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Diddy AT's?


Smash Rookie
Jun 15, 2008
Woodbridge, Northern Virginia
Hey i main diddy and play him in tourneys and what not. i would consider myself to be a decent diddy player. But i'm wondering what kind of AT's diddy has that are really beneficial to him?

I've got his short hops and bairs and fairs and dairs (not really AT's but whatever) down easy, as well as glide tossing down to muscle memory and i make really good use of it. I also use the diddy hump to edgeguard and finish people while recovering. I also use stutter stepping when i smash.

But is there any other AT's or tactics specifically beneficial to diddy that i need to learn or make use of?



Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Okay, so it sounds like you've got the ATs down pat. Past Glide Tossing, there's not much AT-wise you should worry about (for now). It's merely up to you to begin developing these skills. Knowing how to glide toss is all well and good, but you also need to know how best to maximise this AT.

I suggest watching some youtube videos of Nanerz and AlphaZealot playing Diddy Kong, these will show you advanced Diddy tech put into practice. Things like spacing, spiking, knowing what to do at what percents, this might be what you need to figure out now.

Practice, practice, practice.

Record your matches and analyze them. Figure out for yourself what is letting you down and decide how you will improve it. (Or post about it here). The most important thing is that you have the right mindset. You know you can always get better.

The two cents I can offer is that you also shouldn't neglect your other edgeguarding methods, intercept with the bananas, Fair and especially the Dair.

And congrats on making your first post.
Welcome to the best character in Brawl.


Smash Cadet
May 29, 2008
ye i didnt seen any complete diddy player, alot of ppl play like naner style, some minority ppl play whit just combos, and almost anyone play whit the combination of this 2, i trying to do that, have the choice of play whit 0, 1 or 2 bananas whit the same level , that gona be the best diddy the 1 which can take the right fight mode, even learn the barrels atack can be a nice diferiece betwen diddys but i think it are to unreal for learn it right now, maybe later, try to do new combos, new grabs, try to make
"Ur Style of Game"
not others 1 ;), i are doing that, and i already have it, hope u can find ur style too.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
What Yanki is trying so eloquently to put across to you is that you should also:
try to make "Ur Style of Game"
And it's true.

Play Diddy however you feel you want to. And when that becomes insufficient, rework it. Which is what you're doing now, reworking your playstyle.
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