'Cuz you got the C-Pad, Screen and Buttons right next to eachother so you can see what's going on + what you're doing with your hands, the Start/Select Buttons are close by and easy to press (instead of the hard-to-press-blocks all the way at the bottom of the system), the screen doesn't have the close-y-open-close-thing so it wont keep going OPEN-CLOSE-VIOLENTLY-SHAKING when you're being all seriouss & stuff, plus since the input buttons are way up at the top you won't accidentally open the Home Menu when trying to Pause or press the Select Button for no good reason (Seriously, what does it do in SSB4 XD), so I think that the 2DS will be pretty good among the SSB4 people. Your thoughts/opinions? (Let's not start flame wars, however.)