But, whichever moderator to do so has fully submitted themselves to the reasoning behind this thread.. so they don't win ;)

Idk why it would though. Seems like friendly discussion and feedback about some of our over-zealous moderators....


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
when it comes to double posting, infracting someone who does it is basically just an attempt to keep the forum clean/organized. you're absolutely right in saying that it isn't a big deal, especially when compared to some of the other problems people can cause on a forum that merit moderation, but in the same hand, it isn't difficult to edit your post instead of double posting and keeping everything you say in one post keeps everything more organized. you wont be banned by a double posting infraction unless you've done it six times or you've broken other rules, so its more of a measure to keep things neat.

on going off topic, it can become a problem when people are posting in a thread about one subject when there is a whole forum dedicated to that subject somewhere else in the forums. not only is it more organized to ask your falcon-sheik matchup question in the falcon board, but you will understandably get better answers there, too. it can also become a problem when it leads to talk about the other subjects you bring up: sex, violence, and drugs.

bottom line in a legal sense, if we ignore the information people post on the website, we are responsible for it on the same level as if we allow it. having the rules doesnt cover us if we fail to enforce them properly, and it shouldn't, as then the rules would be meaningless. Smashboards is and always has been a community that children are encouraged to join, even if Brawl received a Teen rating from the ESRB for "cartoon violence" and "crude humor." We have to hold ourselves to the standards of a website fit for children, even if teenagers and matured adolescents end up making up the majority of our population. many parents frown upon their children coming across sex discussion, because it can be inappropriate for young people, especially when older posters get involved who aren't considerate of naivete or innocence. it can also lead to an interest in pornography, which despite anyone's moral opinions, is illegal to access until you are older than 18. Similarly, drug related discussion can lead to an interest in drug use, which despite your or my moral or intellectual view, is illegal. All of this is aside from and not to mention moral opinion, but when that is included, we have to stand by the fact that we as a community want to encourage participation. in that sense, it is only natural to disallow certain subjects and get more involvement than it is to allow certain subjects and shun possible users who could benefit from our website. in the end, it is better for the smash community to have more players, especially young ones who could sustain interest in the game for a long time and keep the community alive. young blood, so to speak. and the younger members would need to convince their parents that our community is safe and they should be allowed to play games with people their parents may consider "strangers," and they should be allowed to sleep-over at a tournament venue out of state, and that they would be safe doing so. this sense of safety is incredibly, majorly true for our community, but talk about violence (and sex, and drugs) could dissuade parents from allowing their kids to become the next mango or jman.

on your last subject, mentioning that people would only abuse this sort of discussion in the same manner that they would offline in a real discussion, i have to object to that statement. people act differently online than they do in real life. more than many of us would like to admit are guilty of that. trolling is an issue that makes everything much harder to manage, people can act far more immature or belligerent behind a computer screen than they can in real life. after all, who is going to stop them from offending someone else if they are alone, miles and miles away? the answer has to be the site itself, the moderation team and the administration, because the person they are enraging or offending can't be expected to respond in any sort of personal or physical manner without fueling the flaming topic.

people might or might not talk more about drugs on a forum than they would in real life, people might or might not talk more about violence than they would in real life. Most importantly, however, is that they are talking with a different audience on the forum than they would in real life - they aren't just talking with their teenaged or of-age friends, but anyone or any child who reads what they post. there are some things you just wouldnt say in front of a kid, and you cannot realistically pick and choose who reads what you post on a public forum.

on the fairly different topic of mods treating non-mods differently or worse than they would each other, i can only give two pieces of advice. the first, honestly and without intent to offend, is that you step back from the situation and try to judge whether or not they are really treating you differently or if you are just upset because of another reason. if that isn't the case, then you're encouraged to take the problem to Forum Disputes -- please, while this might seem counter-intuitive (bringing problems about mean/hateful/ignorant moderators TO the moderators?), you should know that Moderators cannot read Forum Disputes and neither can Super Moderators, only the administrators can. The people you would be dealing with are McFox, Amorasaki, Azua (aka Queen Killjoy), Scav, or MLG_JV (aka Jv3x3). Each of these admins are older than the majority of the moderation team, consistently more mature (which is saying something), and unafraid to de-mod someone or at the least put someone on suspension for being wrong or abusing their power.

i hope this helps, and i promote this kind of open discussion as long as it remains reasonable. if you have any questions, feel free.


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
That's cool, tomato. I can see what you're saying with the majority of your statements. However, I still have to disagree with the off-topic policy. I also forgot to mention that it was the primary concern of my complaint as well. Yes, you can get better feedback if you go to the specified thread for your specific discussion, but... what if one isn't looking for better feedback? What if several people want to discuss a topic like character match-ups in a locating thread for a few pages, but just with the people they're most familiar with? I know there's a pre-determined level of tolerance for going off-topic, but there's some moderators that feel a few pages is too much by their discretion. Personally I feel that even 10 pages of straying off-topic, especially something smash-related, is fine. I mean what do ya'll expect, for us to make a separate thread stating 'This state's thread for this specific character discussion'....that would even be lamer than mods telling us to stay on topic to begin with. Is it possible to see a change in this policy?


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
The social rooms are a direct product of a large number of posters from regional zones stating that they would rather talk with their friends or local smashers about stuff than talk to other users they dont know, exactly like you are saying you would rather do. You want to talk with fellow NC bros about matchups, or about the game, or about anything legitimate like sports or entertainment or anything, thats understandable. When we went to the administration and asked for the social rooms, it was generally held as a good idea by everyone.

With the addition of the social rooms, the ATL South room can be a clean area, almost a tournament listing for the area, with discussion pertaining to each tournament happening in their threads. Then you can go further into the Gentlemen's club, where you don't have to talk about tournaments or even the initial topic of a thread, you can go widely off topic without penalty. That's what the social rooms were made for, for the change in discussion policy that people wanted to see.

Both the Arkansas and the Alabama communities have general social threads where they can talk about whatever they want (within the decency rules), and they do. Tennessee's locator/player finder thread was moved to the social room and they use it to talk about whatever they want, including but definitely not limited to discussing players or their location.

From what I understand, the NC brocator thread was moved to the social room and although this meant that the posters could let the thread take a turn off topic and legitimately be North Carolina discussion, the thread regulars opposed the move and remade the thread in the ATL South. (If this is wrong, of course, let me know.) As you can see though, the AL and AR and TN threads were just fine with it, and are given leniency to how they stay on topic as long as the discussion doesn't turn sour.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
On the topic of double posting:

You can not be banned/infracted for double posting. Only quadruple posting. I have seen the list of options of infracts/bans given to moderators and double posting was not there.



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
They are free to change the rules as they see fit, I think. I'm pretty sure that's the case, since we have a rule 5 here that no one else has yet.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
On the topic of double posting:

You can not be banned/infracted for double posting. Only quadruple posting. I have seen the list of options of infracts/bans given to moderators and double posting was not there.

This is incorrect. Trust me, I just checked. :p


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
This is incorrect. Trust me, I just checked. :p
I was debating on whether or not to say what I said because I wasn't sure if it was different for SuperMods/Admins, but Virg is a loser and wouldn't answer a simple yes or no question.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I'm pretty sure you're still wrong about regular moderators as well. They aren't all next to each other on the list. It is alphabetical-ish-ly organized. So a glance at the list wouldn't be sufficient~


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
I'm pretty sure you're still wrong about regular moderators as well. They aren't all next to each other on the list. It is alphabetical-ish-ly organized. So a glance at the list wouldn't be sufficient~
I'm pretty sure it wasn't there. We laughed about it for awhile.
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