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Digital Camera to COmputer Footage file help


Smash Cadet
Jun 17, 2006
I live in Springfield, MO, with no smashing buddie
I am tyring to record footage from my digital camera to my computer.

I get the first step which is record it then I get the cord to download form camera to computer and everything si going well and thne it shows and asks what type of software i want to use. Well we chose the one that makes the file a LCB file which was a window media player or something. Is there somewthing else that I need to choose or do i need a specfic software to download camera to computer? I don't have a capture card so i can't just play it straight into the computer.

If you don't know what I am talking about then just explain a breif step by step process that mabey could help me.

Thanks A Bunches for any help. ;)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2007
No...No X(.

Okay. First things first.

1.) Is this for Smash Bros videos? When you videotape a TV, it's UGLY. Please please please just invest in a DVD-recorder like one of these.

2.) LCB...LCB has nothing to do with media. I don't know what you're talking about. Do you mean VLC?

3.) Is it a digital camera, like you said? Or a camCORDER? If the latter, use a Firewire cord, not USB.

4.) Try doing this (assuming you have Windows XP):

Start>My Computer>[Camera name drive]>Cut and paste the footage to My Documents.

That way there's no software involved, but you get the job done fast.

Could you possibly give a better explanation?


Smash Cadet
Jun 17, 2006
I live in Springfield, MO, with no smashing buddie
I can't invest in one of those because I am still in school and dont' amke that muhc money quite yet lol.
And on the camera the footage of the match i played looked alright and too bad,

well alright, i reocred it then plugged it in to the computer with a USP cord then it asked what type of wizard i wanted to use to download it and I chose the one that you that is made for ownloading because the rest said something like Microft Word or something that doesn't involve cameras and then the computer couldn't find the file so i couldn't download it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2007
I can't invest in one of those because I am still in school and dont' amke that muhc money quite yet lol.
And on the camera the footage of the match i played looked alright and too bad,

well alright, i reocred it then plugged it in to the computer with a USP cord then it asked what type of wizard i wanted to use to download it and I chose the one that you that is made for ownloading because the rest said something like Microft Word or something that doesn't involve cameras and then the computer couldn't find the file so i couldn't download it.
Try the My Computer thing. (See my previous post.)

And almost everyone on SWF is still in school. Use birthday money. Get one as a holiday present. Somehow, get one. Besides, you can record TV shows and movie's with'em too :D.


Smash Cadet
Jun 17, 2006
I live in Springfield, MO, with no smashing buddie
alright i did the ocmputer thing and the ifle for the video i recored is a .ABK file which my computer doens't understand, what software do i need and i think i can do it and thanks for helping me also

EDIT::I belive it is a .ABK file because it is a backup file which i just now figured out, so i am guessing there is a software that i need for it to be donwloaded


Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2007
Eh...What kind of camera are you using? Can you provide a link to the manufacturer or product?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 11, 2007
Hm...Are you sure you're doing My computer> camera drive> files correctly?
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