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Do you think Falco has changed drastically from Melee?


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2008
I've noticed, as well as a few of my friends, that Falco, while pretty good all around, has had physics changes, among other changes.
So, tell me, how do you think Falco has changed, if at all?
Was it a good thing, or a bad thing?
Is Falco better this time around, or better in Melee?


Smash Rookie
Mar 7, 2008
With the Pikmin.
It was a BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD thing!!!!!! I cant say the word "BAD" enough this very moment! In Melee, Falco was a ****ING GOD!!!! Now, he cant Fast Fall, Short Hop, or Piller! His Shine SUCKS! And also his Spike SUCKS! He is NOWHERE NEAR as good as he was in Melee! Not even close! I can't stress this enough!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: Anybody who thinks otherwise is a ****ING ******!


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2008
Toronto, Canada
ok falco is not that much worse than melee, this guy doesn't know what hes talking about. overall, he is worse tho, and he wont make top tier again. However, the melee falco far surpasses the brawl falco. but the reason i say he isnt that much worse, is that everyone is worse in brawl. brawl isnt about retarted speed like melee. its about tactics, and true skill.


Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
Slightly north of Toronto, Canada
troll troll troll troll troll troll troll, troll troll; troll troll troll! :laugh: troll troll troll troll.
I'm going to pretend that's what you said

yes, falco has changed drastically from melee. His playing style has gone from kill or be killed to all around beast. His recovery is amazing now, and his defensive easily matches his offensive qualities. although he is still a better character on the offensive. god **** I love falco... he's just QUALITY.


Smash Rookie
Mar 7, 2008
With the Pikmin.
You are so right wasabicheese! I swear i was going to say that! The only reason Falco is still good in Brawl is because not only Falco but pretty much everyone was nerfed going from Melee to Brawl. I think Falco is really good in Brawl actually. But if you were to compare the (Brawl Falco) to the (Melee Falco)..... its not even close to what Falco is the better one.....


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2008
It was a BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD thing!!!!!! I cant say the word "BAD" enough this very moment! In Melee, Falco was a ****ING GOD!!!! Now, he cant Fast Fall, Short Hop, or Piller! His Shine SUCKS! And also his Spike SUCKS! He is NOWHERE NEAR as good as he was in Melee! Not even close! I can't stress this enough!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: Anybody who thinks otherwise is a ****ING ******!

i agree all around.
and i like your demeanor about ganondorf.
he's god. :)


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2008
Toronto, Canada
I'm going to pretend that's what you said

yes, falco has changed drastically from melee. His playing style has gone from kill or be killed to all around beast. His recovery is amazing now, and his defensive easily matches his offensive qualities. although he is still a better character on the offensive. god **** I love falco... he's just QUALITY.
thank you. im sick of these trolls coming onto the boards, complaining about the slow speed of brawl and that crap. as i said above, BRAWL IS NOT ABOUT HAVING FAST HANDS! brawl is about tactics, and smarts. midgames are more present now. you have to know how to play each and every character, and how to react to each move, unlike in melee. Brawl requires far more skill, just in a different category

(im not bashing melee or melee pros, just these stupid melee trolls)


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
IMO, Falco is a new kind of beast, and my friends personally hate me using him, saying that he wasn't nerfed enough. Btw, if u think falco was nerfed, wait until u see Sheik (thank goodness, I never really liked her as much, she only appeared in one game, although she is awesome).P.S. don't get all "Sheik's a guy, not a girl", because either the voice actor screwed up, or sheik's a eunuch, because sheik sounds like a girl, has the build of one, and moves a bit like one (what kind of guy does a crawl like that?)
Sorry, back onto topic... Falco can chaingrab at least, and still SH pew, pews (aka lazahs). Plus, if anyone dares question Falco's power, they better have their hands of his bread, lol.


Smash Journeyman
May 19, 2008
Toronto, Canada
falco definately has FFA covered, in 4-player u can SHDL spam until someone charges u, right into a chaingrab. my friends HATE IT when i play like that :D


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
FFA.. LOL. wow. I think we're talking on competitive level -_-
Falco is worse.
Its still only useful to use a SHL, SHDL you can easily me f-tilted out of by tons of characters.
His spike is decent.
The upgrade is his ability to chain throw a lot of characters with dthrow to 30-50% then dair.


Smash Rookie
Jun 3, 2008
Ohio, Columbus
Man falco is a great character in both games. but i have 2 say, he was way better in the last game. in melee i used 2 b able to take out 3 people at a time. and 1 was a pretty good human player. but i cant do that in brawl lol.


Smash Master
Sep 9, 2006
Marysville, Washington
Lol. You must be REALLY good then MetallicFalcon >_> being able to take on 3 people. You probably played 2 computers level 5 and 1 ******* human player. Trust me, randoms dont know what good was, especially in melee. So dont get ahead of yourself. Youre bad. kthx.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2006
(KoJapes) Rochester, NY
You can't compare. They are entirely different characters in entirely different games. They are both exceedingly good in their respective games, but only handle vaguely similar to each other.

DO NOT, make threads like this. They are pointless trash.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2008
Well actually, they aren't totally pointless.
I commit myself to learn everything i can about Brawl, and where else will I get opinions and opinionated facts?
Certainly not from my own mind.
Because people don't always think alike.

and I don't see "moderater" under your name, so you can't really decide what i can and can't post.
What you CAN decide, however, is wether or not you want to reply to "pointless trash."
Obviously you need to re-assess your decision-making.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2008
Give it 7 years for Brawl to catch up to modern day Melee and I think we'll be having a different conversation.

