Smash Apprentice
has any one else realized this?
well obviously the R-button has 2 buttons, you can disable the first R button (hardshield) by holding int he button while your plugging in your controller.
has any one tried disabling there R button or L witch ever they use to wave dash to imrpove their speed on the ground?
you can dash out of your wavedash just a tad quicker because the game dosent register the second half of the R or L button as your letting go of the button for a WD (witchever to WD).
typically a charachter spends time in shield as your letting go of your R or L button, but if you disable half of the button you can dash our of your WD quicker than if the button is entirely enabled.
Ive been spending some time experimenting with this and it seems to have made a major difference in my speed with marth, when it comes to WD dash dancing on the ground.
well obviously the R-button has 2 buttons, you can disable the first R button (hardshield) by holding int he button while your plugging in your controller.
has any one tried disabling there R button or L witch ever they use to wave dash to imrpove their speed on the ground?
you can dash out of your wavedash just a tad quicker because the game dosent register the second half of the R or L button as your letting go of the button for a WD (witchever to WD).
typically a charachter spends time in shield as your letting go of your R or L button, but if you disable half of the button you can dash our of your WD quicker than if the button is entirely enabled.
Ive been spending some time experimenting with this and it seems to have made a major difference in my speed with marth, when it comes to WD dash dancing on the ground.