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Directionality Confirmation


Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2008
I live on P.E.I. Never heard of it? It's in Canada
I'm just writing this thread because I'm insecure about my personal knowledge. : )

It's about which direction each of Mario's attacks send the enemy after it hits.

I mainly wrote this so you can correct me if ANY information below is incorrect. PLEASE TELL ME IF I'M WRONG!!

F-Air - When the fist comes down, it's a spike downward. Before that it sends them horizontally away from Mario. Near the end of the downward spike, there's a frame of horizontal knockback behind him.

D-Air - The beginning of the attack wants to suck them towards Mario, and the last part (7% dmg part) sends them flying upwards, left or right of Mario.

B-Air - This attack sends them horizontally away in the opposite direction, as if he were kicking them away. D'oh?

U-Air - The beginning of this attack sends them upwards, but near the end it hits them more horizontally, because his legs are descending again. (It's a bicycle kick. Imagine it and use some logic.)

N-Air - This attack just hits the enemy away from Mario, either in the direction Mario was going in the air or the direction the enemy was going.

F-Smash - It sends them flying away, horizontally and a bit upward.

D-Smash - It acts a lot like F smash, but if you hit the enemy behind you with it it does has a lot less knockback/damage.

U-Smash - It sends them speeding upward.

F-Tilt - This sends them staggering back horizontally. Not fantastic knockback; use for spacing.

U-Tilt - Has the same trajectory as U Smash, but with less power and knockback. Possibly Mario's best juggling move.

D-Tilt - This attack sends them upward. I think it might trip them if they're running at you.

Regular Attack - Well, the first two hits really don't have knockback, but his third hit, a kick, sends them about as far as his F Tilt.

Down B (F.L.U.D.D.) - This move is used only for knockback, and it's pretty d*mn good for it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. (And, as ??????? is quick to tell people, it's got a "tipper" - a sort of sweet spot on the tip of the enemy's head that sends them much further than hitting them, say, in the stomach.)

Up B - This attack sends them around 45 degrees into the air in front of Mario if you hit with the whole attack. If you only snag them with one of the 1% damage parts, it only knocks them away a bit.

Side B - This attack reverses the enemy's direction as well as provides a small amount of knockback. (I think that's because reversing them isn't good enough to prevent the auto ledge grabbing, but I'm not complaining.)

Neutral B - The fireball has little more than a bit of hitstun (which I'm told doesn't exist in Brawl. Bullsh*t.).

Final Smash - This attack actually sends the enemy upward a bit - that's why it catches them. It hits them continually as it heads towards the edge of the stage. So try to catch the enemy with the bottom of this attack.

Again, tell me if you disagree with any of this information/if I forgot anything. Thanks!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
Mario's Up B can send him between 0 degrees (Straight up) and about 45 degrees. Knockback trajectory is completely based on what hits hit your opponent (Each hit seems to have different knockback properties) but is usually seems about 45 degrees.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
The last hit of the Dair sends opponents up by default but it gives a lot frames for your opponent to DI.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
Fair has a small hitbox behind it near the end after the fist has come down (As Mario's fist comes down it swings behind him slightly and gives some horizontal knockback from behind).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
Fsmash's sweetspot deals about ten percent more damage (Not literally 10% damage) with about ten percent more knockback.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
Uair is bicycle kick that hits behind him as he kicks behind him (I think that's what you were saying but it didn't seem completely clear).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
Oh you're right, sorry about that, I thought I edited all those into one post...I'll be more careful next time.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Orlando, Sarasota, Tampa (FL)
Im pretty sure that a small portion of the hitbox for his b-air has knockback in an opposite direction as opposed the majority of it, though its been a bit since I picked up Mario so I might be wrong.
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