I mean...Who would have thought that the Brawl Falco of a couple months would lose to YEARS of Melee training? Our metagame isn't anywhere near advanced enough to even begin talking about something like this. We can speculate, but that's about it.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2008
Give it 7 years for Brawl to catch up to modern day Melee and I think we'll be having a different conversation.

I mean...Who would have thought that the Brawl Falco of a couple months would lose to YEARS of Melee training? Our metagame isn't anywhere near advanced enough to even begin talking about something like this. We can speculate, but that's about it.
that's true. Melee has years of metagame on Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2007
I personally prefer brawl Falco. I think he's been upgraded almost all around. His f-smash is different, but its still awesome, they boosted the power of his u-smash and uair. At first i hated his new shine, but compared to fox and wolf's I actually like it the best now. his lasers got nerfed for sure, but theyre still amazingly useful. His recovery is twice as good now. he has decent priority overall. and his dair is still godly. be thankful they didn't give it a delay like SSB ness --> Melee Ness.

Granted I main Falco in brawl, and hardly used him at all in melee, i certainly know what he's capable of in melee. However, that said, I like the way he handles in brawl better.

There's plenty of other aspects of his character I could touch on but I'm not writing a falco guide here lol.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2008
Las Vegas
Yes Falco has been changed a lot. Its noticeable to those of us who seen/used Falco in melee.

(Quick Comparison)

Melee Falco:
-Waveshine (which = Forward and Bombsoldier ***** you with 0-death combos)
-Non-sweetspot(or at least bigger window to spike) Dair Spike
-Fast Faller
-Sex Kick Nair
-Short Recoveries

Brawl Falco:
-...kicks Shine? (its still good but lags too much)
-Sweetspot Dair Spike
-4 hit Spin Nair
-Longer Phantasm (but shorter FireBird like in Melee)

Theres more I missed but these are the big things.

But as stated many times, Melee in Brawl are 2 different games that were built around different things so its basically like 2 completely different games.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
Yes Falco has been changed a lot. Its noticeable to those of us who seen/used Falco in melee.

(Quick Comparison)

Melee Falco:
-Waveshine (which = Forward and Bombsoldier ***** you with 0-death combos)
-Non-sweetspot(or at least bigger window to spike) Dair Spike
-Fast Faller
-Sex Kick Nair
-Short Recoveries

Brawl Falco:
-...kicks Shine? (its still good but lags too much)
-Sweetspot Dair Spike
-4 hit Spin Nair
-Longer Phantasm (but shorter FireBird like in Melee)

Theres more I missed but these are the big things.

But as stated many times, Melee in Brawl are 2 different games that were built around different things so its basically like 2 completely different games.
you forgot his amazing CG that the new falco has.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 2, 2006
western pa
It was a BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD BAD thing!!!!!! I cant say the word "BAD" enough this very moment! In Melee, Falco was a ****ING GOD!!!! Now, he cant Fast Fall, Short Hop, or Piller! His Shine SUCKS! And also his Spike SUCKS! He is NOWHERE NEAR as good as he was in Melee! Not even close! I can't stress this enough!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS: Anybody who thinks otherwise is a ****ING ******!
He can fast fall.
He can short hop.
His shine is better, IMO.
His spike was nerfed.

Personally, I'm glad he's not AS good. I don't like using a character anybody can be good at.
Falco wasn't the only person to lose things, the majority of the melee cast lost something. There are just new things for them.

Call me a ******, but I like the change. Falco doesn't rely on the pillar or spike anymore. It's refreshing.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2008
Jersey City, New Jersey; Cornell at Ithaca, New Yo
People talk about falco not being able to sweet spot or pillar and this and that. Face it brawl is new. If you don't like falco in brawl don't play with him. I personally am willing to learn his new mechanics and get accustomed to him. Falco is now an independent character and not a fox copy. He can combo and if you complain about his spikes, shine spike, etc then adapt. As other's said before me brawl is now about tactics. Get used to it...unless you were one of those noobs who could only washdash. Instead of complaining about the changes, work on your game with falco


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2008
Jersey City, New Jersey; Cornell at Ithaca, New Yo
Sorry for double posting. But my previous comment was not meant as an insult or a declaration of war to anyone. We just can't dwell on the past. Falco is an untapped potential in his respective niche now. So lets stop reminiscing and make him the beast he used to be!


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2008
People talk about falco not being able to sweet spot or pillar and this and that. Face it brawl is new. If you don't like falco in brawl don't play with him. I personally am willing to learn his new mechanics and get accustomed to him. Falco is now an independent character and not a fox copy. He can combo and if you complain about his spikes, shine spike, etc then adapt. As other's said before me brawl is now about tactics. Get used to it...unless you were one of those noobs who could only washdash. Instead of complaining about the changes, work on your game with falco
I completely agree with you. Brawl is a totally different game, and now Falco is a totally different character, and if that dissapoints anyone, just learn how to adapt.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
People talk about falco not being able to sweet spot or pillar and this and that. Face it brawl is new. If you don't like falco in brawl don't play with him. I personally am willing to learn his new mechanics and get accustomed to him. Falco is now an independent character and not a fox copy. He can combo and if you complain about his spikes, shine spike, etc then adapt. As other's said before me brawl is now about tactics. Get used to it...unless you were one of those noobs who could only washdash. Instead of complaining about the changes, work on your game with falco
I agree, and u guys have it easy. Sheik, jiggly, and C. Falcon GOT NERFED. and besides, we have a char who we can call our own (not a fox clone), unorthodox shine, Chain-grab, and the unreliable but still ownage LAZAH LOCK! Besides, I don't want to play as the char that everyone has memorized, it's just not my style. So I herald the new Falco, with all his nerfs, and slight buffs.
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